The Palace Beast

Chapter 91 – Attackers From?

Sounds saturated the forest around them insects buzzed, frogs yelped, birds shrieked, mammals scuttled, and bats clicked. Even the trees seemed to pulsate with sound, as the din ricocheted off the high canopy and cascaded back to earth on a tidal wave of noise. John and Bonnie were seated around the campfire as they cared less about the screeching owls and even hungry hedgehogs. The spooky nighttime sounds were nothing they should worry about after they escaped the angry villagers of Zaxson. All they needed now was to rest and continue with their journey when the sun rose.

John stared at Bonnie and then asked sternly, "So what now?"

"We will continue to my late father's fortified city. Just lie down and rest your muscles."


Hours later, the day dawned crisp and clear. John rubbed his bleary eyes and then stretched himself with yawning. He turned to where Bonnie was lying to greet her. To his greatest surprise, she was nowhere to be found.

He quickly jumped to his feet and yelled out her name. "Bonnie!" "Bonnie!"

"Where the hell did she go?" "Bonnie!"

He started making his way towards the pathway that leads to a cobbled road. The disturbing thing about this is that the horses they escaped with were still tied to a tree. As he was getting close to the pathway, he noticed a movement behind him. He swirled.

Before him, stood one of the hefty men from the Zaxson village that locked up the werewolf. The man was bearing a shield and a crossbow. Without saying a word, he pointed the crossbow towards John.

"You don't wanna do this, friend," John flashed a fake smile as he began to drawback at the same time calculating his move to know when to strike. He was waiting patiently for the man to fire his first shot. He knew quite well he won't be harmed because of the power he posses but most importantly, he doesn't want to throw the first punch. "Drop the goddamn crossbow and tell me where in the hell you took my friend."

Ignoring John, the man pulled the trigger on John. As the arrow was getting close towards John, with a wave of the hand, he blasted the arrow away.

The man never backed down as he continued firing more shots at him and John continued blasting them away until the man ran out of arrows.

He slowly drops the crossbow and draws out his sword. "Let's see how you get to escape my sword!" roared the man.

Before he could get close to John, John stretched out his hand, and mysteriously his wand appeared. With the wand, he blasted the man towards the tree where the horses were tied. He slowly makes his way towards the man.

As he was closing in on the man, he was ambushed by Zaxson guards; they cast an iron net on him to weigh him down. As the iron net touches his skin, his skin started to sound like sizzling meat, and smoke started coming out of his skin. He let out a loud cry of terror as he tries to free himself from the net that was hauled upon him.

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'What is happening to me?' He has no idea of what's going on with him as his skin gets burnt like that of a person escaping from the scorching heat of the furnace. Could this be what the witches pass through? What type of iron net is this? This has been the only way witches are captured in the past and having possessing the power of an ancient witch, he feels what any witch could feel. He struggles for his life but no one was there to help him. He has to figure out something real quick or he watches the people he rescued slaughter him. He doesn't want to die in this strange land without getting answers on how he got here or even having the privileged to return home.

As the guards surrounded him with their swords drawn out, John realized he was never going to be spared unless he does something to save himself. His wand was still in his hands. With the wand, he touched the iron net. There came a blue light that shun out from the wand and blasted the iron net away. He became free from the iron net. The guards threw away their swords on seeing this and began to flee from his presence. The hefty man never wanted to run with others as he boldly approaches John with his sword. "Is either you die or I die trying to kill you."

"Be my guest," said John as he positioned the wand in his hand.

As the man charges towards him, he shot him with a lightning blast from his wand that he was blasted through the trees.

Making his way towards him to finish him off, a voice echoed from his behind, "One more step, and I stake her through the heart!"

John turned to see who it was. He saw Bonnie being held at the mercy of angrily Zaxson villagers. They were about twelve in number. The one whose voice John heard was holding a wooden stake close to Bonnie's heart. John glances at the twelve of them and opens up to speak. "Why are you doing this? We saved you people from the Orcs."

"And then you took our chief from us by turning him into a filthy vampire like her."

The one holding the wooden stake against Bonnie's heart dared John not to come closer but to walk away and he will live.

"I wasn't brought up to abandon my friends. I won't start now."

"Then you leave me with no choice but to kill her."

As the man was about to push the wooden stake into Bonnie's heart, John disappeared from their presence. The twelve Zaxson villagers break out into pearls of laughter and hauled insult at John for deserting his vampire companion.

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