The Palace Beast

Chapter 79 - The Conquest

It was not an easy decision for Bonnie to make, but she had to. It's in her blood, love. And perhaps that's the reason why Aphrodite heard the prayers of Andrew easily from the halls of the dead in Olympus.

Bonnie denied Aphrodite's offer and after she has left with her son Eros, Bonnie rushed to the main palace to meet with her brother and inform him of what has happened.

King Afa was seated close to the labyrinths of the palace. He was thinking of the next step to take in keeping his kingdom safe from the wrath of the gods who wage war against themselves and Ambrogio and his creatures who were seriously advancing against the other kingdoms.

His quiet moments were interrupted by Bonnie who rushed in on him. "Brother!" she calls out. "Mother is gone. Drew escaped the dungeon and took her with him."

"How did this happen?" King Afa asked as he quickly stood to his feet.

This is the last news he wanted to hear now. He has a lot bothering him and now his prisoners have escaped.

"I was about..."

Bonnie's words were pushed back by a voice that spoke from the labyrinths. "You shouldn't be worried about your escaped prisoners but about the fate of your kingdom. Everyone is in danger, including the gods."

The voice spoke in a calm way but has authority. King Afa and Bonnie turned and face the labyrinths. Fear gripped them as king Afa spoke in a quivering voice. "Who is there? Show yourself now!"

"I'm not your enemy." The voice spoke again.

"Then show yourself."

King Afa at this time draws out his sword that was strapped around his waist. He was still terrified but didn't let fear take hold of him.

A flash of bright light shone out from the labyrinth and out of the light emerge a tall-looking woman with a long flowing white gown. "As I said, I'm not your enemy." She glances at the king and Bonnie.

There were filled with fear as they both began to draw back slowly. "I'm not here to harm either of you. My name is Ariadne and I'm the goddess of labyrinths.

Ariadne was a princess of Crete. She was the daughter of King Minos and his Queen, Pasiphae. She is most commonly known for helping the Greek demigod hero Theseus get through the Labyrinth in Greece. She became the wife of the god Dionysus after Theseus abandoned her.

"Why are all the gods showing up in my palace lately?"

"Haven't you heard oh king, there is a war going on amongst the gods as we speak and no mortal is safe, including us the gods?"

"This has nothing to do with us." Bonnie wasn't happy that the gods are now bringing the war into the human world even though they have nothing to do with it.

"Why are you here aren't you supposed to be fighting the war with the rest of the gods and goddesses?"

"Oh king of Maxis, I'm not a fighting goddess but the goddess of labyrinths. I can only defend myself when the needs arise. But as for you, you need to think of a way to keep your kingdom safe.” "I'm short of ideas." The king slowly puts his head down in shame. As a king, his decisions matter, and now is the time to make such decisions and not to sit back and watch the kingdom destroyed. Bonnie glances at Ariadne. "Please can you help us? Is there anything you can do?"

"There's nothing I can do to help."

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"I can help if only you can ask me to," said a voice from labyrinths.

They turned to see who it was. They saw a young man walking out from the labyrinth. He was good-looking in appearance and was armed with a sword. "No, this can't be!" Ariadne cried out on seeing him.

"Who is he?" Bonnie asked with curiosity.

"He's Theseus. He's a demigod and a son of Poseidon. He betrayed my love for him many years ago.'


Ariadne approaches him with a frowned face. She grabbed him by the neck and pushed him to the pavement. "What have you been doing in my labyrinths?" "I'm not here to fight you or cause any trouble. Zeus sends me here because Minotaur escaped from the underworld during the invasion of the Egyptian gods."

"You shouldn't be here. Just go back to where ever it is you are coming from." Ariadne unhands Theseus, although she wanted to strangle him.

After what Theseus did to Ariadne, instead of love, she hated him and never wanted to set her eyes on him ever again.

When Aegeus found out Aethra was pregnant, he returned to Athens. He met up with Medea, who had fled Corinth after she had killed Jason's wife.

King Afa heard Theseus say, 'Zeus has sent me to kill the Minotaur,' he then approaches Theseus. "I can see you are a vigorous demigod and I could use your help. The gods have made our dwelling their battlefield and Ambrogio and his monsters will soon take hold of my kingdom. I ask for your help."

"First, I have to find the Minotaur and kill it again, then I can help you keep your kingdom safe from Ambrogio."

The princess makes her way to Theseus. She has been meaning to ask him 'who or what Minotaur is.' She stares at Theseus and then boldly asked, "Tell us about Minotaur."

"Minotaur was the creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man. He is one of the greatest known monsters, known as the bull of Minos."

The Minotaur was born of a human, Pasiphae, and a white bull. Poseidon sent the white bull to King Minos for him to sacrifice in his honor, but King Minos did not sacrifice the bull because he saw that the bull had the most beautiful fur that he has ever seen and let the bull live.


When Theseus saw Him, he fell at his feet as though dead.

"Who is he?" Bonnie asked glancing at King Afa.

"I have no idea."

Ariadne on seeing the Man fled from His presence as He approaches Bonnie and King Afa. Then he placed his right hand on Bonnie and His left hand on King Afa and said: "Do not be afraid. I hold the keys of death and hell." "I still do not get it. Who are you?" Bonnie enquired with curiosity.

"I am Jah. I have heard the prayer of Adrian and his wife; I have come to save the entire land of Maxis and its neighboring kingdoms from the creatures of the dark. This night I will pass through and strike down every creature that stalks in the dark, and I will bring judgment on all the gods."

King Afa and Bonnie's trifling fears were eventually dispersed by the sweet comfort that came out from the Jah's mouth.

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