The Palace Beast

Chapter 25 - The Envoy

"Long live the king!" Kay enchants as she makes her way to the king. In reverence, she knees before the king and slightly lowered her head. "May you live long my king," she added.

King Charles was pleased with her actions as he slowly walked down the stairs that leads to his throne. "You may rise," he said standing in front of Kay. "I heard you came bearing news for me," King Charles said putting up a weird smile, and then he giggles.

Kingdom of Maxis "Come on brother, you can't do this to her?" Bonnie said as she barged into the king's chamber and slammed shut the door.

"I told you I don't want you to get involved in my love affairs. Why are you kicking against my decision to appoint Eva as my adviser? Is not as if I appointed her as the new Queen," King Afa replied as he removes his crown and places it on the side table next to his bed.

Bonnie has been arguing with the king about his decisions lately. She never liked Eva replacing her friend Kay. She tried convincing the king to change his mind about Eva and her new appointment as the king's Adviser. "Kay still loves you." "Don't speak for her. With her actions over the days, it says otherwise. She made me change my mind completely about her and someone like her will be a thorn to this kingdom."

King Afa moved towards his bed and sat on it. He has been keeping an eye on Kay for the past few days but Kay has been acting up as if nothing happened only to attempt posing Eva. She was caught by the chief maiden when she attempted adding a substance to Eva's meal. Although Bonnie is not aware of it, she still thinks her friend is the same friend she used to know.

"I don't want you to talk about this, please, and I forbid you to speak of her to me ever again. I just want to forget the fact she attempted to poison Eva. I have forgiven her but I can't have her to be around me or I will end up dead like our father."

Princess Bonnie's heart skipped on hearing her friend attempted to poison Eva.' She never wanted to pressurize her brother again concerning Kay. She could remember Kay sought her permission to kill Eva but she denied granting such permission with her power.

"Alright brother, as it pleases you, my king, I will leave you to rest now."

The Next Morning The wind is whipping through the trees, creaking and groaning through the trees like an old rocking chair. The king's envoys are set and ready to ride to the respective kingdoms assigned to them by King Afa. They are about three envoys and the first envoy was sent to the Kingdom Wessex, the second to the Kingdom Uzex, and the third to the Kingdom of Kez. Each envoy has three guards.

The first guard led the Oxcart riding on the horseback with his spear in his hand and sword strap around his waist while the other two guards ride by the side of the Oxcart. Each bearing a spear and their swords strap around their waist. Riding towards the woods, the sound of nature greeted them. The chirping birds, wind whispering in the leaves, branches creaking, squirrels chattering as each envoy turned in their direction and headed straight to their assigned kingdom. The envoy sent to the kingdom of Kez got close to a mountainside when arrows rained down on them killing all the guards. The noble on the Oxcart quickly jumped down the Oxcart. Picking the sword of the guard riding at the left-hand side of the Oxcart, he quickly ran backward.

Two unknown men bearing spears jumped into the horses at the foot of the mountain and went after the noble. "Oh no!" the noble cried out. As the two horses had him surrounded he started waving his sword, "Stay away, or King Afa will have your head on a platter," he threatened still waving the sword.

"He is welcome to try," said one of the men as he speared the noble.

Kingdom of Uzex The envoy sent to the kingdom of Uzex was sighted by the guards on the watchtower. Seeing the flag of the Kingdom of Maxis attached to the Oxcart, he was able to recognize they came from Maxis. "Riders approaching!" he yelled. Hastily the rest of the guards positioned themselves by the gate as the one on the tower fixes his eyes on the envoy.

"State your business!" the guard yelled from the tower as the cart halted in front of the gate of Uzex.

"We are here for King Afa's official business and we need to see your Queen," the guard leading the Oxcart replied.

The Kingdom of Uzex is being ruled by a Queen and her name is Eve. Her husband had died last winter from the wound afflicted to him by King Charles of Wex kingdom during their rival. The late King of Uzex has no son to succeed him. With the approval of the king's nobles, Eve was made Queen, to succeed her husband.

The guard on the watchtower instructed that the gate should be open for Kings Afa's envoy. "You are welcome to the Kingdom of Uzex and I must inform the Queen at once," said the chief guards.

"Thank you," the first guard from Maxis replied.

Down the Road of the Kingdom of Kez The envoy sent to the Kingdom of Kex was already getting close to the Kingdom of Kex when swordsmen lunged at them from the trees and slaughtered them all. They plundered on their silver and gold that would have served as a gift to the King of Kez. "Burn the Oxcart," said one of the swordsmen. "We will take the horse with us," he added.

Kingdom of Maxis As Princess Bonnie was standing next to her window staring around across the entire palace. She saw the gate being opened. With her focus on the gate, she saw her friend Kay riding in. "Where has she been?" She hurried down to meet with Kay. "Where have you been? We have been looking for you?" said Bonnie as she approaches Kay from behind.

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Kay climbs down her horse as she steadies the horse. She slowly turned to face the princess, "I went to see a friend," she replied.

The princess didn't want to engage with her with what her brother told her about her attempt to kill Eva. She said to herself on her way to meet Kay, 'I will still confront her someday about her actions against Eva's life.' Bonnie expresses her concern and spoke in a soothing voice. "You know it's not safe out there. You have to stay inside these walls for safety."

Kay sighed and as she turned to walk out on the princess, she said angrily, "Save that for your brother the king."

Kingdom of Wex "My king," said Leo as he approaches King Charles. Taking a low bow before the king, he said, "It's done!"

"Very well Leo, you have shown commitment to the cause and you shall be greatly rewarded," King Charles expressed joy.

"We couldn't do anything concerning the Kingdom of Uzex because the Queen is no friend of yours because of what you did to her husband," Leo said.

King Charles has killed for power, he has betrayed even friends and family for his lust for power. Their neighboring kingdoms live in fear of him except the kingdom of Maxis. Many knights, princes, and nobles have fallen to his sword. "The Kingdom of Uzex will do us no good, we have Wessex and Kez," said King Gilbertcus.

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