The Palace Beast

Chapter 130 - Keep Maxis Safe

John continued shooting immensely powerful beams of concentrated electricity and lightning at the gods. This can be called an offensive power as it's been triggered by anger. The Elders indeed used this power to vanquish magical beings imposing threat in the second heaven before the attack of Neena.

The gods have never encountered such an attack from the mortals especially now they want to take over the entire No Man's Land and make it their dwelling since Neena forced them to leave the sky by causing havoc in the sky when she attacked the second heaven.

"Should we retreat?" Ares glances at Zeus.

"We have been in existence before time and we will not retreat from this filthy mortal."

Zeus is not happy seeing the destruction John has caused. The casualties are nothing compared to what they have encountered from Neena. This is the very first time, a mortal is killing gods. The gods are dying and Zeus didn't want to retreat. He wants to show he has been in charge and no one messes with him.

Only the one that possesses the power of the All with a good heart can use the power of the All to kill any being including a god. Unlike Neena that has had the All, she has never accomplished what John has accomplished with the power of the All. She chose to design separate weapons that can kill the gods, rather than using the power of the All.

Most of the gods are deserting Zeus and Ares as John continued shooting the beams of concentrated electricity and lightning. Any god hit with it melts like wax.

When the gods left the sky, they are certain powers they lost although they are still immortal and powerful. But their powers do not fully work in the land of the mortals except for Zeus who is the king of the gods and a few other gods. Zeus tore his robe and his eyes were covered with flashes of lightning. He cast his gaze at the castle and then stretches his hand for his scepter. When his scepter appeared in his hand he raised his arm and spins the scepter incredibly fast and hurls it into the air allowing him to be pulled into flight.

His entire body was covered with flashes of lightning. He started shooting thunderbolts at the castle. As he was about to land on the castle with a great storm of lightning, John blocked him away with an energy barrier known as 'Force Field.' Force Fields are magical barriers used to protect one from physical and magical attacks. The ability to create force fields is often referred to as 'Shielding.' This power is very rare and is only possessed by a few Elders and magical beings, who can be either good or evil.

Force fields can be shaped into various forms, though a sphere or bubble is the most common. They can shield the user from both physical and magical attacks. They can either deflect a magical attack back to the enemy or absorb and neutralize the magic. They can also be used to capture and contain an individual or seal off a room or area. While force fields are meant to protect, they can also be used to capture someone.

The force field stroke Zeus with a hit of electricity and lightning and blasted him away while creating a form of shield for the castle.

John also electrified the force field. This type of force field can electrocute individuals, shocking them and throwing them back. Some of the force fields are often invisible unless touched, at which point they zap those in contact with it. It can also be used to seal entrances, preventing enemies from entering. However, John chose to make his visible to all so that they can see and tremble in fear in case they have any plans in the future to attack Maxis.

Zeus picked himself up and seeing that the entire castle is now shielded with the force field he roared, "No!"

He started shooting more thunderbolts but the force field shielded it away from hitting the castle. The strength of a force field is dependent on the strength and willpower of the user. While seemingly indestructible, force fields can be broken through by several means. There's no way John will let that happen, not on his watch.

The guards and knights of Maxis gave a sigh of relief seeing the shielding power of John. They all cheered and praised him for his boldness and agility in keeping them safe.

"Do not celebrate me, the battle is not yet over until all these gods are slaughtered or sent back to the sky," roared John from the battlement.

"What do you have in mind, my Lord?" asked one of the guards as he approaches John.

"They have not come to realize how they can defeat me. After all, they can't fight what they can't see." John grinned with a glance at the guard and immediately became unseen from the naked eyes of the guard.

Not only can he disappear, but he can also now use his ability to make himself unable to be seen by other people or beings while still in their midst. This is another ability the Elder unlocked in him. Having the power of the All in him makes him more powerful than most gods. However, this Bonnie was hidden from him by Neena. She has said to herself, 'If he knows how powerful he has become with my powers in him, then he will turn against me and consume me.' For this reason, she did not unlock certain abilities in him which can be used by anyone having the power of the All in them.

The guard was startled that he almost let out a loud cry of fear but John who has become invisible grabbed him from behind and then shut his mouth with his hand and whispered to him, "Be calm, I don't want the gods to see what I have in store for them."

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