The Pact: Rebels of Ridgecrest High (Book 1)

The Pact: Chapter 23

Mila steps out from Jace’s car—what the fuck? She smiles as she swings her bag over her shoulder, and he comes up to stand close beside her. They’re talking. They laugh, and I feel like I’ve been lied to. Deceived by the person I’ve called my best friend for ten years.

I spent yesterday with my dad and mom. They argued and fought like always. But yesterday, I spoke up. I told them to get a divorce already. I hate this shit between them; they aren’t happy, and neither am I. Mom cried, and Dad said I made her miserable, that it was my fault she was upset. He then left, saying he won’t be back until sometime next month, and he won’t be at my game on Friday.

He never wants to attend my games. I’m surprised he bothered to show at last Friday’s game. He told me how disappointed he was in my efforts, that I wasn’t a great football player, so I should stop wasting my time. That I need to focus on academics and not sports. Sports get you nowhere.

He doesn’t care that I enjoy it. That’s what I love about football. A little girl with pale blonde hair and a huge smile introduced me to a game that I fell in love with. I’m good at it, too, no matter what he says. I had scouts checking me out during sophomore year. I could get a scholarship and play for a college team. But Dad won’t allow that. “No son of mine is playing football in college.”

I don’t know what his problem is. Every chance he gets, he punishes me for loving football. And for being good at it.

I sit in my car, staring at where Jace and Mila had been. I can’t stop thinking of how Jace lied to me. He wants her for himself, and he’s done everything he can to keep me from her.

There’s a bang on my window, and I startle, not expecting it. Roman. I rest my head back and close my eyes. Not that he cares. He bangs his fist on the window again.

I’m in a funk and don’t want to see Mila and Jace right now. This morning, I’d been excited to see her. I was gonna ask her if she wanted to come over to my place later, after training. But now…her and Jace. I’m not ready for that.

It’s bullshit, the way Jace went on about the pact and how it still stands or she will break our friendships. Well, he has just gone and done that. He fucked me over, lied to me about Mila being with Asher Rossi, and without even blinking, he takes her from us. Roman deserves a fair chance at her too. After that kiss… How can I compete with a kiss like that?

I get out and Roman takes a step back. His knuckles are all cut up and there’s a bruise on his cheek. Shit, I didn’t know he was fighting. Did Jace? I hadn’t spoken to either of them yesterday. I was busy taking care of Mom after Dad left.

“You fought last night?”

He shrugs, like it doesn’t matter.

It does. I hate that shit. I hate all of it, but I don’t want him to lie. I’m still waiting on him to tell me about The Sons of Death MC, but I don’t see him doing that anytime soon. He’s keeping more secrets than I like, and I can’t protect him if he does that.

“We alright?” he asks as he waits for me.

I grab my bag and slam the door of my car a little too hard. “Just peachy.”

I start toward the front door of the school, but I turn when I see Roman still standing there. His eyes are on his feet, and I realize what he had asked me. “We alright,” not “are you alright.”

Fuck. I rake my hand through my short hair and let out a deep sigh. I’m not upset with Roman. I can’t take this shit with Jace out on him.

Hell, to be honest, that kiss he had with Mila—it was hot as fuck. But I wouldn’t tell him that. Never seen him kiss a girl before, but if they’re all like that, I can understand why so many of the girls at school want him.

I stride over to where he’s standing, my hand reaching out to his shoulder. I clasp it, and I feel him tense under the contact. I know he hates being touched, but I want to comfort him. He needs to listen to me.

“Sorry, I was fucked up in my own head. I didn’t hear you right. We’re alright, man. I’m not upset with you. Okay?”

He shrugs again. I don’t think he’ll believe anything I say right now. But he needs to know.

“You kissed her. And, I get it, she’s your dream girl. Hell, she’s my dream girl too. But I’m not mad at you for doing it. I would have done the same thing.”

He looks over at me and I nod. But, really, we know I wouldn’t have done that. I wouldn’t press her against a door and wrap my hand around her throat and steal a kiss. A kiss she chased after.

No, I was the dumbass standing there, staring at her body, my cock hard as a rock as her breasts strained against the fabric of her lace bra. I wanted to see the color of her nipples. I wanted to kiss and suck on them until they were hard nubs. But I didn’t move; I just stared.

“I don’t know what to do,” he mutters.

I take a step back to read his face. What does he mean? “With Mila?”

He nods.

“Well, I just saw her smiling and happy with Jace, so if you want her, you’re gonna have to fight for her. Cause the asshole isn’t playing fair right now.”

Roman shakes his head and lets out a deep sigh. “I don’t want…her,” is all he says as he storms off toward the school entrance.

I stand there, dumbfounded. He doesn’t want Mila? Then what the hell was that intense kiss all about?

I don’t have many classes with the guys, so I don’t see either of them until history. Even then, it’s not the one I want to talk to. I need to talk to Jace, but he has World History…with Mila.

Roman sits beside me. He pretends to listen to the teacher in here. He’s never been great at school, and the teachers don’t help. They see him as a dumb football player from the wrong side of the tracks who doesn’t want to learn. What they don’t know is that I taught him how to read and write. The school system let him down, and at the age of seven, I taught him something they were supposed to.

Just like he’s staring at the teacher as she drones on, I’m doing the same today. I pull my phone out—it’s hidden under the desk—and send Jace a text.

Hunter: We need to talk.

It doesn’t take long for him to reply.

Jace: I know.

I lean back in my chair, my eyes roaming around the room. When they catch on Britney, she smiles and waves. I hate the girl, I truly do. What Jace sees in her, I haven’t a clue. She’s clingy as fuck, and oh fuck…she’s with Jace. They’re still together. She probably has no idea what went down Saturday between Jace and Mila.

Hell, I don’t fully know what went down. Jace wouldn’t talk about it. But he had that look. I knew that look…I used to wear it a lot. Until Mila came back. Now the only person I want to put that look on my face is her.

Jace: Meet me at lunch.

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