The Otherside: Jay McClayn: This Is High School (Book 1)

Chapter 16

When I got to school, I met up with Alex. We talked some about normal things, trying to keep a cover to everyone else, but after school we met up to talk.

“They want to change me back. They don’t think I can handle being a vampire.” I said angered. “They don’t trust my judgment or even listen to my opinion. Why do they even bother asking me?!?” Alex kissed me out of nowhere. I guess to shut me up or something.

“Calm down your eyes are turning red. There is some danger with you being a vampire and it’s getting discovered, but a slimmer chance being attacked unlike before. You being a newborn will make things tough with the blood lust, even if it isn’t necessary to drink to live. You haven’t learned control, I understand their fear.” He said softly in my ear.

“You’re with them on this?” I said as I backed away from him. “I thought you wanted me to stay this way.” I was a little hurt on his change of side.

“No, I’m not with them, but I’m not against them. You have to see the problem from all angles to make a proper decision. Ultimately it is your decision, not mine, nor is it Jason’s or Harrison’s.” He kissed my cheek. “Let’s get you home.” He began walking and I just stood there.

“You know I love Jason, right?” He stopped in his tracks when I said that. He turned around puzzled as to why I had to say that.

“I know.” He smirked. “I know you were using me to make him jealous. I just went along with it.” I didn’t know he knew. “If you want to get back together with him when he comes back, go on ahead. I’m used to it.” his smile grew fake. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand and we began walking again.

“I do want back with him...” I paused as I thought about it. “You bit me on purpose didn’t you? You knew he would come back if you bit me!” I let go of his hand.

“Well... He already hates me. I really had nothing to lose, and I could tell you weren’t happy with me. We were together for almost two months Jay, do you realize that?” I didn’t know what to think. Should I be happy he did or mad?

“It is February isn’t it?” I asked rhetorically as I looked down, and then back up as he spoke again.

“Please don’t tell Jason or Harrison. Jason really would kill me.” He said with a sigh on the end.

“I won’t tell, and thank you. I just wish me and Jason weren’t fighting right now.”

Alex grabbed my hand. “Everything will be okay. He loves you.” We stopped talking till we reached my house. He hugged me. “I better see you tomorrow.” He said to me.

“No promises.” I laughed, knowing now that anything could happen to me between now and when I wake up.

I walked through the front door and saw Harrison watching TV. “Sorry, I snapped earlier today. I just wish you guys would trust my judgment and would let me run my own life. I have a feeling I never was able to, could I?”

Harrison turned off the TV and turned around and looked at me. “Until you are Queen, you will have no say. We need to do what is best for you right now, and staying a vampire isn’t it.”

I looked down and then back up. “Then you will have to shove it down my throat because I will not take it willingly.” I began to walk away and I felt my knees give out and my eyes slowly shut. Worst time for a memory to come up.

I was in the throne room with Harrison. “You heard your father, he has assigned you someone to look after you whether you like it or not.” He spoke sternly.

“I’m a big girl, I can handle myself. Besides you and Melanie look out for me.” I complained.

“Things are getting a little more complicated and you need better protection. It’s not that you can’t handle yourself, it’s just Mel and I aren’t always around and your dad needs me to actually be his advisor. He doesn’t want me to look after you as much and Mel... well... she is busy with teaching. You aren’t her only pupil you know.” He said refuting my complaints.

“I don’t see why I need some dumb guy to protect me. I can take...” Harrison cut in.

“You’re only ten, you are young and don’t know everything you need to know yet, your dad does and even he has people watching him all the time.”

I pouted. “I still don’t want some dumb jerk watching me all the time.”

I heard footsteps walk in. “You shouldn’t judge someone before you meet them, well again.” I turned around it was Jason, I turned back to Harrison.

“My dad assigned him to watch me! He is my age!” I protested more.

“I’m actually 3 years older than you. I look young for my age.” Jason walked closer. “I don’t enjoy it anymore than you do.” He said rudely.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I said as I turned back to Jason.

“I don’t want to be watching some stupid spoiled brat with a temper is what I mean.” I slapped him across the face.

“Don’t talk to me like that!” I yelled.

“Since it seems you two know each other already, I’m just going to leave now.” Harrison said as he walked away. I think he thought we could work it out on our own.

“Alright Harrison.” Jason said and then he bowed. “I’m sorry, your highness.” he said with anger in his voice.

“Don’t say sorry, unless you mean it mutt.” I began to walk away.

He grabbed my arm and stopped me. “Shouldn’t you be nicer to someone who saved your life?”

I refused to look him in the eye. “Do you think I really care? I told you not help and I would have been fine without you stepping in.” I ripped my arm out of his grasp and continued to walk away.

He followed me to my room and I slammed the door in his face and locked it. “Unlock the door.” I heard him say through the door. “What if something were to happen? I would not be able to get to you without breaking through the door.” He continued to go on.

“Well it looks like you have a good backup plan. Goodnight.” I said coldly.

“You are so infuriating! You better not be planning on sneaking out again!” He yelled.

I walked back to the door, I unlocked and opened it. “Happy?” I said rudely. “Now I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” I shut the door and crawled in bed.

I woke up in my bed, and sat up. How long have I known Jason? I sat up and looked at my phone it was 6PM. I got up and walked down stairs, and went into the kitchen.

“Harrison? How long have I known Jason?” I asked him, he was in the kitchen finishing up making dinner.

“How long have you known him or how long have you guys gotten along?”

I sighed. “Haha, very funny. I meant it how I asked it. I know we have gotten along probably almost 3 years?”

Harrison laughed and handed me a plate full of food. “Well I don’t know when you two met to be honest, but he was assigned to watch you. That’s been almost 5 years since then.” He paused for a moment, he grabbed a plate full of food and walked into the other room to the table and I followed him.

“It’s getting close to your birthday.” He said as if he had almost forgotten. To be honest I completely forgot about it as well.

“It is.” I looked down and then back up. “When do you think Jason will return?”

Harrison sighed. “I don’t know hon. I don’t know if he will be here for your birthday.”

I sighed. “I know the 5th is in four days.” The conversation grew quiet, there was nothing else to say, really. I missed him and wanted him here, but I also wish he would have asked my opinion before he just ran off. When we were done eating we went our separate ways.

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