The Otherside: Alice: Tough Decisions (Book 6)

Chapter 5

The day went by slowly until Duncan came over. He was coming over around four so we could hang out, have dinner together with my family and then hang out some more. But instead of hanging out watching anime like normal, I started us out with a walk around the pond so we could talk. There was silence for a long time before I could muster up the courage to tell him I knew what he was doing.

“Duncan, I asked for a walk because we need to talk.” I said a little nervous.

“What’s wrong? Is this related to you being sick last night?” he sounded concerned.

“Sort of.” I sighed. “I know...” I paused trying to get the rest of it out. ” I know you have been cheating on me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t act like you aren’t. Trey showed me with his talents.”

Duncan shook his head. “I’m sorry, let’s work this out.”

“I-I just don’t know what to do about this right now. I am hurt.” He pulled me into his chest as I began to cry. “I-I think it is best that we take a break.”

“Please don’t leave me. I can change. I can do better this time. I just need a second chance.” I pulled away. “But how can I trust you?”

“How can I trust that you haven’t been with Ace or Trey. They are your cousins but I have seen how close you are with those two. Almost like an attraction to them.”

“It’s not like that! They care about me because they are family. We are close and look out for me because they are family.”

“Have you kissed either one of them? I heard a rumor you kissed one of them on the bus at the first marching band competition.”

“You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.” He pulled me into a kiss, it almost cooled my anger off. “But I will give you another chance. We can date again, but in secret.” I said a little miffed at him.

“In secret?!” He asked almost yelling.

“Yes, I don’t want Ace or Trey to know I am giving you another chance to cheat on me! Because they are my cousins they don’t want to see me hurt again.”

“Coming from the girl who is still deciding if she is going to leave me here! If you really loved me, you would let me go!”

“If you really wanted that, then why beg me to stay?!” right after I said that he pulled me into a fiery kiss holding me close to his body. I was miffed, but the kiss felt so right.

“I will text you later. Don’t want your family to think we are still together.” he said bitterly but had a smirk.

“Okay.” I said trying to withhold emotion.

We split up from there. I was confused and upset at him, but also myself. I lied to Duncan. The truth is, like the dream there are three guys in my heart Duncan, Ace and as much as I hate to say the third one, but it is Trey. Why should Duncan trust me? I have two guys to choose from that would gladly go home with me. But do I want to go home? I walked back home slowly. I was upset deep down and it showed. I was able to hide the fact that Duncan and I were still together secretly because of this sad feeling of not knowing what to do with my life.

“Is Duncan not joining us for dinner?” Christina asked me as I came in through the front door. She was coming out of the kitchen.

“Uh, no. We are no longer together.” I said trying to not put emotion in the statement.

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk about it?”

“I-I rather not right now. I think I just need some time.”

We ate and everyone were talking but me. I think they understood it as me and Duncan were no longer together even though really it isn’t. I went straight to my room after dinner to clear my head. What Trey said to me last night rang in my head. I managed to push it out eventually. One day I will see the truth, but right now I will work on finding it one step at a time. I can’t kill myself trying to find it; well that is how I justified.

Now why was I giving Duncan a second chance. I guess it was in the heat of the moment kind of thing. I will figure out for sure if I can be with him. See how much I am willing to give up for him. But most importantly figure out if my heart lies with him.

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