The Other Side Of The Story

Chapter 11 - Let's Beat Some Slytherin

"Guys" I called for the thousand time but the twins just ignored me, again as they kept walking through the hallways dragging me behind them, they were seriously getting on my last nerve

"Guys" I snapped and this time they stopped and turned to me

"Care to explain why you kept dragging me like that?" I asked raising an eye brow at them

"Well, what we are about to tell you is Gryffindor top secret" Fred started, but George continued "and what better place to tell you than the Gryffindor common room " it was only then that I realized we were standing right outside the common rooms

"okay then , shall we" I said gesturing to the fat lady portrait and they entered with me following behind , but I was surprised when I found that the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team excluding Harry were sitting there in their uniforms and all their heads snapped in our direction once we entered

"Is this her?" a tall brown haired boy asked the twins, who I saw nod in return

"Well she looks fit for the spot, light, seems speedy" he spoke as he circled me, then turned back to the twins "does she has a good aim?"

"Absolutely" "the best" they answered

"Well then she's our best chance" why were they talking about me?!

"Well not to interrupt, but if someone can explain what the bloody hell is going on, I would really be grateful" I spoke catching the attention of everyone in the room

"You guys didn't tell her?" he spoke towards the twins

"You said to bring her quickly" they spoke together as they raised their hands in defense and the boy shook his head at them then turned back to me

"okay then ,I'm Oliver Wood the Gryffindor team captain and I would like to ask you, how would you feel about joining the Quidditch team for one game this season?" my mouth opened I surprise and for a few second I couldn't even reply

"Are you kidding me? That would be great, but how your team is full and even so you don't accept first years?" I asked puzzled

"Technically we don't have a full team, the slytherin team wanted to win so bad they decided to paly dirty and had managed to get Alicia sick, Madam Pomfrey said that she wouldn't be able to leave the hospital wing for at least a week, so now we're short by a Chaser, but the twins here told me that you are a great chaser as good as Alicia or maybe even better" he explained

"But what about the first year thing?"

"Well we made an exception for Harry; I believe we can make one for you too"

"And what about a broom I don't have one?"

"You can have Percy's, it's not as if he is planning on using it" Fred offered

"please you're our last hope , we can't let the slytherin win, not after all those months of hard training" he pleaded and I hesitated what if I wasn't good enough and I caused the team lose

"Come on little Fox" I heard Fred say as he placed his hand on my shoulder

"Let's beat some slytherin" I said as I turned back to Oliver with a smirk on my face

His face broke into a smile and I heard the rest of the team cheer around me

So here we were about an hour later standing Inside a Quidditch tower. Marching towards the starting gate. we reached it and stopped, behind a closed double door waiting for the beginning of the match ,I was right beside Harry who was surprised when he first saw that I was going to play in this match but at the same time he felt relieved seeing as he wasn't the only first year playing

"Scared, Harry?" Oliver asked probably noticing how Harry wasn't blinking

"A little bit" Harry replied while nodding

"That's all right. I felt the same way before my first game" he replied casually then turned to me "what about you Alex?"

"Not a chance" I replied confidently while a smirk was playing on my lips and I saw him smile at my sudden confident

M "What happened?" Harry asked turning to hi

"Err, I don't really remember. I took a bludgers to the head 2 minutes in. Woke up in the hospital a week later" Oliver explained turning to us and causing Harry to gulp and look straight ahead

"Really reassuring" I told him sarcastically and he chuckled as the doors opened, we mounted our brooms and zoomed out onto the enormous pitch. There was cheering from all over the place and the commentator, Lee Jordan, was talking from a tower "Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!!!"

Cheers were all over the place as we flew around the pitch and to say the least it was bloody brilliant , the rush and the energy was simply great and you could smell the adrenalin in the air

Finally the players of both teams gathered in the middle of the pitch forming a circle around Madam Hooch

"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game" Lee declares

"Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you" she says the last part as she looks at the slytherin who turn to one another innocently, then she kicked the trunk in front of her and the bludgers zoomed out

"The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game." Lee spoke as the snitch zoomed around each Seeker's head and then disappeared. Hooch grabs the Quaffle, here comes my turn

"The Quaffle is released...and the game begins!" he declares as Madam Hooch threw it in the air and Angelina caught it easily and flew past a couple of the slytherin chasers who tried to take the Quaffle from her but with no use

With that she had a clear field ahead and off she went she dodged a speeding Bludger and the goalposts are ahead, come on, now Angelina, the slytherin Keeper dives

And misses and she scores!!

"Yes!!" I yell as I make a loop in the air but stopped as I almost got hit by a Bludger

This time the slytherin chasers take possession of the Quaffle and and passes it to their captain who ducks two Bludgers sent by the twins and Katie, he also kicks Angelina away cause she tried to take the Quaffle, oh so they are still playing dirty, I speed toward him but was stopped as a Bludger came my way but thank I ducked at last minute

Meanwhile I noticed Flint dodge people and throw the Quaffle towards our hoops but Oliver appeared and whacked the ball away with his broom

He smirked at Flint and sent a wink my way and I gave him a smile and a thump up but this went unnoticed by Flint who was too busy glaring at Oliver

Angelina, KATIE and I were flying side to side passing the Quaffle back and forth as we strategize to score. I finally pass to Angelina who took it, threw and once again scored!

"Yeah" I say happily as I give her a high five, then we turn back to the game

Looked like the slytherin were pissed as they started getting messy. They dodged, kicked and tried to score but Once again, Oliver blocked it and passed it to Angelina

And before I could fly behind her, I noticed Flint grab a beaters bat from one of his teammates and whacked a Bludger right at Oliver

"Oliver, look out!!" I yell but I was too late and it hit Oliver in the stomach and he fell to the ground

I turn back to Flint with a deadly glare and if looks could kill then he would probably be six feet under by then, but he only smirked in return then flew away

I brought it to yourself I fly behind him and passed him making sure I pumped shoulders with him and whispered "you better watch out, slytherin"

The Slytherin members head off. One jumps over one of the twins and shoots for the hoop but I catch it at last second and smirked at them as I flew past them towards their hoop and easily scored

"Told you to watch out" I spoke to Flint as I flew away

"Get her" I hear him whisper to someone from behind me and I turn around to see who, but was hit by something on my head and almost fell off my broom but held to it with one hand

I tried to climb back on it but couldn't

"ahhhh" I screamed as I saw a Bludger heading my way , so I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came so I opened my eyes to see Fred who offered me his hand and helped me back on my broom

"Are you alright?" he asked clearly worried

"Yeah, but them I don't think they will be" he chuckled

"Just be careful, okay?"

"Aren't I always" I spoke with a smirk as I flew away, only to see Flint score a goal, bloody hell

He winks at me and I simply glare

Angelina takes the Quaffle and was flying smoothly towards their hoops but then she got boxed by Flint and another slytherin and they sent her into the capes covering one of the towers but not before they grab the Quaffle from her

She fell down in and was out, not her too

I headed to defend the hoops but I was too late as they already scored, good thing we are still ahead of them by a goal I turn to catch the Quaffle but my attention was caught by Harry whose broom started bucking and turning , what the bloody hell?!

Why was he doing this?!

I flew to him to help but he accidentally pushed me away and I almost lost control but regained it quickly only to see that he was knocked around and then fell, dangling by one arm from the broom

I try to get closer slowly this time and offered him my hand which he took and helped him back on "take it easy, Harry" I say and Harry nods than zoomed away and I turned around to see Flint scores again, Damn it

I flew and grab the Quaffle and me and Katie made our way towards the slytherin hoop passing the Quaffle back and forth but suddenly she was hit by a Bludger and fell to the ground and the Quaffle was grabbed from me by non-other than Flint and he flew towards our hoops with me on his trail

But he was quicker and shoots but right before tit entered the hoop I hear a whistle declaring the end of the match and lee declared "He's got the Snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!"

"Gryffindor win!" Madam Hooch shouted and a smile broke on my face

"Yay!" I yell as I heard cheering from the Gryffindor's while the slytherin were but then quickly flew towards Harry

"Great job" I called as I neared him then pulled him to a hug

"You too" he said as we pulled apart, he then looked towards the snitch in his hand and raised it into the air as he grabbed my hand and the crowd and our team, cheered

"It doesn't make any sense, why would Snape want to Hurt Harry?" I asked, as Harry, Hermione, Ron and I were walking towards the school me and harry were still in our Quidditch uniform and Ron and Hermione were telling us about how Snape was jinxing Harry's broom during the match and that was why he lost control

"Who knows? Why was he trying to get past that 3 headed dog on Halloween?" Harry exclaimed

"Think about it Alex, maybe he knew how harry saw his bloody leg, so he probably wanted to shut Harry up" Ron said

"But guy's, HE'S just a Hogwarts teacher and what's make you so sure he was the one doing it?" I defended even so I was starting to get convinced by their point of view

"Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a curse when I see one. I've read all about them. You have to keep eye contact. And Snape wasn't blinking" Hermione said

"Exactly" harry spoke and I decided to do the one thing that would give the complete truth

"Guy's I'll see you later" I said as I walked away

"Where are you going?" they called behind me

"I will go get out of this clothes, but first I need to take care of something" with that I walked away

I finally reached my destination , it didn't take me long , but I wasn't really a patient person ,if you haven't noticed

I knocked on the door and then entered not waiting for a reply

"Ms. Miller how may I help you?" Snape said as he looked up from some papers in front of him

"Well I wanted to ask you a question" I said as I neared his desk and he gestured for me to go on but his eyes didn't leave the paper in his hand

"Did you jinx Harry's broom?" I asked straight forward and his head snapped in my direction


"You heard me"

"Yes I heard you, but I can't find a good reason for you to give such an accusation" he defended raising an eye brow

" well you didn't have a problem when your house were doing everything in order to win , even if it meant hurting us , so who knows what else are you cable of?" he just looked at me as if studying me so I kept a straight face on

"Good enough reason, but that doesn't mean I jinxed MR. Potter's broom" he answered with a straight face

"Then why were your eyes fixed on him the whole time his broom was acting crazy?" I asked

"Why didn't you think that maybe I was trying to remove the curse?" he asked and it actually made sense

"Is that a no?" I asked rising an eyebrow at him

"What does it seem like?" he asked

"You're not lying I can tell when someone is lying" I said as I studied him

"good to know" he paused " if that's it , you ca… are you bleeding?" he asked frowning his eyebrows and I felt a liquid on my forehead so I brought my fingers to it then back down only to see it covered in blood ,I must have hit my head during the match probably when I turned to look at flint

"I'm fine" I said and turned to leave but before I could take another step, my vision turned fuzzy and darkness took over…

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