The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 8 (part 2)

Chapter 8 (part 2)

Dedicating this chapter to Tiger-Leopard_44. Thank you so much for following this story, for your comments and votes. I really appreaciate your support. :)


“Miss Oceana, I am grateful you have found time in your busy schedule.” Edward was all smiles as he greeted Oceana at the door.

 “I do indeed have a busy schedule, so I would appreciate if you would hurry up and get done and over with whatever it was that you wanted to say.” Oceana crisply replied. Edward led her into the study and shut the door behind her. Oceana was on her guard as he motioned for her to sit into a chair.

 “Well, Mr. Burmmington, what was it you wanted to tell me. I seem to recall you mentioning in your note that it was somehow connect with Miss Warren as well with myself.”

 “Just a moment, Miss Oceana,” Edward took a deep breath as Oceana eyed him with curiosity. “Miss Oceana, I was wondering if you would allow me to court you.”

For a couple of seconds Oceana couldn’t say anything, she just stared at Edward with wide eyes. Did he just ask if he could court her?

 “Mr. Burmmington,” she sputtered at last, “allow me to remind you that you are engaged to Elizabeth Warren, and when you called me here you made it clear that this had to do with Miss Warren and myself.”

 “Miss Oceana, I know this must be a little shocking for you, but I assure you I can explain. Ever since I first laid eyes on you, you have smitten me and try as I might, I cannot get you out of my head. If I could, I would get down on my knees and beg you to be my wife right here and now, but I know I must go about this properly. As for my engagement to Miss Warren, I have put that to an end.”

“You have what?” Oceana couldn’t believe all this was happening.

“I find that I cannot marry her. To marry is to bind yourself to a person for the rest of your life. This is a commitment I fear I cannot take, it would be unfair to Miss Warren to marry her while my heart belongs to another person. I no longer care for her and so I have freed her from what would have been a very unhappy marriage for the both of us. Trust me, Miss Oceana, that I cannot marry someone while being in love with someone else. Today I have written to Miss Warren, telling her that my feelings now lie elsewhere and releasing her from her promise to me. So you see, I am free to court you and to marry you. I am a man of comfortable means and you may not know this, but my uncle is an Earl and he has no son, so one day, if all goes well, I may inherit a title and a large sum of money. Your life would be easy and comfortable, you could travel to Europe and the East, you could do whatever you want. So, will you please allow me to court you?”

“Mr. Burmmington,” Oceana slowly stated, all the while wondering if she were perhaps in a dream, “if all the world and love were young, and truth in every barrister’s tongue.”

Edward was confused by her answer. “What is that suppose to mean, Miss Oceana?”

“That means I am trying to be polite and poetic in telling you that you are a total and utter scoundrel.” Oceana fought her best to keep her temper in check. “Never have I, in word or in deed given you the slightest encouragement to any of your advances. What put it into your mind that I would want to be courted by a jilt like yourself? You have broken with my best friend because of a fancy you felt for me? Are you even in your right mind?”

“It is not a fancy, Miss Oceana…”

“Do you even know anything about me?” Oceana cut him off. “You tell me you may inherit the title of Earl, that will put you in the spotlight of society and you would of course want a wife who will be able to bear the title with honor.”

“I know you have been vague about your past, but I assumed from your accent and manner that you are from France.”

“Mr. Burmmington, you assume far too much. Seeing as family is so important to you, I think it only fair for me to say that I have none. For half my life I lived on a boat with two smugglers, who pulled me out of a drifting boat when I was only five months old. With them I have traveled all sorts of waters and been in all sorts of vile places. I have heard more curses shouted out in one evening that you, Mr. Burmmington, have probably heard in your lifetime. When I was nearly ten I was caught by the authorities and placed in a school for orphaned girls. I ran away from the orphanage when I was eleven years old and now I live in Scotland with my adopted father and earn my living as a school teacher. I have no money, no family, nothing of which to present to society. Oh, and I probably should mention that when I am asked about my family I reply that my father was a French sailor and my mother was a mermaid. Yes, Mr. Burmmington, a real mermaid who lived in an underwater kingdom. There it is, the full truth for you to see. Now, are you sure you want to marry me?”

“No money…no family?” Edward Burmmington had turned pale.

“None whatsoever.”

“Then…then how is it that you can afford your expensive clothes and you attend all the balls and parties dressed in the latest fashion. Seeing as you are close with Miss Patterson, I was sure you were a young lady of great means.”

“Anything I have is what Miss Patterson has bought for me while I was here so I would not shame her in public. And do not think that I would hide my mermaid heritage simply because I was your wife. All of society would soon find out that Mr. Edward Burmmington, barrister and heir to the Burmmington Estate was married to a half mermaid with no family, no name and a smuggler heritage.  I was raised by criminals, Mr. Burmmington and it may come out in my behavior. What would your mother think of our match? And your father, and your uncle?” Oceana lifted an eyebrow.

Edward Burmmington found himself in a great fix. As fascinated as he was by the beauty in front of him, as much as he wanted her for his own, he could not go against the rules of society. If he was to unite himself with her, he would be thrown out as an outcast. His family would have nothing to do with him, his uncle certain would not bestow on him that which he coveted most. In his infatuation for Oceana, he hadn’t once stopped to reason with himself if breaking off with Miss Warren had been a very good idea. Miss Warren was rich and her close connection with Miss Patterson, a name everyone knew and respected, placed her strategically in society. He had been sure that Oceana was some rich, French heiress, whom Beth had met on her travels to Europe. Never once had he thought that Miss Warren could friend with a penniless school teacher from Scotland.

“I was sure you were from France…” He repeated, his voice trailing off.

“Well, I’m not. It was cruel and unwise of you to break off with Beth. And to think you did it through a note, didn’t even have the guts to do it in person. Mr. Burmmington, from the very start I didn’t like you. I hated the way your eyes lusted after me, I hated every glance you gave me, but now, now I don’t even have the words to describe you, other than to say that you are an true scoundrel and perhaps it is all the better that Beth is rid of you.”

“Not necessarily, Beth is a weak, innocent creature and I am sure a few well placed words will return her to me.”

“But you just said you can’t marry her while you are in love with someone else.”

“Ah, but there are other ways to go around such fixes, I’ll marry her for the work days and perhaps I can have you for the weekends. I always believe in having your cake and eating it too.”

Oceana’s eyes flashed with hatred, her hand clenched into a tight fist and with all her might delivered Edward a blow right in between his eyes. Edward staggered back in pain and shock.

“Did you just…hit me?” He asked as he held on to his nose that was severely aching.

“I did, and it hurt my hand.” Oceana crisply replied, rubbing her sore fist. “I believe it is the first time in your pampered life, Mr. Burmmington, that you have finally felt what it is like to be a man…and to think it took a woman to show you Good Day.” Oceana marched out the door and slammed it behind her.


Wesley had stood waiting for Oceana to come, but so far she hadn’t shown up. Leslie had already bidden her husband a fond farewell, others of the crew had also said goodbye to their loved ones. The Admiral had gotten a touch of the gout in his foot and had been unable to see Wesley to the docks, so Wesley stood alone, watching and waiting.

“Lt. Chesterton, the tide is coming in.” Captain Morrely called to him. Wesley gave one last look at the docks and with a slightly dejected air went aboard the ship. The wind blew strongly as the ropes were cast off and the ship slowly headed out for the open sea. Wesley stood facing the horizon, it was a habit of his to always face forward when setting off. And yet…despite himself he took one glance back, searching the disappearing docks, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

Captain Morrely walked up to him and placed one hand on his shoulder. “I believe that is what you are looking for.” He pointed his finger to a figure that was hurriedly running down the docks. The ship was still close to the shore and Wesley recognized the auburn hair and ivory face. He smiled, so she had come after all. 

Oceana was nearly out of breath when she reached the docks, hoping that she wasn't too late. She felt very foolish in this whole endevor, yet at the same time she couldn't help seeing the sailor off. Even though Edward Burmmington had nearly thrown the world off balance and she was in state of unpleasant shock, Oceana was determined to make it on time. She had told Wesley she would tru and come and so she ran from Edwards home hardly stopping to catch her breath until she was at last at the docks.  A ship had just pulled out of harbor and standing on the port side of the ship was a young man, fitted in the navy blue uniform of a lieutenant. His dark hair was covered by his cap, but his brown eyes met hers. Oceana felt her cheeks color, and biting her lip she waved to him, to show she had kept her promise. He raised his hand and saluted her as the ship sailed off. Oceana stayed where she was until the ship was out of sight, and then slowly turned and dragged herself back to Miss Patterson's home, dreading her impending meeting with Beth.


Yikes, things seem to be going really bad :P sorry that I didn't upload yesterday, my internet went out. In penance, chapter 10 will be posted on the 14th, two days from now :)

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