The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 4.

Dedicating this chapter to joyofmusic15, your support on Sirene really meant the world to me. Thank you so much :)


Chapter 4

 “I can just imagine the surprise on Stephanie’s face when she sees you!” Beth giggled as they climbed out of the carriage and walked up to the simple cottage that was the home of Dr. and Mrs. Wilkens.

 “They’ve got a very nice house.” Oceana said with a smile.

 “It’s very simple,” Beth replied, “the furniture is rather plain and though everything is always clean it is not in any way fancy. Anyone can see they are not people of means.”

 “And is there something wrong with not being a person of means?” Oceana put her hands on her hips and glared at Beth.

 “No,” Beth got defensive in reply to Oceana’s obvious aggression. “I never said there was anything wrong with it, I merely pointed it out as fact.”

 Oceana rolled her eyes. “I am not a person of means either, so Dr. and Mrs. Wilkens home will suit me perfectly, it will even suit me better than your fancy home over at Miss Pattereson’s.”

 “Oh Oceana, don’t be cross with me.” Beth pleaded. “I hadn’t meant to give offenses, I didn’t know you would be so put out by my simple statement.”

 “I’m can never be cross with your for long, Beth, but I wish you wouldn’t speak like that, it isn’t right you know. Like I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with not being a person of ‘means.’”

 “I already said I was sorry, there, let’s put an end to the matter and not fight anymore. You stand behind me while I knock on the door.”

 Beth reached over and knocked. Presently the door opened and the dark blue eyes of Stephanie peeked out.

“Why, it’s you Beth!” She exclaimed and opened the door very wide.  “Come in, come in, how glad we are that you have come to visit, we haven’t seen you in quite a long while. But that isn’t a surprise, with the engagement and all, you must be in over your head with all the preparations. When is the ball again?”

 “Just a little less than two weeks.” Beth replied.

 "Oh, have you brought a friend with you?” Stephanie suddenly noticed someone standing behind Beth.

 “Yes, I did, would you mind terribly is she came in with me?”

 “Not at all, always glad to have Beth’s friends here.”

 Trying their hardest to fight the giggles that where threatening to come out, Beth and Oceana stepped through the door and were soon inside the house.

 “So, is there any news from Oceana, I haven’t had a letter from her for some time already. But then, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that she is also all caught up in some romance; that girl will be eighteen by now. My sister Estelle was getting ready for marriage at that age. We celebrated her wedding just a few weeks after her eighteenth birthday.”

 “Oceana isn’t courting anyone even though half the village is chasing after her.” Oceana said with a knowing smile.

 “Why, you know her too?” Stephanie looked over at Oceana with surprise.

 “I think I know her better than anyone in the world.” Oceana said and winked at Stephanie. Stephanie walked up and closely looked at the young girl.

 “Why, Stephanie, surely by now you've guessed who I am.” Oceana couldn’t contain herself anymore.

 “Oceana!” Stephanie’s eyes grew wide.

 “None other!” Oceana burst out laughing and threw her arms around the slightly stunned Stephanie.

 "Mama, who has come over?” A childish voice called out.

 "Foolish girl, showing up out of nowhere like that,” Stephanie reprimanded Oceana, “you could have at least warned me you were going to come over.”

 “Ah, but that would have spoiled all the fun.” Beth said.

 “Mama, who is this?” There were several voices now.

 “Come children,” Stephanie turned to the four faces looking at her. “Come and meet Oceana.”

 “The girl you and Papa talk of all the time.” The eldest, a boy of about five years asked.

 “The very same. Oceana, this is Robert, our eldest, he is five, and Jane and Stephanie the twins are three and a half and little Eric has only recently turned one.” She picked up the toddler and placed him on her hip.

 “Oh you are all such dears!” Oceana exclaimed as she fell to her knees to get to know the children at a lower level. “I’ve of course heard so much about you, but how glad I am to finally meet you in person.”


 “I’m sorry Dr. Wilkens is out.” Stephanie said as they sat over tea, the little ones playing in a corner. “He had a great many patients to visit today and left early in the morning. I hardly know when he will come back.”

 “That’s alright, I’m going to be in London for well over two weeks, so I will still have a chance to see him. Who knows, perhaps I shall go over and see him at his work. We have a thing for meeting in prisons you know.”

 “Oceana, how can you speak of going over to a prison so calmly?” Beth shuddered.

 “I will agree that prisons are less than agreeable, but when you have a set purpose, you can hardly be expected to be stopped by anything agreeable or not. Tell me, Stephanie, do you have any help with the children, I seem to remember you saying that your old nurse lived with you and helped take care of the young ones?”

 “Betsie had to leave us for a little while, her sister fell ill two weeks ago and she went over to visit her.”

 “When is she coming back?”

 “Tomorrow.” Stephanie sighed. “And I am glad, it can be a little hard to handle them all on my own, but I managed these two weeks just fine.”

 “What a pity," Oceana stated with a small frown, "I had hoped to meet her. Ah well, it's not like I'm leaving tomorrow, so I may still have a chance.”

 The sound of the front door opening made them all look up.

 “Papa, papa is home.” Robert called and the children all raced to the door, poor little Eric falling behind as the older children pushed him aside.

 “Won’t he be surprise.” Beth giggled to Oceana as Stephanie rose to meet her husband, who was being jumped about by the little ones.

 “We have a visitor, dearest.” Stephanie stated, giving her husband a kiss. “Two visitors in fact.”

 "Oceana has at last decided to grace our home with her presence!” Dr. Wilkens exclaimed.

 “That man!” Oceana shook her head, flying over to greet him, “how can you guess it all so quickly? And what is more, you’re not at all surprised!”

 Dr. Wilkens only winked at her. “Oceana, you have grown into quite a lovely young woman, but then, that is hardly surprising.”

 “How was your day with the inmates?” Stephanie asked as they all headed back to the parlor.

 “Long and hard, but the good news is I had a convert today.”

 “That is wonderful!” Oceana clapped her hands like an excited child. “Dr. Wilkens, you have no idea how glad I am you have kept your profession. It’s so wonderful to know that at least something in this world has not changed.”

 Dr. Wilkens laughed at Oceana’s statement. “And I am pleased to see that you, Oceana, are still in so many ways the same strange, eccentric child that I met one dirty, foggy November day. I suppose you are here to attend Beth’s wedding?”

 “Oh, not wedding,” Beth hastily corrected, “the wedding is not for another six months, Oceana is just here for the engagement ball. Which reminds me, Oceana, we do have to get to shopping.”

 “Shopping can wait, I’m here to talk to Dr. Wilkens and Stephanie.”

 “Why is it that you call my wife by her Christian name but always refer to me as Dr. Wilkens?”

 “I don’t know, I can’t seem to call you Joseph and Joe would sound weird. I first met you as Dr. Wilkens, so that is how I call you. Do you mind?”

 “Not at all, it’s better than Joe, I hate it when people call me that.”

 Oceana giggled, “just like I hate it when people call me Miss McNeil.”

 “So how long to do plan to stay in London?”

 “I’m not sure. It’s two weeks till the engagement ball, I suppose we’ll see after that. I’ll be sure to call on you again and again.”

 “I’ll take you to the prison with me sometime.” Dr. Wilkens offered.

 “Dr. Wilkens, don't even suggest such a thing, Stephanie and myself were only only moments ago trying to get such ideas out of Ocean's head. Oceana could never do something like that!” Beth was horrified at the thought.

“Really my dear, I don't know if that is very wise.” Stephanie didn’t seem very thrilled with the idea either.

 “Now don’t go telling me what I could or could not do.” Oceana’s face was full of defiance. “Dr. Wilkens, there is nothing I would love more than to see your new place of work. I will be sure to take you up on your offer.”

 “Oceana” Beth gave a shudder. "I should say your attraction to these prisons is positively unnatural and what is more, completely unhealthy."

 “I just want a peak at Dr. Wilkens’ work. I’m not saying I’m going to go socialize with all the inmates. Don’t worry, Beth, I know how not to overstep my boundaries.”

 “Sure, sure you do.” Beth was not at all convinced of what Oceana had just said. "Come, Oceana, I promised we would meet up with Miss Patterson at 4 o'clock to go shopping. So we really must got."

"I'd much rather stay." Oceana was not thrilled with the idea of shopping.

"But you must keep your promise," Stephanie put in, "don't worry, Oceana, we'll be sure to see you again."

Oceana reluctantly got up and after bidding goodbye to the Wilkens, went with Beth back to the carriage.


 “I thought the ball was in two weeks?” Oceana complained as Miss Patterson and Beth dragged her out of one shop and into another.

 “We’re having a little party tomorrow Oceana and we need to have you dressed properly.” Beth explained.

 “But if it is a little party…”

 “Even a little party is a big party when it comes to fashion,” Miss Patterson cut her off. “If you appear in that old dress of yours, you will completely stick out. No, I must have you dressed accordingly if I want you to fit in.”

 “I never fit in.” Oceana argued.

 "Then you must try. Now, I think a nice deep green will match, what do you think, Beth?”

 Oceana sighed and stared at the ceiling while Miss Patterson and Beth compared dresses and colors and discussed style and taste with the sale’s lady.”


 “Good morning Admiral Chesterton, is Wesley home?” Robert Morrley asked as the admiral let him in.

 “He is,” the admiral nodded. “Wesley my boy, it’s Captain Morrley for you.”

 “Captain, what brings you here?” Wesley asked, shaking hands with Robert.

 “My wife has been invited for a party and I’ve come here to see if you would like to come with me?”

 “Very thoughtful of you…and slightly out of character.”

 “Come on, Wesley, you know I’m always seeking your company.”

 “I just thought after several months aboard the ship you said you wanted a nice long break from me.”

 “Well, I didn’t actually mean it, what is more I don’t particularly like the society at those parties, so I thought I’d bring you with me to sort of help me get through it.”

 “Why don’t you just not go?”

 “Wesley, I’ve just gotten back from a long voyage and Leslie has missed me a great deal and I know it will mean so much to her if I come along. She hasn’t seen me for several months and if I stay back it will cut her heart in two. Come on, be a good chap and just help me out here.”

 “Alright, alright, I’ll come. When is the party?”

 “Tomorrow and eight sharp. Don’t worry, I’ll pick you up and we’ll go together. Wait for me at seven thirty.”

 “Aye aye, Captain.” Wesley stated. Robert shook his hand once more in gratitude and turned to go. Wesley closed the door behind.

 “You’ll probably be bored to tears. These parties tend to be very dull.” The admiral stated with a chuckle.

 “That is very possible,” Wesley sighed, “but then I owe it to Robert, he’s helped me out greatly with my career in the navy. And who knows, I just might meet someone interesting.”

 “Ah, Wesley my boy, everyone in that society is thoroughly predictable, what sort of interesting person could you possibly meet at such a party?”


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