The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 28 and Epilogue

Dedicating this last part to Cwally. Thank you for your support, for reading and voting. :)


Chapter 28

Oceana sat on the edge of the cliff, watching the sunset and softly singing to herself. For the last couple of days, songs were her one true comfort and she could spend hours at a time by the shore, singing to the waves. Of course, somewhere in the back of her mind, the hope that Wesley just might decide to come after her dared to entertain itself, but she didn't brood on it too much. He had his pride after all, and he was so stubborn, just like his father. Chandler had a point about the Scottish obstinacy. Oceana was trying to just forget the whole thing and move on with her life. If only the school year would come sooner. She needed a distraction and the rowdy bunch of children was just the thing to get her mind off the young sailor.

Her song came to an end, but Oceana wasn't in a hurry to get home. She would remain till the sun had completely sunk into the deep waters of the ocean.

"If we the shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended."

The unexpected sound of Wesley's voice made Oceana gasp from fright and twist herself to look behind her. Surely she must be imagining, Wesley couldn't be up here, could he?

But he was, standing not far off, hands behind his back, a smile playing on his lips and his eyes peering at her with adoration. Oceana was so surprised to see him, she lost her gift of speech and just stared at him, eyes wide.

"Think but this, and all is mended," he continued, walking up closer to her, "that you were but slumbering here, while these visions did appear. And this weak and idle thing, no more yielding but a dream. There was more to the poem, something about gentles and reprehending and mending, but I'm afraid I don't remember any more, I never read very much of Shakespeare."

"What are you doing here?" Oceana at last found her voice and demanded of him.

"I'm disobeying McDuff's orders,"


"He told me not to go looking for that which mortal eyes are not allowed to see, because it will only bring about ruin."

"And you are going against his orders because you want to bring about my ruin?" Oceana cocked her head to the side and lifted her right eyebrow.

"Quite the contrary, I think I've made ruin enough, now I want to see if I can somehow make amends."

"And your idea of making amends is coming here and scaring the very life out of me?"

"I didn't mean to frighten you, but you are sitting on a cliff, and the only way to approach from the front would be come by sea. The rocks there are very sharp down there," Wesley pointed to the shore below, "and the waters are shallow and I just didn't want to end up a mere carcass for the buzzards to pick on. So I had no choice but to come by land."

"You could at least have coughed a little, or made some other noise before jumping into loudly quoting poetry. For mercy's sake, you nearly had me fall off the cliff!"

"That would have been very tragic indeed," Wesley's voice was patronizing, "seeing as then Father would have surely cut off my head for ending your life and we would just go on to prove once more how sailors and mermaid never have happy love stories. I mean, it got tense enough when I first came to the house..."

"What?" Oceana cut Wesley off in midsentence. " were at the cottage?"

"I've made peace with my father, Oceana. It wasn't easy, but it had to be done and I did it. We are of course nowhere near to what we could have been, but at least we are on the right path. I don't know how long it will take before we can be all a father and son ought to be, but at least we have a start."

Oceana tried hard to keep her radiant joy inside of her, she wasn't through cross-examining Wesley and didn't want to break into smile just yet. "How did he take the news?"

"He was very shocked and for a while just stared at me much the same way you did. Then the poor man broke down into tears, but he was happy; I would even dare say a spark appeared in his sad eyes. Though later on he did get pretty annoyed with me, a few steps short of angry even."

"Why?" Oceana couldn't think of a reason for Callum to be angry with Wesley.

"Because, to coin his phrase, I am the good for nothing blaggard who broke the heart of his mermaid."

"Ah yes, there is that slightly embarrassing history you and I share. He is very protective you know, and doesn't take such things lightly. Did he hurt you?"

"He tried," Wesley laughed, "but that was before he knew who I was. I explained the entire story to him and he became a little more understanding. At least more understanding than you seem to be right now."

"You are not here against his orders, are you? Because if you are, you are in serious trouble"

"No, I am here with his permission; I had to find out from him where you were to start with. He said he was willing to give me a second chance."

"Is that so?" Oceana skeptically asked. "I wonder if you ever thought if I would give you a second chance."

"I don't know what you will be willing to do, so I have come to find out."

"Well, before I tell you what I am willing to do, first tell me what Callum said to you concerning me."

"Father gave me permission to court you till the end of summer, and if I proved myself worthy then...well...I guess I'll talk about it then."

"Then he'll let you propose to me?"

"I suppose you could put it like that."

"It seems you have it all worked out without me." Oceana crossed arms in front of her.

"Bless me, it seems everything I do is wrong," Wesley chuckled; he seemed very amused at Oceana's behavior. "We did not 'work it all out with you' as you have so degradingly put it, but I didn't dare come to you at all I had to first run my intentions through my father. He would have never forgiven me for going to you first. You know the way it is, Miss McNeil, first we get the father's permission before we dare approach the young lady."

"And who told you that?"

"That is the way Admiral Chesterton raised me. Even in London I first had to go through Miss Patterson."

"Very well, you have Callum's permission, what are you going to do now?"

"First I am going to apologize for my behavior back in London. I confessed my love for you, but at the failed the first test sent my way. I had no right to pull you into the quarrel I had with my father and I certainly had no right to make you choose between the two of us. I behaved in every possible way contrary to the code by which I was brought up and my conduct was inexcusable." Wesley leaned forward a little, his eyes peering earnestly at Oceana, who still sitting on the ground. "I justified my feelings and actions due to the way Father had behaved towards me, but just at the Admiral said, my justifications it didn't make it any more right. You were right to pity and love my father, and you were right when he said he was a changed man, and I'm truly sorry. I hadn't meant to break your heart, and knowing that I did brings me pain and shame, and if you will allow me, I shall do all in my power to amend my wretched behavior."

Oceana held Wesley's gaze, wondering how best to handle the situation. "Alright, you have apologized, now what do you plan to do?"

"I plan to go leave and come back when you are in a better mood," Wesley replied, beginning to turn around.

"Wesley wait, I was just teasing," Oceana called after him, "I know it was wicked of me, but I just couldn't help myself and I'm sorry. Please, don't go, give me your hand if we be friends." She held out her hand to him.

"And Robin will restore amends?" Wesley joked, walking up and taking Oceana's outstretched hand.

"I think the two of us can manage without him," Oceana giggled as she attempted to pull him downwards. Wesley complied and cautiously sat down on the cliff's edge dext to her. He peered down the rocky edge, most of the view being already covered in the shadows of darkness.

"Goodness me, it's higher than I thought."

"Are you afraid?" Oceana teased.


For a little while the two of them just sat, staring at the horizon where the sea met the sky. At last Oceana turned to Wesley.

"I want to apologize to you as well, Wesley," she softly said. "I spoke out in haste and anger. I know if I had handle the situation differently,and tried to be more understanding instead of throwing accusations at you, it might have ended quite different. I didn't bother to look at your side of the story and I know I hurt your pride. I'm very sorry for my lack of tact and strong words."

"There is nothing to forgive, Oceana," Wesley's voice was gentle. "At that moment I was too caught up in my anger to listen to you. It was good of you to say those words to me, even if I wasn't ready to accept them. The Admiral was very mad at me when I came back and had me go back and apologize, but by then you were already gone and I had to deal with Mrs. Blackwood."

"Oh my," Oceana let out a giggle, "she wasn't too mad at you was she?"

"No, she was very proper and composed, but she did accuse me of making you cry on purpose. Said something about your tears supposedly turning to pearls."

"She got that from McDuff, I remember him telling that story."

Wesley nodded his head. "Anyway, in the end it was Dr. Wilkens who truly helped, he urged me to turn to God for help, and from then on I just did everything with Divine help."

"Dr. Wilkens is an amazing man," Oceana's voice was filled with gratitude and admiration, "and the strange thing about him is he somehow always manages to be there when you need him most. I didn't even think you would come up here, I was sure your mind was set in stone. Only you had better beware," Oceana added, "if you fail again this time I fear there will be no going back. I don't know how many second chances Callum will be willing to give."

Wesley laughed at her words. "Hopefully there won't be anything left to provoke me. We got everything out in the light, and as long as it stays in the light, all will be well."

"So," Oceana looked over at Wesley with a twinkle in her eye, "you are going to court me village style?"

"I'm not sure I know how to court village style."

"Oh, it's easy. You and I constantly sneak off to be alone, thinking our romance is the world's greatest secret, while the entire village gossips about it and sets bets as to what the outcome will be."

"Oh, right," Wesley winced, "the village gossip, I quite forgot about that part."

"Yes you did. You will cause quite the stir when you appear, the long lost Wesley McNeil come home. I'm sure McDuff will turn you into one of his tall tales, and you can be sure that ninety percent of his story will be his fantasy."

"That is not very comforting you know?"

"I suppose not. How do you think society will react to the knowledge that their officer is really the son of a fisherman, and an ex-smuggler at that."

"What society doesn't know won't hurt it."

"So you plan to hide the fact that Callum is your father?"

"No, I don't, but that doesn't mean I have to go telling all the details of my life. I don't know just how I will present the news to the world, I must still ask Father how he wants things to be handled. There are more questions than answers concerning this whole thing, but I'm thinking I will cross the bridge when I come to it. Honestly, right now, I don't want to think about the village, or society, or anything that has to do with it."

"You prefer to think of me?"

"Oh Oceana," Wesley's eyes were adoring, but he shook his head at her with reproach, "I don't know how you can manage to be so blunt at times."

"It is surprisingly easy you know?"

"I know."

The two of them laughed at this. Wesley gently brushed a strand of hair that had escaped Oceana's braid. She looked very different now than when she had been in London in the simple brown dress and that hair bound in the long braid that trailed on the ground. She wore no jewelry, and her face shone with untouched natural beauty. Wesley found he preferred this Oceana to the London one. Here, by the shore, with the wind blowing over the rocky cliffs and the open sky, she somehow blended in with the surroundings, becoming a part of them.The sun was very low right now, it's bright rays reflecting in the ocean, giving it an unearthly color, and bathing the ocean's daughter in a bright light.

Here in her natural habitat, it was as thoug the mystery that alway surrounded her was lifted and he could see her as she truly was.

Wesley leaned closer to her and asked in a low voice, "tell me, Oceana, what happens when the sailor kisses the mermaid?"

"Well," Oceana slowly replied, "usually their ruin is right around the corner."

"Mmmmm," Wesley nodded his head thoughtfully. "Would you mind if I took my chances?"

Oceana held his earnest gaze, "I don't mind," her voice was soft, "after all, to die would be an awfully great adventure."

"As long as the adventure happens with you," Wesley said as he leaned over and allowed his lips to gently brush against hers. "I love you, Oceana," he whispered when he had pulled away.

"And I love you, Wesley," Oceana whispered back.

The sun was nearly gone now, only the very tip could be seen above the water. "We should be going back," Wesley stated, "I promised Father I would bring you home as soon as we made peace."

"I suppose you are right," Oceana sighed as the two of them rose to their feet. "Only can we go across the fields?"

"Isn't that the longer route?"

"Of course it is, silly," Oceana giggled as she looped her arm through Wesley's. "Are you really in a hurry to get home? I know I'm not."

"Tthat is easy for you to say, your good name isn't exactly at stake here. I've got to be very careful or Father will never trust me again. I gave him my word I would bring you back and I must keep it. I don't think the consequences will be very pleasant if Father begins to suspect my word of honor."

"Wesley, Wesley," Oceana chided, "you just kissed a mermaid and you dare to speak of pleasant consequences?"

"Well," Wesley defended himself, "doesn't the story say that you are half human? That means I am half safe."

"Half safe is not whole safe, my dear. You said you were willing to take your chances, so you must be willing to face whatever it is fate will send your way."

"You have a point there, I guess the only thing I can do is say along with you that even to die will be an adventure."

"Trust me, Wesley, I'm afraid everything with me is an adventure," Oceana giggled and rested her head on Wesley's arm. "At least that is what Beth always says."

"I don't mind adventures," Wesley replied, taking the hand that was looped through his arm and pressing it to his heart, "and I look forward to the day when we can share them together."

"So do I, Wesley, so do I."


Callum stood at the doorway, waiting for the lovebirds to fly in. It was dark already when at last he caught a glimpse of them making their way in the distance. They were walking arm in arm and seemed engrossed in deep conversation.

"Ah, Chandler," he softly spoke to the spirit of his deceased partner, "our mermaid has gone and grown and fallen in love. And to think she's in love with my own son. God surely does work in mysterious ways. I dinnae think ye would hae liked him, Chandler, he is the embodiment ay everythin' ye fought against. Still, Oceana is happy, an' I daresay even I am happy, so I suppose ye could be happy with us. Not like it would matter to ye anymore, that Wesley is a soldier in the navy, I wonder if yer opinion of such men changed when ye got to heaven. I'm wondering, was it hard fer ye to fit in at first, or did you find some friends up there to help ye settle in." Callum let out a chuckle. The idea of Chandler being in heaven was a little hard to imagine. Callum turned and looked inside the house, where the fire was roaring and a place for three had been set at the table. It was a pity Chandler wasn't here to enjoy the moment, but then, perhaps it wasn't all bad that the Frenchman had crossed the bar before the rest of them. "Listen, Chandler," Callum's voice became softer as the figures of Wesley and Oceana came closer, "ye was always the diplomat, and I'm thinkin', maybe ye could pull a few strings up there and help ensure that this sailor and this mermaid get their happy ending."


So folks, we have come to the end of another story about Oceana. It has been a very fun journey and I really am so thankful to all of you for following the story, for your votes and your comments. When I first started writing The Ocean's Daughter, I got some negative responsess from some family members and I wondered if it was even worth bothering to write it. But you guys really gave me the encouragement I needed and it is thanks to you that I finished it. As I am writing this, The Ocean's Daughter is #73 in Historical Fiction, and it is all thanks to you. I am so thankful to all my readers, you are so wonderful and amazing.

You have probably noticed I left the ending pretty open. The reason for this is that while I was finishing the story of The Ocean's Daughter, I got an idea for perhaps a third part. I don't know if it is worth developing, so I thought I would ask you. Do you think it worth writing another story about Oceana, Wesley and the rest?

Once again, thank you for reading. I enjoyed this journey with you and look forward to the possibilty of more. Many *hugs* to you all

Vlada Mari

(the song in the media section is called Like a Red, Red Rose, it is a song written by Robert Burns in 1794 by Robert Burns and set to a traditional tune. It's a truly beautiful and romantic song and I thought it fit the mood of this last chapter very well. If you have time I hope you listen to it and enjoy it :) )

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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