The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 20

The saga with my laptop continues. I will be able to get it fixed, but it's not exactly super cheap which means it may take a little longer than I hoped. My sister has kindly let me use hers today, but because she was busy on it as well, I was only able to get one chapter up. The second is nearly complete and my mom said I could use hers tomorrow, so that means I will get it up by then. Sorry again, and thanks for being patient :)


Chapter 20

Oceana was sitting in the library, reading a large volume of Keats when Miss Patterson rushed over to her.

“Oceana, my dear, you will never guess what?”

“What?” Oceana lazily pulled her head out of the poetry.

“Admiral William Chesterton has finally decided to renew our old acquaintance and he did it in a way no one but him could come up with.”

“Oh?” Oceana was intrigued.

“The Admiral remembers my love drama and has cordially invited us to accompany him to the theater. The play will be tomorrow, and we must hurry to buy you a proper dress, I don’t think anything you have is fit for the theater.”

“What are we going to see?” Oceana skeptically asked.

“That play by J.M. Barry, Peter Pan, I’m sure even you have heard of it.”

“Are you sure the invitation came from Admiral Chesterton?” A suspicious look came over Oceana’s face.

“Of course I am, even if he hadn’t signed his name I would recognize that man’s handwriting anywhere.” Miss Patterson was all aglow and smiling. “Come, we must find you a new dress at once. Get your hat and meet me by the carriage.”

Oceana knew she had just met her match at craftiness. No doubt Wesley had kindly put it into the Admiral’s head to invite Miss Patterson and Oceana, that way it was all very harmless on his side but still gave him the opportunity to socialize with Oceana and to make sure she was able to see the play. What were the young officer’s motives? Part of Oceana was very delighted at the interested he was showing her, part of her hung back in fear. Wesley seemed like a very nice sort of fellow, but she hadn't really known him that long. Only for about a month and a half back when she had first met him and now she had seen him three times. That wasn't long enough for her to decide whether she was going to trust him with her heart just yet.

Oceana was deep in thought as she traipsed from shop to shop with Miss Patterson and found it very hard to focus on choosing a dress for tomorrow's occasion. When at last they got home Oceana came to a decision. Beth was returning in about a month, during the space of these four weeks she would give Wesley a chance to prove himself to her. If he turned out to be trustworthy she would pull down the wall and allow him to know more about her, allow him to have a glimpse into her heart, who knows, maybe she might just trust him with it. If he turned out to be less than worthy she would return home and that would be the end of her communication with him. Once she had all this settled in her head, Oceana actually began looking forward to visiting the theater tomorrow.


Wesley was trying very hard not to look as excited as he felt. Admiral Chesterton glanced at him and let out a chuckle.

“Relax, my boy, it is not like you are going to propose to the girl. You weren't even the one who invited her.”

“Oh I know,  I know,” Wesley impatiently remarked. “I just hope everything goes well, Oceana can be a little unpredictable.”

“Is that so? I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but even though I am very excited to meet your mermaid I find it very unfair that it was you who found yourself a mermaid and not me. After all my years at sea, I think I deserve a mermaid more than yo do.”

“Admiral, this is no time for your jokes,” Wesley said as he spotted Miss Patterson carriage. “They are here, how do I look?”

“Not as good as I do.” Admiral Chesterton winked at him. Wesley rolled his eyes and focused on the carriage. The door opened and Miss Patterson in her grey silk dress and cream colored shawl stepped out first. Oceana climbed out after her. Wesley caught his breath at the sight of her. She wore an aqua colored dress with a light brown shawl throne over her dainty shoulders. The lovely auburn hair had been gathered up on her head in a complicated, twisted bun with pearls entwined among the locks. The seaweed colored eyes gazed at him from under long eyelashes, eyes that for a brief second locked with his.

“Oooooooh,” Admiral Chesterton’s voice was very low. “That must be her? Well, if that is not a siren then I don’t know what is.” He straightened himself out and greeted the two women with a proud and refined air. “Miss Rachel Patterson, how good to see you again. To think the last time I saw you was some twenty years ago, at the summer ball. I have to say, the years have been very kind to you.”

“Captain Chesterton, Admiral Chesterton now,” Miss Patterson warmly said as she gave the Admiral her hand and he kissed it gallantly. “I am so glad you have finally decided to renew our friendship. Twenty years is certainly a long time, why her Majesty Queen Victoria was the monarch then. I have to say, the years have taken their toll on you.”

Admiral Chesterton laughed at her words. “I’m afraid they have. Hard winds and high seas tend to leave their mark on a man. But now, Miss Patterson, you must introduce me to your lovely companion.”

“Miss Oceana,” Oceana introduced herself as she extended her hand. Miss Patterson frowned at this terrible behavior, but Oceana didn’t give her a chance to say anything about it and kept right on talking. “I am very glad to meet you, Admiral Chesterton. I have heard a lot about you from Miss Patterson.”

“And I have heard a lot about you, Miss Oceana. Wesley here cannot stop talking about you.”

“Is that so?” Oceana glanced over at Wesley, who turned a little red and gave her a stiff bow.

“Mind you, when he came to me that night he first met you and said he met a half mermaid, I was very perplexed. I was sure he had had a bit too much to drink, which was strange because Wesley is not the sort of person to get drunk, he generally stays away from strong drink.”

“Admiral Chesterton,” Wesley discreetly nudged him.

“Oh my, how did we get back to all of this?” Miss Patterson grumbled. “Oceana, you must put that wild story behind you and not tell it to people. You are no longer ten years old.”

“Oh, but this is exactly the kind of story any sailor likes to hear.” Admiral Chesterton defended Oceana with a kind chuckle. “Now, I must decide who I will lead into the theater, as I find myself quite torn. Miss Patterson, I shall take you, and we can let the young people amuse themselves without us old folks getting in the way.”

Miss Patterson took the arm Admiral Chesterton had offered her while Oceana was obliged to take Wesley’s.

“I cannot believe you did this,” she spoke to him in a quiet voice so Miss Patterson and Admiral Chesterton would not hear.

“Cannot believe I did what?” Wesley’s face was as innocent as they come.

“Believe you got the Admiral to invite Miss Patterson to the theater, and only a day or two after you and I were discussing how I had not seen Peter Pan. Did you really think I would buy it?”

“I didn’t need you to buy it, I need Miss Patterson to buy it. You see, I am treading a very fine line here, I wish to get to know you better, but I cannot give you or anyone else any wrong ideas. From your behavior, I think you understand this perfectly, but Miss Patterson might not be so understanding. Besides, you want to see the play and it was high time the Admiral renewed his friendship with Miss Patterson, he has been talking about it for so long.”

Oceana looked at Wesley and shook her head a little. She definitely had met her match in plans and schemes, but she had to admit she was impressed with the way Wesley was handling this situation as delicately as he could. He had scored a point here, no doubt about that.


The play went by without anything going wrong and when it was finished the crowd slowly dispered into the summer, London night, which though a little foggy could still be called pleasant.

The Admiral had taken the liberty of offering Oceana his arm, leaving Wesley to take Miss Patterson’s.

“Admiral Chesterton, this has been a terrible choice of drama to take Oceana to,” Miss Patterson spoke with a tinge of reproach mixed together with amusement. “I do not know what to expect from her now. She will get all sorts of ideas into her head and then go about spreading them to the rest of the world. Why, I won’t be surprise if by tomorrow morning I have discovered that she has learned how to fly.”

“I will have to find a fairy first,” Oceana pointed out. “You can’t fly without fairy dust. Thinking happy thoughts is easy enough, finding fairies is a little harder.”

“You actually believe in fairies, Miss Oceana?” Wesley asked.

“I actually do, Lt. Chesterton,” Oceana answered with a childish smile. “And I think it a great shame if you don’t.”

“You believe in fairies, you believe in mermaid, tell me, Miss Oceana, do you believe in ghosts?” the Admiral set his pale blue eyes on Oceana with amused curiosity.

“I do indeed, do you believe in ghosts Admiral Chesterton?”

“Sort of, I even have something of a ghost story that happened aboard my ship.”

“You don’t say,” Oceana’s eyes lighted up. “I do love a good ghost story. I suppose we haven’t the time for you to tell it now.”

“Not now, I cannot stand ghost stories in the dark,” Miss Patterson put in, “but if the Admiral and his grandson will be so kind as to call on us tomorrow, perhaps we shall hear it then.”

“Oh, Wesley is not my grandson,” Admiral Chesterton quickly corrected. “But we shall be very happy to call on you. I am quite put out the Wesley had the nerve to call without me.”

“You have no one to blame but yourself, Admiral, you should have come earlier,” Miss Patterson laughed.

Oceana looked over at Wesley with curiosity, alright, he wasn’t the Admiral’s grandson. Then…who was he? His nephew perhaps, or maybe some other relation? She would have to question him about this later.

They had all just reached Miss Patterson’s carriage when a bitter voice suddenly called out. “Ah, it is the young temptress ensnaring yet another victim.”

The company of four looked up in surprise to see who had said such words. Oceana set her lips in a firm and angry line as she recognized Edward Burrmmington standing not too far away from them. He was gazing at her with a look of admiring hate.

“Ah, if it is not the disgrace of society,” she retorted back.

Edward drew a deep, angry breath. Oceana had never looked lovelier, even in his bitterness he had to admit she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and this only added to his hatred.

Wesley looked curiously at Oceana, wondering what was going on. Admiral Chesterton and Miss Patterson were also perplexed. Miss Patterson knew the embarrassing story between Edward and Oceana, and didn’t know how to get out of this awkward situation right now.

“I see the young sailor has his hopes up now and no doubt you will dash them in a matter of time. You flirt and you seduce and then you abandon and betray, but this is not unique to you alone, it is a character trait all women are known to posses.”

Wesley felt his blood begin to boil at these words, and if it were not for Miss Patterson, whose arm he held, he would have walked up to that man and given him what for. He was about to respond to this man’s insolence, but Oceana was ahead of him.

“Excuse me, please,” she kindly said, releasing herself from Admiral Chesterton. Hauntingly she floated over to where Edward stood.

“I don’t know who or what raised you, but you are the most arrogant, insolent and disagreeable man that has ever walked on solid ground. How dare you blame me for the problems you brought upon yourself? Yes, you are the disgrace of society, but you should have thought of the consequences before you broke your engagement with a good and respectable woman just because of a silly fancy.” With those words she gave his a sharp slap on the cheek, causing it to turn a little red. “Maybe this will teach you to mind your manners,” she whispered in his face before going back to the company waiting for her.

Wesley, Admiral Chesterton and Miss Patterson had watched the whole scene play out with silent shock. The loud crack of the slap resonated in the air and had caused the three of them jolt a little from the sound of it. Other people were watching the encounter with amused curiosity. Some shook their heads, other laughed softly to themselves. Edward rubbed his cheek but decided against saying anything more. With a cold look in her direction, he sauntered off into the night.

“Wesley,” Admiral Chesterton spoke in a whisper as he leaned over. “Mind you don’t get on her bad side, or it will be you she’ll be slapping.”

“I’m so sorry for this incident,” Oceana apologized as she came back.

“Was that Edward Burmmington?” Wesley cautiously asked.

“It was indeed.”

“Why was he saying those things about you?”

“Because he is a scoundrel,” Miss Patterson answered for Oceana. “You remember he was engaged to my adopted daughter, Miss Warren? Well, he had the nerve to break the engagement because he fancied Oceana here, even though Oceana avoided him at all costs and never wanted to have anything to do with him. He must be angry with her because of it, but I say good riddance.”

“Good riddance indeed,” Admiral Chesterton agreed with her. “It is such a shame that so many of the youth turn out just like this. If you ask me, it is because of their upbringing, or the lack of it I should say. And I am even more sorry that Mr. Burmmington should have spoiled such a delightful evening.”

“Oh, he did not spoil it,” Oceana reassured. “I am not put out by his little performance. I couldn’t have expected any less from him. Let us just forget it ever happened.”

“A capital idea,” Admiral Chesterton smiled at this suggestion. “Now then, we shall see you into your carriage, bid you a good night and you may expect us to call on you tomorrow between the hours of three and four.”

Admiral Chesterton helped the two ladies into the carriage. Once they were settled the driver flicked the reins and the horses trotted off in the direction of Miss Patterson’s home.

“So, what did you think of her?” Wesley asked Admiral Chesterton as the two of them climbed into a waiting cab.

“I think she’s a mite too pretty for you,” was the reply he received. 

Wesley widened his eyes in confusion.“Pardon me?”

“I mean, look at her. If that is not true perfection, then I do not know what is. She is the loveliest creature that ever walked this planet. I could easily believe she is half mermaid, why, if you told me she was whole mermaid I would probably believe you. That hair, and that face, and those eyes, and what about her graceful and elegant figure? Did you even notice all the stares you received when you walked inside with her on your arm? All those young men were just gawking at you, wondering why where you had found such an angel. And then look at yourself, you are probably just about as ordinary as a young navy officer can get. You have your fine qualities to be sure, but they aren’t bright enough compared to hers. I’m afraid you just are not handsome enough for the likes of her.”

Wesley stared at Admiral Chesterton in total disbelief, not able to fully comprehend what the Admiral had just said to him. Admiral Chesterton burst out laughing at this and slapped Wesley on the back.

“Oh, I’m only speaking in jest, Wesley. You should have seen the look on your face, it was priceless. I wish there was some way I could have captured it and shown it to you. But there, I was only teasing, surely you understand that.”

Wesley allowed himself to relax and crack a smile. “Honestly, what do you make of her? Did you like her?”

“Of course I liked her, it would be very hard not to like her. She has this childish quality about her, while at the same time her eyes speak of mystery and secrets. I can see plain as day why you are so attracted to her. Tell me, what is stopping you from seriously courting the girl?”

“My lack of knowledge about her. It would be nice to know who exactly it is I am courting. I don’t just want to marry a pretty face, I want to really know about the person, know about their faults as well as their virtues. But as you just said, she’s just wrapped up in mystery. She doesn’t give much detail about her past…well, not all of it. She said she was raised by smugglers for half her life, but what about the other half? I don’t understand why she is so intent on hiding her life from me and I am deterimed to get past all these secrets. I will ask Miss Patterson, I will travel up and question McDuff is I have too.”

“McDuff? What has he got to do with this?” Admiral Chesterton tentatively asked.

“I never told you, but the first time I saw Oceana was a good five or six years back. I had gone to see Mama but couldn’t quite make myself go to the grave and decided to visit the sea. As I got closer to the shore, I heard someone singing and I stumbled upon a girl sitting on the rocks singing to the sea. She noticed me and turned around. It was Oceana, only she was very young then, probably around fifteen years of age. She nodded in my direction and I thought there was something behind me so naturally I turned around but saw nothing. When I turned back Oceana was gone, it was like she had evaporated into thin air. Later that day I went to visit the village and stumbled across McDuff and his crew. I stopped to talk to them and in the course of a conversation they mentioned the Ocean’s Daughter, the supposed daughter of the ocean who sits by the shore and sings to the sun to make it rise and set. When I met Oceana again it didn’t register at first, but just recently I realized that Oceana is McDuff’s Ocean’s Daughter. Of course this only leaves me even more confused, I don’t know if she actually lives in the village and why McDuff would say such stories about her, but it has provided me with at least a clue as to where I can try and find out some more information about her.”

“You really think McDuff is going to tell you something you can believe?” Admiral Chesterton lifted a skeptic eyebrow.

“Probably not, but there ought to be someone else in the village who can provide me with details.”

Admiral Chesterton was silent the rest of the journey home as he sat pondering all that had been said between him and Wesley. As the two of them entered their home, he turned to Wesley and grasped him by the shoulder.

“I don’t think that is the right way to go about it, Wesley,” he spoke in a fatherly tone. “From all I have gathered, and from what Miss Patterson has mentioned, I don’t think Oceana is hiding anything mysterious or dangerous. Quite the opposite, I think she is hiding the ordinary part of her to keep herself a mystery.”

“But why would she do that?”

“My guess it is because she is afraid.”

“Afraid of what?”

“Afraid that she can’t trust you. It is a form of defense, a way of protecting herself from getting hurt. And you trying to go around her is not going to do the trick. You want her to trust you, you want her to know that you are not going to hurt her, you are not going to break her heart if she gives it to you…at least I hope you are not.”

Wesley frowned at him. “How could you even ask such a thing?” He grumbled.

“I was just making sure,” Admiral Chesterton chuckled. “My advice to you, Wesley, is don’t try to go around her, go through her. Prove to her you are someone she can trust and she will tell you all about herself on her own. Woman are like that, if they feel safe with you, they will start talking.”

“But how do I gain her trust without the rest of the world think that I am going to marry her?”

“Don’t worry, Wesley my boy, we will do it all through me. I will arrange enough comfortable situations for the two of you to get to know each other in a safe and innocent fashion. Then once the two of you have made up your mind about each other, we can go over to Miss Patterson and ask if you can court her officially. Just follow my leadings and everything will go like clockwork.”

Wesley smiled at Admiral Chesterton and headed off to his room. Things were certainly looking very hopeful for him, he only hoped all this wouldn’t drag out. His leave would be over in the middle of August and he hoped things would work out by then, or else all his hard labors could just be in vain.


I was browsing the internet and came across this dress (look to your right>> or up^^ if you are on your phone), which I imagined to be the dress Oceana wore to the theater :) I believe this is an actual dress of Queen Maud of Norway, anyway, I thought it was really pretty and it inspired Oceana's outfit :)

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