The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 2

Dedicating this chapter to iBeFishie. Thanks so much for your support on Sirene :)

Unfamiliar words are marked with a star (*) and the meaning can be found at the end of the chapter :)


Chapter 2

Scotland,  June 1909.

“Summer vacations have officially begun!” Oceana stated triumphantly as she walked into the house.

“An' no doobt th' children are missin' ye *awreddy,” Callum said with a smile.

“Well, I can tell you one thing, I'm certainly not missing them.” Oceana sighed as she sank into a chair. “I desperately need a break from that rowdy bunch. If they don’t drive me into an early grave, I don’t know what will.”

“I thooght ye loved yer students.”

“I do love them, but trying to keep them in that classroom for nine months is no easy task; not when the wind and waves are calling to them.”

“At last ye *ur gettin' a taste ay *whit yer teachers *hud to go through when ye *waur a student,” Callum laughed and Oceana frowned at him.

“That’s not funny!”

“It’s not? I fin' it very funny. Now dinnae *gie me that face, Oceana, ye *ken it’s true. You ne'er in yer life *cam close to bein' a model student.”

“But at least I bothered to study my lessons. You must remember, Callum, I was always at the top of my class. Trying to get Joe to do is math homework is a feat even Hercules wouldn’t have the strength to accomplish. Luckily, I have a special way with children, with determination and a bit of discipline, we plowed through the year just fine.”

“Aye, aye, Oceana, if ye dinnae praise yerself, no one will.”

“Not when you are around. You never praise me for all the effort I put in with the school.”

“Now that is not true and you ken it! Durin' this whole year I've done nothin' but praise yer ability and skill wi' th' children to th' whole village.”

"When you actually bother to come out to the village," Oceana pointed out.

"Ah, I canna help it that I'm *nae th' social sort ay person. Chandler was th' one who always liked goin' over an' seeing people. I *jist like to sit in my wee harbor an' let th' world pass me by. Now come along, lassie, go wash an' change."

Oceana gave a long, reluctant sigh and pulled herself out of the comfortable chair she had been sitting in.

“Oh, a letter came fur ye while yeu were away,” Callum called as Oceana disappeared into her room.

“From who?”

“Frae Beth, it’s on th' kitchen table. Ye can *reid it once yoo've changed..”

Oceana pulled off the navy blue dress she had been wearing and put on a simple plaid one. Taking the pins out of her bun she let her long hair tumble down past her waist. Giving her head a good shake, she brushed out the auburn locks and then braided them. After this she washed her face and hands and hung up her school dress in the closet. Having completed her toiletries Oceana went over to the kitchen and settling down in a chair, opened Beth’s letter.

Dear Oceana,

There is so much I wish to tell you, I hardly know where to begin. Remember how in my last letters I mentioned I was being courted by a gentleman bearing the name Edward Burmmington? Well, you will never have expected this, I certainly didn't, but Mr. Burmmington has made me an offer of marriage! Can you believe it? I am to be married! If you can't believe it, don't worry. I can hardly believe it myself. The wedding is going to take place in less than six month's time. I always wanted to have a winter wedding and now is actually going to happen! There, now that I have gotten that piece of news out, here is the real reason I wrote you. My engagement ball is in two weeks and more than anything I should like for you to attend. I find it hard to believe that the last time I saw you was that night you ran away from the orphan asylum, seven years ago. I simply insist that you travel down to London to visit Miss Patterson and myself. I will not take no for an answer and expect a telegram informing me of the date of your arrival. Please, dearest Oceana, I would dearly love to share this joyous occasion with you.

If you are able to arrive at least a week before the ball, that would be perfection itself, there is much I shall have to teach you before the grand affair.

I await your answer RSVP.

Your dearest and most beloved friend,


“So, is there anythin' interestin'?” Callum asked when Oceana put the letter down.

“Beth is to be married,” Oceana slowly stated, digesting all the information she had just read.

“Wee Beth, married?” Callum shook his head with wonder and surprise.

“Oh, she’s not wee Beth anymore. Beth is now 18 years of age. The engagement ball is in two weeks and she begs that I travel to London to attend.”

“*Weel, this all couldn’t have happened at better time. Wi' school out fur th' summer, ye ur free to go over an' visit her.”

“Are you saying you will allow me to go?”

“Now dinnae go being such a silly little lass. Wa on earth would I forbid ye to go?”

“I don’t know.”

“Neither do I. Ye *huvnae seen her in a long time, I think it is fine fur ye to go over an' attend her ball.”

“Will you come with me?”

“Nah, lassie, ye ken I’ve ne'er been much ay a city man. London in particular does nae appeal to me an' I’d hate to go there.*Tay many English *aw gaithered together in one place”

“But with me gone you’ll be terribly lonesome.”

“I’ll be fine, lassie, it’s nae like I am out in a great wilderness. Th' village is in walking distance.”

“I’ll inform Mrs. Nester of my plans and tell her to keep you company while I am gone.”

“Oceana, ye will do no sic' thing!” Callum held his hands up in protest. “Ye ken I cannae stand that woman and she’s always tryin' to trap me intae marriage.”

Oceana’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Now Callum…”

“Don’t ye ‘now Callum’ me. I’d sooner go and tell tall tales wi' McDuff an' his crew than *hae that lady come an' keep me company.”

“Alright, alright,” Oceana giggled.

“I’m sure aw th' village yoongsters will be sorry to see ye *lae,” Callum stated with a chuckle in Oceana's direction

“Too bad for them,” Oceana replied with a careless shrug. “It’s not like I promised anything to any of them.”

“When do ye wish to lae?”

“Beth asked me to come at least a week in advance, so I suppose it would be best for me to leave as soon as possible.”

“Alright. *Wo *dorn’t ye start wi' gettin' supper on th' table an' we can *wark out th' details an' plans while we ur eatin'."


Oceana stepped off the train and looked at the crowded station.

“How different this all seems from the last time I was here,” she couldn’t help but think. Scanning the crowd she looked for Beth’s face.

“Aha, there she is.” Oceana smiled to herself when she caught sight of the round features and the dark hair covered with a fashionable hat. Making her way through the crowd, Oceana was careful not to draw attention to herself until at last she stood right behind her childhood friend.

“My dear Elizabeth Warren, what a pleasant surprise it is meeting you in this station. Who would have ever thought the world would be so small?” She stated in a patronizing voice.

Beth spun around and found herself looking into two seaweed colored eyes.

“Pardon me?” She asked, obviously trying to figure out who exactly was standing in front her.

“Dear, dear Beth, I'm guessing you don't recognize me?”

Beth’s eyes widened as the truth dawned on her. “Oceana?” She sputtered.

“None other.” Oceana grinned and threw her arms around Beth.

"My how y

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