The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 17

Dedicating this chapter to Danang3, I really apprecaite all the support you have given :)


Chapter 17

They say that history repeats itself and Oceana was almost ready to believe the saying to be true. Here she was again, in Miss Patterson’s home, helping with arrangements for a big and important event. The only true difference was this was to be Beth’s wedding as opposed to her engagement. Oceana was determined not to let the mistakes of the past repeat themselves and was certain this visit to London would go smoothly and without any mishaps.

“Just how big is the wedding going to be?” Oceana asked Beth as she helped her with the fitting of Beth’s wedding dress. “It seems to me we put in a lot more work for you engagement then for your wedding.”

“I’m not in the mood for something big, and neither is Robert. All we will have is family and close friends.”

“But doesn’t Dr. Blackwood have a very large family?”

“Yes, but they aren’t all able to come. Thank goodness for that.”

“I don’t think this is the right way to treat your future in-laws!”

“Oh, I don’t mean it in any bad way, but really, if they were all to come down here I don’t know where we would house them all. From my side there are just a few friends and I believe Miss Patterson has invited Miss Morgan to attend.”

“Oh no, Miss Morgan might be there?”

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“Only that I have not seen her since I ran away from the orphanage and it might be a little awkward for the two of us, considering our history.”

“Too bad for you.” Beth shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

“And what of the rest of Dr. Blackwood’s family, don’t they want to meet the wife of their dear little Robert?”

“Of course they do, they are planning a big celebration in Edinburgh. It seems they have been trying to get Robert to marry for a long time already. I don't know if they are all happy with his choice, but I they are satisfied that he is settling down at last.”

“Where are you planning on living? Here in London?”

“I’m afraid not. Robert doesn’t care to live in London and I can hardly blame him. We will take up lodgings in Edinburgh; Robert has a good job at the hospital and not one he wants to lose.”

“Not even for a better paying job in London? I know Miss Patterson could help him find a very good position here.”

“Robert is too Scottish I’m afraid,” Beth giggled.

“Too Scottish to live in England but not Scottish enough to have an English wife?”

“Oh please,” Beth laughed and then sighed. “Oceana you always make everything sound so complicated. And anyway, I wouldn’t mind getting away from London, I’ve lived here all my life and I want to live somewhere else for a change.”

“How did Miss Patterson react to you living so far away?”

“Better than I anticipated. You know, she really has warmed up to Robert, but I suppose that has to do with the fact that after some research she discovered that he is distantly related to a certain Lord MacNorris, who was some sort of Scottish aristocracy or something. She said it was a distant connection, but a connection none the less.”

“Oh no, you can’t be serious, Beth!” Oceana groaned. “And here I thought she had actually learned something when in reality she just went and dug up some silly name.”

“Shush,” Beth soothed. “Old ghosts died hard, Oceana. Look on the bright side, she actually let him court me before she knew anything about names. Give her time, Oceana, that is all she needs. Maybe with the next girl she will be more lenient.”

“The next girl?” Oceana wasn’t sure she was hearing right. “What next girl?”

“Didn’t I tell you? I was sure I did. Miss Patterson was so pleased with the success in bringing me up that she doesn’t see why she shouldn’t do it again. Seeing as I am leaving and will not be there to give her company, she has decided to take another girl in and bring her up much in the same manner she did me. A little older than I was, say thirteen or fourteen. I believe she already has her eyes set on a girl at the asylum, Emily Mellwick I believe her name is. Miss Morgan was helping her choose one.”

“You do realize that this will mean you will have to share Miss Patterson’s fortune with another when Miss Patterson dies.” Oceana pointed out in jest.

Beth gave her friend a sharp rap on the shoulder. “Oceana, for shame! Like I ever cared for such things! Miss Patterson has enough money to raise five girls and leave them all enough money to live on very comfortably! And besides, it is not like I need the money, I shall have a husband with an honest job who can provide for me and our family. Oh my, to think that in just eight days I shall be calling Robert, husband.” Beth blushed at these words and let out a giggle.

“You certainly will be a beautiful bride,” Oceana gazed at her friend in admiration. The white dress fit Beth very well, with silk roses at the sleeves, and beautiful Spanish lace around the collar and down the entire dress. Pearls had been sewn in and a satin sash tied into a lovely bow at the back. “Where is the veil, we must try it together with the dress.”

“Speaking of Robert..."

“Beth, do you think there will ever come a time when you will be able to speak of someone other than Robert?” Oceana asked, hunting around the room for the box that contained the Beth’s veil

“What do you mean?”

“I mean Robert is all I ever hear about from you. The letters you wrote me the past year sounded something like this: ‘Dearest Oceana, how are you? Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert, Robert. Love Beth.”

“Oceana, I have no idea what you are talking about!” Beth’s face turned bright pink. “I know for certain that my letters to you were nothing like that.”

“When is the groom going to show his face here anyway?”

“He will arrive two days before the wedding. It is a pity he couldn’t come sooner, but he does have his duties to the hospital. They are already giving leave for almost a month as it is.”

“Oh, and what are you going to do in that month? Travel abroad for your wedding trip.” Oceana had at last located the box and was carefully pulling out the long piece of transparent silk, lined at the edges with lace.

“Not quite abroad, Miss Patterson owns a home in the country and she said Robert and I may stay there for a little while, just me and him. Oh I wish the wedding was tomorrow!”

“Patience, Beth, patience. So shall you depart right after the wedding?”

“Yes. Oh, I had meant to ask you this a little earlier, but I would so wish for you to stay with Miss Patterson while I am gone. I don’t want her to get sad and lonely right away.”

“Of course, you and Robert get to travel off to the country while I will be stuck here with Miss Patterson?” Oceana gave a loud, drawn out sigh. “I shouldn’t have expected anything less. The lovebirds fly the nest and leave the bridesmaid to clean everything up.”

“Oceana, stop, you are making me sound like a tyrant!” Beth protested as Oceana carefully arranged the veil to sit nicely among the silky black curls

“All brides turn into tyrants to their best friends the minute they are married,” Oceana laughed. “But there, you know I am really happy for you, and I suppose I could stay with Miss Patterson, provided she doesn’t drag me out to different parties and social events. I’ll just have to ask Callum and see if he doesn’t mind.”

“I wish he would have come.”

“He doesn’t care to see Miss Patterson again, but if you invite him for a visit once you have settled in Edinburgh, I think I may persuade him to take you up on your offer. Will you leave for Edinburgh right after you little honeymoon?”

“No, first we will return here, but only for a few days, to collect all my things and then we shall head straightway for our new home. Robert will have to start work as soon as we get there.”

“Oooh, this might work very well for me, I shall just wait till you return, accompany you to your new home, see you settled in and then travel back to Callum and spend the rest of summer with him. There, at last,” Oceana stepped aside and looked her friend up and down. “Oh Beth, I promise you, Robert’s heart will stop beating the moment he sees you walk down the aisle.”

“I should hope not,” Beth gave a giggle. “That wouldn’t be the best thing to happen on my wedding day. Why don’t you try on your bridesmaid gown and we’ll see how we look together.”

“I’m glad you didn’t make the sash pink,” Oceana said as Beth helped her into the dress. “I hate the color pink.”

“Hate is a strong word, Oceana, and pink is a lovely color. I can’t understand why you don’t like it.”

“I can’t understand why you do,” Oceana replied with a laugh. “What shall I do with my hair?”

“Put it up with a white rose nestled somewhere in it. I’m determined to only have roses at my wedding…roses and daffodils.”

“Of course,” Oceana winked at Beth. “Well, there we are, the bride and the bridesmaid.” The two girls stood looking at their reflections in the mirror.

“Did you ever suppose, Oceana, the day the policeman brought you to the orphan asylum that you would one day be my maid of honor?” Beth turned to her friend.

“Certainly not, how could I have thought of such a thing. I didn’t even know you existed back then. Fate is so strange, is it not Beth. Who knows where it will lead us and how it will treat us.”

“You can say that again.” Beth nodded her head. “Come, I think it would be best if we changed back into our regular clothes. Dinner will be served soon.”

Oceana and Beth put the wedding things safely away till the awaited day would come. Beth gave a silent sigh as Oceana closed the doors to the closet. Only eight more days. Oceana chuckled at her friend’s impatience. Her hand slipped into that of Beth’s and the two girls headed down the stairs where Miss Patterson was already waiting for them to join her for dinner.


It's one of those chapters where nothing really happens, but I had a great deal of fun writing it. It took me back to the days we were preparing for my sister's wedding :) Sorry it took me such a long time to update, but there is good news. The next chapter is almost finished and if all goes well I should put it up this Friday :)

Picture on your right>> (or above^^) is what wedding gowns in the early 1900s looked like. It's not exactly what I imagined Beth's dress to look like, but that is the general idea :)

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