The Ocean's Daughter (Sequel to Sirene)

Chapter 10

Dedicating this chapter to AMorganE. Thank you so much for you support on my story. I truly appreciate it :)


Chapter 10.

November 28th, 1909

Dearest Oceana,

I am writing you this letter out of concern for Beth. It has been nearly half a year since the whole episode with Mr. Burmmington took place and the poor girl is still as miserable as ever. It seems joy has just been suckedd out of her life. She sits at home most of the time, reading or sewing. The only time she does go out is to visit Stephanie and the children. I am getting very worried that if something doesn’t happen, Beth will pine away and end up an old maid. Mr. Burmmington may have broken her heart, but she must not get lost in the past. It is imperetive for her to move on in her life. However, I know for a fact that this will never happen in London. Everything here reminds her of him. It was with this thought that I decided to write to you.

I have approached Beth with the idea of perhaps us going for a visit to the country or touring Europe again, but she says she wishes to stay in London. One could say she wishes to remain in her misery. I do not have the heart to force her to go anywhere, but I know if you invite her anywhere she will go. Do not think that because Mr. Burmmington fancied you over her, means Beth hates you. The girl does not blame you in the slightest, she knows how much you hated him and how you tried to stay away from him.

I beg of you, Oceana, even if you feel it will be awkward for the two of you, due to the whole Burmmington thing, please write Beth and try to get her out of London. It is vital for her to go away and do some traveling. I will pay whatever expenses it will take. Go with her to France, Italy, Switzerland, wherever you wish. Just get her away from London and the memories of Edward Burmmington. You are a creative girl, so come up with a way to help you friend, who in the past has helped you so many times.

Yours affectionately

Rebecca Patterson.


December 10th, 1909

To my one and only Beth,

Winter vacations are almost upon me and I will find my time free from the rowdy children that I still manage to adore and love (and even teach). That being the case, I demand you travel up to Scotland and visit me and Callum in our humble home. It will be good for you to get away from London, and what is more you have never been to Scotland or to my village. Callum should very much like to see you, he only remembers you as a little girl with dark curls and a bright smile. It will be so wonderful if you could spend Christmas and New Years Eve with us.

Beth, I will not take no for an answer. If you refuse to come here I shall travel down to London and drag you here by force! You know well enough that I do not issue idle threats. Pack your warm coats and shawls (for the weather up north can be a little brutal) and book your tickets for a train that will bring you to my doorstep by December 21st (no later than that, but if you wish you may come earlier). I wait your answer RSVP.

Sending all my love,


P.S. Remember, if you do not come on your own, I shall be forced to abduct you.


“Does it always snow like this up here?” Beth asked through chattering teeth as Oceana embraced her at the train station.

“No, you were just very lucky with your timing.” Oceana replied with a laugh. “Come, Callum is waiting for us. You are very fortunate that you get a ride to our home, when I first arrived here I had to walk all the way.”

“But it was summer then.” Beth pointed out. “I need someone to carry my trunk."

“Oooh.” Oceana frowned impatiently. “Very well, wait here while I go get Callum.”

Before Beth could say a word Oceana had disappeared and returned five minutes later dragging Callum by the hand.

“Welcome to Scotland, Miss Beth, first time yer here?” Callum said as he lifted Beth’s trunk and the three of them starting walking to where he had tied up the horse and wagon.

“It is my first time. I’ve toured Europe with Miss Patterson, but we never were in Scotland, or Ireland for that matter.”

“Ye should come in the summer, it’s a lot nicer up here.” Callum chuckled as he helped the girls into the wagon.

“Summer would have been more pleasant, but Oceana threatened me to come by December 21st.”

“Aye, aye, when we didn’t hear for ya right away, the lass already started packing her bags.” Callum laughed at his statement. “Well, are ya settled? Good, we’re off.”

The ride from the station was not very long, but Beth was blue in the face by the time they reached the little home of Callum and Oceana.

“I never did take the cold very well.” She confessed as Callum opened the door and they all walked into the house.

“I’ll get us a fire going, you help Miss Beth with her coat.” Callum said, going to the fire place.

“You shall room with me.” Oceana guided Beth to her room. “Ours is not a large, grand house, but I think you shall like it. It is a very cozy little cottage.”

“This was Callum’s childhood home, right?” Beth asked.

“Yes, he was born and raised here. He’s really fixed the place up, it was very rundown for most of its existence.”

“Was it rundown when his wife was alive?”

Oceana was quiet for a minute. “When Callum’s wife was alive the place wasn't exactly in ideal conditions either. Beth, while we are around Callum I suggest you do not talk or ask about his past, it is a place better to leave alone. I know a few details I can share with you, but they will remain behind these closed doors.”

“I promise not to speak of them anywhere else.” Beth vowed.

“Good, now come, I will make us all some hot chocolate.”

“Ah, I was wondering what was taken ya so long.” Callum said when the girls came to the kitchen. “I was almost afraid you two lassies would just stay in that room forever, whispering and giggling.”

“We are not like that, Callum. Beth is too proper to do such a thing.”

“Was it a pleasant journey, Miss Beth?” Callum asked Beth as Oceana set about making hot chocolate.

“I’ve never traveled alone before and I will admit I was rather frightened. But there were no unexpected adventures so all was well. I didn’t really want to come, but Oceana said she would kidnap me and Miss Patterson said if I didn’t go she would throw me out of the house. It was a conspiracy of the two, I know that for a fact.”

“And we are very proud of that.” Oceana put in.

“Aye, Oceana is very fond of conspiracies, it is something the lass got from Chandler.”

“How are Miss Patterson and Stephanie and the rest back in London?”

“All very good. Stephanie wished she could come as well, but with four children and another on the way…”

“ANOTHER on the way?”

“Oceana, do not interrupted.” Callum frowned. “Let the lass finish.”

“Yes, she is expecting another.” Beth continued. “Miss Patterson’s friend, the Duchess of Graceland had her own views of me coming here. She thought it would be best if we spent Christmas in Europe, because that was what Miss Patterson originally implied. You do remember the Duchess of Graceland, don't you, Oceana.”

“Remember that stately lady who is in love with herself and constantly spreading gossip, yes, I remember her very well.”

“The Duchess of Graceland you say.” Callum became interested. “Oceana you never told me you met the Duchess of Graceland.”

“I didn’t think you would be acquainted with her.” Oceana looked at Callum with a puzzled expression.

“I’m not personally acquainted with her, but Chandler and her do share a embarrassing history. It’s a good thing you didn’t tell anyone about Chandler, or else that woman would have made you the outcast during your entire stay there and spread lies about you after you were gone.”

Beth and Oceana both leaned forward, their curiosity aroused.

“What did Chandler do to her?” Oceana asked.

“To her, nothing, it was all her daughter. I first entered the picture about a year before we discovered you, Oceana. Though I believe Chandler knew the young lady from before. The young Miss Winthrop was very much in love with our Frenchman, you know how that man was, he could make anyone fall in love with him. The two of them carried a secret affair until her mother discovered it and was horrified. She promptly married her daughter off to some Lord of Duke or whoever and that was the end of it.”

“How did Chandler handle the tragedy of his love being taken away from him?”

Callum laughed at Beth’s naïve question. “Ah, lass, ye dinna know our Chandler. He didn’t take it very personally and just went on with his life. He was a great womanizer, it was one of his many faults.”

“I thought you said we were not supposed to speak ill of the dead.” Oceana reprimanded him.

“Ah, when it comes to Chandler, I have a right to say whatever I please about that man.” Callum replied. “Strange how it is such a small world. Who would have though the Duchess was a friend to Miss Patterson…and I am surprised she doesn’t know about Oceana’s connection to Chandler. Miss Patterson must have mentioned it.”

“Miss Patterson only became acquainted with her two years ago.” Beth explained.

“Write Miss Patterson and tell her not to say a word concerning Chandler to that lady, it will be very bad if she is to discover of Oceana's connection to our Frenchman. I hope she just forgot about him.”

“Not likely,” Beth giggle, “that lady never forgets anything.”

“How is her daughter?”

“She is Lady Norrington right now and lives in Norrington castle with her husband. The Duchess loves to boast about her son in law.”

“I’ll say.” Callum smirked.

“Beth,” Oceana was getting tired of the conversation and sought to change the subject. “I was thinking about your stay here and I know you might get bored if you will be stuck in the village for two weeks. So, I came up with a plan that perhaps we could visit Edinburgh while you were with. I’ve never been there and it is the capital of Scotland. We could head there after Christmas and the New Years Eve and spend a few days exploring the city. What do you say?”

“I…uh…” Beth was a little taken back. “I suppose it is a good idea. It will be fun to see a new place. Will Callum go with us?”

“Nah, I’m not much of a city man.” Callum shook his head.

“He never wants to go anywhere. I don’t know how Chandler managed to get him to travel all over Europe, I can’t get him to leave this silly village.”

“I’m sorry, lassie, I dinna like cities and I dinna want to go there. It’s death to me. Besides, what fun will two young lasses like yourself have if you must tag an old man around with you?”

“You admitted it, you just did!” Oceana exclaimed, pointing a finger at Callum. “Beth, remember this day, December 20th, 1909, the day Callum admitted he was old.”

“That is not what I meant.” Callum growled and the two girls burst into giggles.


“This is where he buried her.” Oceana gently wiped the snow from the old tombstone. Beth leaned over and read the words inscribed into the stone.

Edna Mary McNeil

Loyal Wife, Loving Mother

November 23rd 1862-March 6th 1888

Fiona McNeil

Much Loved Daughter and Sister

October 8th 1887-March 6th 1888

“Who was Fiona?”

“His daughter, she was five months when she died.”

“What did they die from?”

“Scarlet fever.” Oceana gazed quietly at the grave as it stood overlooking the sea. “He blames himself for their death.”

“Was it really his fault?”

“In a way.” Oceana sadly looked at her friend. “It’s a very sad story, Beth.”

“I should still like to hear it. Remember we were both trying to guess for so long as to what happened to his family?”

“Callum loved his wife very much, but he also had a great weakness to.whiskey As times got hard and the fishing buisness wasn't bringing much money he vented his frustration by drinking more and more and soon became addicted to liquor. Sadly, his addiction led to him neglecting his family. He would spend his days fishing and his nights drinking at the pub. To put it in the words he told me, Edna would make do with what little money he would bring home and try to raise the children in poverty and filth. They came down with scarlet fever and he hardly even noticed.”

“The children?”

“He had a son as well. Callum came home one day  to find the little boy had disappeared. It was the shock that woke Callum to the reality but it was too late. Edna was beyond hope and though he tried to nurse her back to health, two days later she and the baby both died. Callum buried Edna and Fiona out in the fresh air and that very night left the village and the house, and didn’t return for thirteen years.”

“That is a very sad story. And what of his little son?”

“Never heard of again.”

“Poor Callum, what a miserable past indeed. He realized his fault a little too late and now there is no going back. Was that the reason why he didn’t really like you, because you reminded him of the daughter he had lost?”

“Yes, when Chandler pulled me out of the boat Callum was cold to me because I was around the same age as his daughter had been. He never told Chandler his past and it took years and years on my part to get it out of him. It’s that dark spot in his life that he thinks about all the time but will never talk about.”

“I wonder what happened to his son, did he run away or what? Children don’t just disappear into thin air.”

“I have often wondered the same thing, but I have no clue and I don’t dare ask him. I guess it will forever remain a mystery. Come, my hands are going numb from the cold, I think it best if we go back.” Oceana placed a soft kiss on the worn stone and the two girls turned back for the house.

“I feel bad celebrating Christmas away from Miss Patterson.”

“She will be with Mrs. Alberna, the two of them always go along so well. Come, you’ve spent Christmas with her for so long, it’s only right you should spend it with me. I like to go to the little church for the Christmas Eve service, and you shall come along as well. If we are lucky, we make convince Callum to go with us. We’ll just have to promise to keep him safe from Mrs. Nester, because she keeps trying to ‘trap him into marriage.’”

"Poor man, why won't she just leave him alone?"

"I don't know, but it's very annoying. I wish he would come to Edinburgh with us, that way he could get away from her, but he's very stubborn. Chandler always called it Scottish obstinacy."

Beth giggled this. "Tell me, Oceana, where are you getting the means to pay for our trip to Edinburgh? You always speak of yourself as a poor school teacher without a penny to her name."

"I have contacts in vital places." Oceana replied with a naughty twinkle in her eyes.

"You and Miss Patterson really did conspire against me." Beth frowned.

 "At least be glad I didn't drag you out to Paris or something. Trust me Beth, this will be a winter vacation to remember."


So now we know a little of Callum's sad past. And I assure you that Oceana's and Beth winter vacation will certainly be one to remember. Chapter 11 should come out on the Wednesday, the 24th if all goes well.

Picture on your right is something of what I imagined Callum's and Oceana's home to look like. (picture found on google, I do not own it)

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