The OAM Virus

Chapter Chapter Five.

Elisa quietly listened to the voice from within her mind. “Elisa I am not your imagination and nor are you dreaming, I am real and from what you would describe as a highly advanced alien race, and over two million years’ old.” Elisa shook her head as she tried to take in all that was happening. “I will communicate later, and for now, make Sati and her family welcome, and protect and keep them safe as they are to be in part the core of your new race.”

At that, the voice ceased talking and Elisa looked at those from within the room. Now back in her human form, she was handed a lab coat to get warm. It was Sati who spoke next.

“You are not alone, I know and understand it looks as if you were abandoned by core command, and yes you were, but you still have friends in power and in high command, and for some of them, they like you are among the chosen and are doing everything within their power to help you, and without exposing their actions, and which would only result in their deaths.”

Those present from within the room listened with interest as Sati explained the risk and action they had taken in coming back to earth and in trying to make contact.

“We suspected that some of you would have survived the initial detonations, and even though we tried to warn core command that there was a serious and a high risk that the radiation could instigate further mutations. Our objections were ignored, and as such we believe it was for this reason that our team was sacrificed and sent to Mars. Knowing that we were not protected and that all, if not a large percentage of our advanced team would contract further OAM exposure and also risk termination.”

Sati paused, as the memories of losing so many of her friend’s bit in deeply within her memory.

After some seconds she looked at her husband and he smiled, and he reached forward and took hold of her hand. Ashmead picked up from where his wife left off. “In the end we lost over 91% of our original team, of which the vast majority were directly responsible for your creation, to us you were family, our children, and it not only hurt but dug deep into our consciousness to have been forced to have abandoned you in the way we did.”

Ashmead lowered his head, “to be truthful we are ashamed of our actions, but we were forced knowing we would be shot or terminated on the spot if core for one moment thought that we were planning to go against their orders, and if that happened we knew that in the future we would not be able to help you, so rather than risk all, well we went along, but we now realise core suspected our dissension and sent us in advance to Mars knowing the risk of termination.”

Those from within the room could not only hear the truth from within their words but their advanced senses knew they were telling the utter truth, and that central had tried to terminate all those who placed a risk upon opposing their actions.

“We became aware that for the vast majority of the human race, they were not going to advance, and that experimentation upon laboratory animals had shown either full regression, or and as incredible as it sounds the direct opposite, and full assimilation of those they consumed.”

Ashmead paused and his wife Sati took over. “Laboratory test proved beyond question that these creatures rapidly progressed up the food chain, and as predator fed upon the predator, humans were rapidly devolving and been superseded by mutated life forms. We then exposed those life forms to extremely high radiation, and yes a vast majority died, but some thirteen per cent survived and the radiation altered even further their genetic structures, and they became what we can only describe as highly evolved life forms, and by far superior to that of the human race.”

Sati looked at those she had played a major role in creating. “At the time we knew that you were the answer, and if the human race was to survive we wanted to use you, been our creations, or our children as we referred to you, and knowing that from you, all future humans could evolve and become resistant to the negative sides of the OAM virus.”

Sati had taken hold of the interest from all within the room. “Only upon Mars we discovered the OAM virus was not accidental, but designed by a highly advanced and evolved race of aliens, and whose only primal interest was one of survival, and secondary of advancing any alien race whom eventually made contact, and after reaching designated set criteria, of which a very small percentage of our initial team reached, and those who failed sadly regressed and died.”

It was from here that again Ashmead took over. “At first, we could not understand, as our friends were good honest and hardworking people, and to our eyes and mind, should have been worthy of evolving to a higher race or civilisation. Now we understand and know simply their brains chemical structure was not able to cope with the vastly complex adjustments, and there building of selected T-cell components which were to be responsible for the very basic foundational layers, our minds and later bodies required, in producing the genetic alterations, in allowing our minds and bodies to adjust to becoming a new race of beings.”

Elisha Wilson interrupted, “Our early research has shown that only selected groups of humans who evolved naturally to accommodate brain and blood cultures not commonly found within most of the human race, were those who evolved eventually into higher life forms, and even then a certain percentage of them failed to fully evolve and were for whatever reason were eventually rejected by the true OAM virus, and it was almost as if the virus knew they held certain violent trait’s which could not be suppressed or controlled.”

Sati looked across to her husband and then back to Elisa. “I know this will sound as if we are crazy, and honestly at first when we made this discovery, we had to recheck our findings, and ended up checking a third and then the fourth time. It would appear that an alien race seeded selected human hybrid life upon our planet many thousands of years ago, and from our DNA findings, only a few selected humans who have evolved an extra chromosome to create XDNA are the humans capable of fully evolving.”

The entire team from within the room listened in stunned silence, and after some seconds, questions were asked.

“Are you saying an advanced alien race or civilisation deliberately took precautionary actions to cull the human race?” “In one sense, yes, but it was not so brutal as it sounds. First, selected humans were seeded to advance our race in an effort to bring about a nonviolent civilisation, and that does not mean a civilisation who would, or could not defend itself, only one which actively did not seek to destroy and conquer.”

No sooner has Sati finished her explanation when the internal security detection units picked up unauthorised entry to their outer perimeter defences. “Attention this is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill. The incursion of our defences detected.” Immediately a huge screen lit from upon one of the walls and it displayed insects the size of African bull elephants emerging from the ground.

The sight was one of carnage, as from the air huge wasp or hornet-like creatures were attacking the giant ants and lifting them into the air while injecting poison and carrying them away. Only the ants were fighting back and due to their sheer numbers appeared to be winning.

“This is only the beginning of what you will face, and unless core command comes to their senses and evolve themselves in their thinking, then they also will die and never reclaim the earth as their home world.”

Elisa looked on stunned at the sight before her and her team and trying to adjust to the voice from within her mind which had just made that statement.

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