The Nymph of Black Forest

Chapter 13 ~ Our pack is the shit

Derek’s POV ~

Monty is absolutely right… something is rotten in Denmark! I am losing patience! “Monty’s right! And I suggest you start telling the truth! I have no problem sending you back to Bart in pieces!” Rhiannon rubs her hands on my forearms.. calming me slightly. Micah runs over squeaking a blue streak.. and she turns to me “He suggested bringing in the sister and her mate. They will know if Donna is lying and it may save time..he said Katrina suggested it, because her brothers have seen this one leaving the pack house and coming back at all hours of the night”

Having mice as spies may be something we should look into. What the fuck am I saying??? Goddess help me! I link Tom to come to my office and bring his mate. Shawn chuckled “You can admit it.. I was thinking it, too! Gives new meaning to the ‘fly on the wall’ scenario! Have Luna train all the her little mouse buddies in ninja warfare and send them scurrying into all the packs we consider enemies!” I busted out laughing “I was! I was thinking exactly the same thing!” Rhiannon looks at us both.. “I should smack you..for even thinking of exploiting poor innocent creatures.. but I know for a fact, Micah would love that shit!” And Monty laughs even harder.. “You can make them little black ninja suits.. have Andy fashion tiny ninja swords.. it could be a whole thing! ‘Mountain Moon Ninja Mouse’!” And we all lost it! It’s hard to be serious with Ninja Mice dancing a visual in your brain!

Tom and Nancy arrived and seated on the couch. I asked “How’s the pregnancy going? Excited, yeah?” Tom grins “She has her moments…but for the most part.. it’s been a great experience! And hell yeah! I’m excited!!” Nancy giggled.. I look at Donna..then back at Nancy.. “Nancy… what can you tell me about Alpha Bart?” She grabs Tom’s hand.. and looks nervously at Donna… then she sighed “He’s not a nice man. He rules by intimidation.. believing being feared is more important than being respected. Has Donna done something? I warned her.. she has it in her head..that Alpha Bart is going to make his son choose her as his mate. Isn’t that right, Donna? But we both know..that won’t ever happen! An Alpha born mating a warrior! Never by any rate! Get your head out of the fucking clouds! I told you… this is my mate’s pack! This is MY pack.. and Goddess help you if you have betrayed us!” I’m thinking ‘Damn! Nancy is fierce! Her warrior side is strong!’

I look at Donna now “Tell your sister what you have been caught at…so far” Donna looked at her hands..hesitating.. and I stated “NOW!” She stutters out “They found bugs.. listening devices..I hid in here” Nancy gasps “You foolish, foolish girl! And I suppose you got those ‘bugs’ from that piece of shit!? They would have to be from him…wouldn’t they!? The frequency would have to be programmed for them to be able to listen in! How many? How many bugs, Donna? And where? You’d better not lie to me! If I have to be begging for your life…you had better be completely honest about this shit! What would Mom and Dad say?”

Donna swallows..and starts to cry. Nancy slaps her “Ohhh Nooo! You don’t get to turn on the waterworks! That shit don’t work with me! I’m not Dad..and I know how devious you can be! So start fucking talking!” And Monty says “Fuck, Tom! We’re bringing her in on our next interrogation!” And they laughed.. Donna starts telling us where the bugs are.. two in the Alpha quarters. One each in Shawn’s and Monty’s offices. One under my chair in the dining hall. Damn! She has six more in her possession..but hadn’t been able to place them yet!

I am pissed! I snarl “Where do you go, at night? Who are you meeting?” Nancy yells “What??? You are meeting someone? Goddess, Donna! You are a traitor! You realize that…right?!” I tell Donna “Answer the fucking question! Where do you go? Who do you see?” She goes on the defensive “I don’t meet just any one particular person. Leonard sends a courier to receive any information I have. It hasn’t been much. I let him know about the Luna… the King leaving with Alpha Kenneth and his daughter in shackles. I leave the information on a note.. in a tree on the southwest corner of the border. The patrol is the least attentive there. I was also able to give them the schedules and rotation of border patrols and guards.” And Rhiannon jumped at her…if Monty hadn’t moved as fast as he did.. I would definitely be sending this bitch back in pieces!

She snarled at her “You stupid bitch! You endangered our people for what? Why?? A chance to ride a dick’s dick!? Are you that power hungry? You would betray children?? Elderly? Or are you just a thirsty bitch? Do you dick down with anyone..or just Alphas? I could kill you! I fucking SHOULD kill you! Throw her in the Goddess damned cells! I need to talk to the tree she leaves her love notes in!” And she walked out.

I sneered “Explain, Donna! When you took the oath, you swore to defend and protect Mountain Moon. Your bond is intact.. so you haven’t renounced the pack.. it takes a blackened soul to betray their people. So.. explain!” She whimpers “I am going to be a Luna.. that makes me matter! I never mattered before! And now I will! People will see me! Notice me!” And her sister yelled “ You cannot possibly be that fucking stupid! Bart used your dumb ass! When you are no longer providing information… you will serve no purpose in their schemes!” And… right then, I decided to prove Nancy right!

I dialed Green River.. and put it on speaker… when Bart answered, I said “It is my greatest honor to be the bearer of bad news.. your little spy has been found out. There will be no more information forthcoming! So, I am sending it to your son.. so he can mate, mark, and breed it!” He guffawed “No! Keep it.. or kill it! Whatever! My son has chosen a mate and will be mated on the next full moon!” I said “you really are a pathetic bastard! You used her! Knowing she would die, if caught! Pitiful! Keep watching over your shoulder, Bart! You never know when I’ll be coming for you!” And I hung up.

“You see, Donna! You were just a means to an end. Once you outlived your usefulness.. he tossed you out with the rest of the garbage!” Rhiannon storms back in. Looking at Donna she asks “Why are you still here, traitor?! No… you know what!? I want you to know, that we know!” Turning, she climbed into my lap “Seven notes..over two months! Five different men… two made return trips. Each time a missive was taken.. money was left for the information!” There is a camp of rogues… off to the southwest.. about twenty men. I have a family of Osprey on them now.. we will know when they move.. or shift!”

Monty yells “Fuck Yeah! Osprey spies! Our pack is the shit!!”

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