The Nymph of Black Forest

Chapter 10 ~ Even for a day

We are back in the office..King Edward wants to meet with Alpha Kenneth..because…well, he’s the King! And he can command anyone to tell the truth! Which is a pretty awesome thing to have! I laugh as I watch Micah help Katrina up to his chair..and she’s wearing his clothes! I whisper “Looks like she listened to you!” as I nudge Derek.. who looks at them and smirks.

Monty opens the door and shoves Kenneth inside..who blusters out “I don’t know what you think I will tell you! I am an Alpha, too! I demand respect!” And Edward speaks up “For about another minute…if that attitude continues. Sit your ass down!” And Kenneth spun to light into whoever spoke and sputtered “King Edward! I didn’t see you there!” And Edward just scoffs “Obviously!”

Edward tells him “I know…that YOU know..that Derek is my sister’s only son! Making him quite important to us! Now! I will command you… tell us what your silly chit of a daughter meant the other day.. What she was referring to. Then, you will tell us what you and Bart are plotting with this new Alpha..not to mention..which new Alpha she is referencing! And…you may begin.. NOW!”

Derek leans over and asks me “What is Micah writing so furiously? It’s not like any of us are going to be able to read that tiny paper!” I giggle.. “I can! Let me ask him” I lean down and whisper in his ear..asking him what he’s writing and he just hands me the first sheet of paper. I look it over..and grin..telling him good job! I link Derek 🐺 He’s literally writing everything being said in the room..Not sure why.. but he thinks it’s important. He does that with all my potion and tonic recipes, too! Derek just smiles and says “He is a really weird little dude!” Giggling, I can only nod.

Kenneth starts talking “Bart and I are working with an Alpha named Leonard Connors. He is the self-proclaimed King of Rogues. He has stayed off your radar.. by living in No-man’s Land. He eventually hopes to move into the Black Forest.. it is the last unclaimed land in the kingdom!” I interrupt..”He can’t. I won’t allow it! I am the Keeper of the Black Forest! My trees will never allow it! Have none of you ever wondered why you are denied entry, without invitation? The Gods have left it in my care! So good fucking luck with that!”

He raises his voice “You don’t own it! You can’t prevent it!” Derek laughs and tells him “You didn’t listen! She didn’t say she owns it. She said she is it’s keeper… under her care! No one enters there!” Edward brings everyone back to order “Continue, Kenneth..what is this Connors’ ultimate goal?”

Kenneth sneers “The throne! Of course! He says you are a false king! You sit on a throne that isa not your family’s. It is his! He claims a prophecy proves it! And as soon as he finds the woman of the deities, he will possess the key! But.. if Derek has already found his mate.. the information we had is incorrect! The woman of the prophecy was supposed to be Derek’s mate! When the assassination attempt failed on him.. I was supposed to come here and force Derek to mate my daughter! I didn’t know that This one (he nudges his chin in my direction) would be involved!”

Edward raises his brow “How do you know my new niece?” Kenneth snarls out “She is a mistake I made nearly twenty years a weak moment! Her mother was my true mate. A useless wood nymph that should have been wiped out 100 years ago..when the war against the nymphs occurred! Expecting me to make a life with her! Mark her!! I was already mated. To a suitable Alpha’s daughter my father had chosen! I didn’t know that fucking the bitch one time resulted in this bastard child!”

I sat…seething… until I couldn’t anymore.. “You lie! You worthless piece of shit! You LIE! My mother was indeed your rightful mate! She was a very powerful Forest Nymph! You spent five days! Five Goddess damned days with her! You snuck away in the dead of night once you had your fill! She chased after you..and you heartlessly rejected her under the full Moon! Do you think the Goddess doesn’t know? Do you believe your crimes have gone unwitnessed?? You tried three times to reenter the Forest! My NaNa prevented that! You killed my mother…just as if you had put a gun to her head and pulled the trigger! And then, you piously sit here and act as if you are guilty of nothing! Allow me to enlighten you..Kenneth! You have been weighed! You have been measured! And, you have most assuredly, been found wanting! BELDEN! Papa WOLF! Your next life will be better! Your human will want and love your next mate, as much as you do! The Moon Goddess has promised this!”

Kenneth fell to the floor..gasping.. clutching at his chest.. Derek asked “What did you do?” I looked at him and said “You think THAT is because of me?” He shrugged “He was fine..then you called his wolf.. and… No.. no.. I don’t think you did it” I nodded..then I quietly said “I see… I didn’t call his fucking wolf, Derek. His Wolf called me..he was leaving…he asked me, if his next life would be better! I responded by channeling Selene. But.. I appreciate your faith in me. If you will all excuse me… I have some place to be” and I left the room.

I exited the back doors and shifted into Edina. We ran for the mountain.. I needed some time alone. I love my mate.. and I expect our life to not be perfect a hundred percent of the time.. but I certainly was unprepared for there to be something like this, the day after our mating. So…we ran.. I wanted to commune with nature.. I needed to recharge. And the mountain will be the best place for me to do that. Mountains store the energy from earth’s beginnings.. they sing to my soul. And..above the other elements I control..the Mountain is my favorite!

We ran for several hours. The moon was cresting just as we reached the summit. I howled out my lonely song. My heart was heavy..and I felt sad. That I had disappointed my mate, somehow. I prayed to Selene to guide me…show me what is expected of me. I didn’t ask to be a part of a prophecy! I didn’t ever want to drag my mate into possible harm! On top of that…to never have been told my life was being orchestrated and forced to play out the way the fates decree? Who the fuck thinks that’s even a little bit okay? Why couldn’t I just be normal…even for a day

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