The Nine Bishops

Chapter 35: Rules

Though Mika was up early, all the guild members were already eating breakfast in the dining hall. Before going to bed, Mika had asked Tink if he could make her something specific before she had to go back to the central square. He had agreed with delight, so she expected to see him—but not all the others.

“Mika! Glad to see you awake so early,” Doc said on seeing her. “We are all going to head to the beginning of the tournament. Are you coming to support Law with us?”

Surprisingly, he didn’t seem hung over in the slightest. Roxanne, on the other hand, was facedown on the table. Pudge was shoving whole boiled eggs into his mouth, and Manard was quietly eating oats from a bowl.

“Must you be so loud, Larz?” Roxanne’s voice came from the tablecloth.

“Roxy, today is a big day. I will most certainly not lower my voice. You need to get your head off the table and get food in your mouth if you want to get any better,” Doc said, patting Roxanne on the head.

“I just don’t get why we have to be up so early,” Roxanne complained, slowly lifting her head. Doc opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by a knock on the door. As Tink ran to answer it, he told Mika to help herself to breakfast.

She sat down and chose some fruit and eggs, avoiding conversation because she knew at least some of her guildmates were in for a huge surprise when they saw her in the tournament. She figured there would be less resistance if she talked to them about her participation after the tournament began. They wouldn’t want her to get hurt.

Tink returned to the dining hall with Zaya in tow. Zaya had dropped by the guild many times and, unlike at Howling Moon, Mika’s guildmates were always kind to her. Mika was glad her friend had come to see her off.

“You ready?” Zaya asked when she walked into the dining hall. Mika immediately shot her a look, to which Zaya responded, “Ready to see the start of the tournament?”

“Yeah. Let’s go. I want to get there early so we have a good place to watch,” Mika said, playing along. “Hey, everyone, I’m sorry, but I’m going with Zaya to watch the first round of the tournament. I kind of promised her a long time ago, before Master Beng entered the fray.”

She realized at that moment that her master was not among them. He had obviously left even earlier to be there on time. Mika felt a wave of panic at this, and pulled Zaya out of the guild house.

Passing Tink, she hugged him and asked if he was going to make it.

“Once everything is straightened up here I’ll be on my way,” he told her, adding a whispered “Good luck!”

Zaya pretended not to be watching, since she was avidly against such behavior with a Filth. She didn’t make a fuss about it because it was Tink, though even he should have been no exception.

Mika and Zaya set off for the center of Monsoon. What awaited Mika there was still a mystery, since every tournament was different. Some iterations involved races across Seemos through specific corridors that held various dangers. Others were a free-for-all fight to the death, and the last one was crowned a Bishop. The limiting factor for all tournaments was whether there was a vacancy in one of the Bishop positions. For the first time in a long time, there was no vacancy.

Throughout the history of the Bishops, there had been vacancies for a wide variety of reasons. There was a time, centuries ago, when a Bishop could resign if he wished. Now, the only reason for a vacancy was a Bishop’s death, whether because of age, disease, or violence.

King Fallon instated the tournament of his own accord. No one knew his exact intention for this tournament, but there were two theories: either to create a vacancy or to maintain the most powerful Bishops. Mika didn’t know why, out of all the Bishops, Frost was the one selected to do battle with the Selected. All that really mattered at this point was that Mika was in the tournament and had her chance to become a Bishop.

It wasn’t even dawn yet, but as Mika and Zaya approached the barrier, the streets were full and crowds were already assembling near the square, outside the invisible barrier. Zaya was always clever about finding her way through crowds, so Mika followed her lead. Sneaking through dozens of alleyways, they were soon in the center of Monsoon.

The sky, still quite dark, was well lit by Bishop Frost’s emblem in the sky. They pushed through the crowds to the barrier, ignoring the disgruntled people they jostled on the way.

“Well, this is far as I can take you,” Zaya shouted over the deafening noise of the crowd as they reached the barrier. “I’ll be cheering you on.”

No one paid attention to them, since Mika was still a mystery contestant. The two hugged goodbyes before Mika stepped through the barrier. She was hesitant at first, since she did not have the medallion with her anymore, but somehow, she could pass through without difficulty. Must be an Incantation associated with dropping the medallion, she thought, which also explained why she had received a message on her palm.

As soon as she stepped in, the whiteness appeared and the noise of the crowd vanished. The only sounds that came to her ears were from a small group of people ahead, some of whom she recognized and others she did not. Some were conversing, others standing alone. But all heads turned to look at Mika when she entered.

She suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure. These were the other Selected. She had no friends here, except for maybe one. Mika looked everywhere for Master Beng’s orange robes and finally spotted him sitting far from everyone else, meditating. Mika made her way to him, aware of the stares that followed her, and studiously avoiding gazing back. She accidentally made eye contact with Lancel, who was sitting alone, looking confident, on top of the fountain. He did not look happy to see her, so Mika immediately turned her eyes back to Master Beng.

“How in the world are you here?” she heard a woman’s voice call from the crowd. Mika slowly turned around, not wanting to meet the eyes of all the others.

It was the dark-skinned, purple-eyed woman, the one Mika had nicknamed K.

“You?” Mika answered, shocked. Aware that everyone was listening to their exchange, Mika tried her best not to draw any more attention.

“Yes, me. I asked you a question,” K said, more adamantly than before.

Mika felt extremely uncomfortable, and small. Sure, she had become a powerful mage in the past two years, but she was a nobody compared to the others here. Being put on the spot made her feel dizzy. Luckily, someone else spoke before she had to.

“If I can have everyone’s attention, please,” a familiar voice called out. Everyone looked towards the voice, which came from the very peak of the fountain. Even Lancel, who was sitting just below, stood and turned his gaze toward the speaker.


Nik was standing on top of the fountain next to Bojo Jack. “For those who don’t know who I am, I am the Bishop Joker. I was sent here by the king to explain the nature of the tournament, as well as the rules. I am sure you all know Bojo. He’ll be the announcer for the duration of the tournament.” Bojo bowed.

Nik was making zero eye contact with Mika, though she was trying hard to draw his attention. Everyone remained focused on Nik.

Mika glanced at Master Beng in the distance and saw that he was still meditating, with his eyes closed. Nik went straight into the rules of the competition, so Mika returned her attention to him, wondering why he had been given this task. In all the times they had talked together, he had never once mentioned providing services for the king.

“The nature of this tournament is simple. There are sixteen of you. Each one of you will be randomly paired with another. The two of you will fight to see who continues to the next round. There are only three ways to continue to the next round: if your opponent yields, becomes unconscious, or is killed.”

The last word stung Mika, though Nik had said all of this without emotion. It was a consequence Mika had been prepared to hear, but it didn’t make it any more right. She promised herself she would win only by means of the other two alternatives. No one deserved to die in this tournament.

“In a moment, the entire kingdom of Seemos will see you. The entire tournament will be broadcast for all to see in the sky. When I depart, Bojo will administer the rest of the tournament, so take all guidance from him.” Nik turned, as though about to leave, and stopped.

“I forgot to mention a couple of things. It is too late to turn back now. Failure to participate means death. When you dropped your tokens and medallions, you activated an Incantation that will kill if you do not follow the rules of the tournament. In addition, it is against the rules to engage each other in combat outside the tournament. Fortunately, all of you followed the first few rules of the tournament and all managed to show up on time. Otherwise, you would have died,” he finished coldly. The Selected looked at one another for a second in shock. When they returned their gaze to Nik, he was gone.

Mika was too busy thinking about Nik’s behavior to think about his last comment.

Why did he act so strange, as if he didn’t even know me?

She felt a warming sensation on her palm again, and saw a simple message on it: Tomorrow. The fountain. Midday.

Mika looked around and saw that all the other participants were looking at their hands, too. Evidently, each had received their own independent instructions.

“Wow, what a wacky turn of events, don’t ya think?” Bojo Jack interjected amid everyone’s confusion. “Yo, all you Selected, line up side by side in the order that I say. What do you say we get this tournament kicked off?”

The man was far too upbeat in the moment for Mika’s taste.

“Lawrence Beng and Bishop Steel’s nominee, Lizbeth Kine and Bishop Tempest’s nominee, Farl Tobb and Bishop Mistress’s nominee, Tobias Zan and Bishop Joker’s nominee,” Bojo listed. Everyone called promptly fell into order as Bojo stated, except for Master Beng. He didn’t move from his spot the entire time.

Mika lined up next to the man named Tobias Zan. He was the master of Royal Flush and young compared to the other masters, no older than sixty. He was an intense-looking bald man, dark-skinned, with thick eyebrows. Mika analyzed him as he stood there, wondering if he was to be her first opponent. When he felt her gaze, he turned to look at Mika, at which Mika abruptly turned away and stared forward.

Bojo continued the list of remaining names. “Alfred Mandrake and Bishop Flame’s nominee, Randall Farly and Bishop Static’s nominee.”

Lancel got up and stood in the position of Bishop Flame’s nominee.

“Vixin Tamrie and Bishop Soot’s nominee, and, last but not least, Dimitri Hozckysus and Bishop Wild’s nominee.”

After Bojo had finished, the former gaggle of the Selected was now a straight, organized line that included all the participants except Master Beng.

Bojo hardly noticed and started the broadcast anyway. This was apparent to all, because the barrier seemingly disappeared as the broadcast began. Mika was now standing visible in the central square, surrounded by thousands of cheering onlookers. The sun was now over the horizon, and above them was no longer Bishop Frost’s illuminated emblem, but rather a tournament bracket.

“Ladies and gentlemen, mages and Filth! I hereby present the Selected Sixteen!” Bojo boomed, to the cheers of the boisterous crowd. “These sixteen will be going head-to-head in a one-versus-one tournament to see who will face the ever-so-icy Bishop Frost! If you would look above me, you’ll find the tournament bracket. There will be two fights each day. The first will be at midday and the second immediately after that!”

Bojo continued to hype up the crowd and continued to tell them almost everything the contestants already knew. The only part he left out was the threat of death if they did not participate. In a way, each one of the Selected was being held hostage. After Bojo finished explaining the minor nuances of the tournament, he announced the Selected.

“Our first fight today will be between the very unexpected late entry, Lawrence Beng of the War Eagles, and Bishop Steel’s nominee!” Bojo announced.

The broadcast in the sky went to a shot of Master Beng, still meditating, then immediately switched over to K. The crowd went wild.

As Bojo Jack announced the rest of the nominees in the order he had organized them in line, it was clear their identities were to remain a secret, which to Mika was a source of both happiness and dismay. She was glad to know her identity would not be revealed, but she really wanted to know the identity of the other Bishop nominees, particularly K.

Mika’s theory about lining up next to her opponent was correct. Her fight with Tobias was to take place tomorrow, immediately after the fight between Farl Tobb and Bishop Mistress’ nominee, Jazmine Ado, the woman who revealed herself at the opening ceremonies. All participants in the day’s contests were required to show up at midday.

Today, Mika would have an opportunity to watch Master Beng’s fight. She had never seen him use his magic to his full capacity. There was a possibility she would have to face him in the tournament, she realized; they were on the same side of the tournament bracket. That Lancel was on the other side of the bracket didn’t help her, especially if it came to the last round and Lancel was in the final. Master Beng had said, after all, that he would stop at nothing to keep his grandson from becoming a Bishop.

I’m thinking way ahead of myself, she thought. Have to take this one step at a time.

Bojo finished his announcements, adding: “And fans, don’t worry about missing the tournament. King Fallon has ensured that anyone can see the tournament from anywhere. See ya’ll at midday!”

Bojo’s last statement made the hair on the back of Mika’s neck stick up. She had to remember that the king was watching. Could he recognize her? She was no longer the six-year-old girl he once knew; she looked vastly different. And there was no reason to suspect she could be one of the nominees.

Maybe that’s an ignorant thought. Nik was the one who gave me the medallion in the first place. He said it himself: he serves the king. However, if the king knew where I was, then surely, he would have sent someone after me. I’m too important to leave to chance, Mika thought.

She realized all her jumbled thoughts about her entrance into the tournament were distracting her from the task at hand. What she really needed to do was make sure she was ready by tomorrow.

After the broadcast, the area within the barrier turned white again and the sound from the crowd was replaced by silence. Now the fountain was gone, and the whiteness looked exactly like her dreams. Though she couldn’t explain this, Mika felt it couldn’t be a coincidence. The Selected immediately went their separate ways, even K, leaving Mika, Bojo, and Master Beng alone in the whiteness.

“Yo girl, what are you still doing here? Don’t you need to get ready for the tournament?” Bojo asked, as if she should have known that.

Mika gave him a quick nod and walked outside the barrier, taking one last look at Master Beng, who still sat meditating.

Mika’s first goal was to find her friends and guildmates. But when she stepped outside the barrier, she found she’d become an instant celebrity. Many of the spectators had already left, but those who lingered gawked at Mika, some shouting words of encouragement, like “Go, Joker girl!”

The crowd parted for her as she passed, each person gazing at her or saying something appreciative. It was an odd sensation to be praised and treated like royalty, a feeling she found herself liking a bit too much.

After being greeted by thousands and followed by many, Mika made it back to the guild house, glad to be away from all the noise and the crowd of fans she had suddenly accrued. Fortunately, none of those who trailed behind her had access beyond the wooden doors of the guild house, so she wouldn’t be bothered inside.

Mika quickly shut the door behind her. She sank to the floor, leaning her back against the door, and sighed in relief. Now she could take some time to look at her notes about Tobias Zan and figure out her strategy.

Expecting to be alone, Mika was surprised when she heard someone say, “Ahem.”

Mika looked up and saw everyone in her guild standing in front of her. Roxanne, who still looked abysmal from her hangover, was the first to speak. “Mika, you’ve got some explaining to do,” she said sternly.

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