The Nine Bishops

Chapter 19: Induction

When Mika left Crest Hall it felt as if nothing had happened. As soon as the quill left her skin she felt perfectly fine. Much more time had passed than Mika had expected. She had arrived at Crest Hall before midday, but now it was almost evening. She headed straight back to the guild house, expecting the induction ceremony to take place shortly.

At the main doors, she grabbed the door knocker and was surprised to see the door open automatically. She entered to see Tink walking toward the door. “Great! You’re back. I take it the cresting went well. That door has an Incantation on it that allows only guild members in without a key. So, let me see it!” Tink said excitedly, referring to Mika’s crest.

Mika made a fist with her left hand and turned it towards Tink so he could see the crest.

“Wow. That turned out great, and you got it in red, just like Master Beng’s. I never see crests in red, but I personally think it looks the best. Great choice!” Tink said enthusiastically. Mika smiled at the compliment, though it was clear he was ignorant of the fact it wasn’t her choice. Mika was frustrated with Master Beng for what he’d made her go through, but after hearing Tink’s acknowledgement that it was rare and fitting for Mika, she decided that the cresting was a blessing. It seems Tink has no idea what it took to get it, Mika realized.

“Let’s get to the dining hall for the induction ceremony,” Tink said.

The dining hall held a massive rectangular table that could easily fit twenty. But all of the chairs were clustered at one end. It was enough to seat those who would attend the ceremony. In total there were seven chairs, five of which had someone standing behind them already.

Master Beng stood behind the chair at the head of the table. To his right stood Roxanne. To his left was an unfamiliar man who had black hair that was turning white and a thick aging mustache as well. His age was difficult to gauge precisely; perhaps somewhere between fifty and seventy.

Next to him stood another man whom Mika found terrifying. He was bald and had scars all over his face. He wore a bandana around his neck, which appeared to be hiding more injuries. He looked to be only about forty, but his appearance suggested he’d lived a rough life. Looking at him made Mika feel uneasy. Amid the lively small talk filling the dining hall, he remained silent, which only increased her unease.

Across from the bald man stood Pudge, who also wasn’t talking much, though Mika understood why. He was busy staring hungrily at the food that had been placed on the table, which remained untouched.

It was obvious the two unoccupied chairs were meant for Mika and Tink, but neither appealed to Mika. She wasn’t sure which was worse: next to Pudge or to the terrifying bald man. She wasn’t looking forward to sitting next to either.

Master Beng made a final comment to the man to his right and he announced: “Eagles, our hatchling has arrived. The induction ceremony will begin shortly.” All eyes turned to Mika, but only Roxanne and the mustached man smiled, which made her nervous.

Tink motioned to Mika to stand behind the chair next to Pudge, while he took the unoccupied seat next to the bald man. She felt a little relieved, but now she was standing across the table from the bald man, whom she could not help but steal glances at periodically.

“Roll call,” Master Beng called out.

“Master, Roxanne Rivers, present!” shouted the first of the mages. The master nodded.

The mustached man to the master’s left was next to speak. “Master, Larz Doc Turnwald, present!” he shouted and the master nodded again.

“Master, Pudge Barton, present!” Pudge shouted, keeping his eyes on the food.

Mika noticed the pace of things after the first two members called out. That means the bald man is Manard, Mika remembered from her conversation with Roxanne. However, when it was the bald man’s turn, he mouthed something, but no words came out. Oddly, the master nodded. When it seemed it was Mika’s turn to do the same, Master Beng spoke.

“Are all Eagles present?” Master Beng asked, looking at Tink.

As if on cue, Tink replied, “No master, there is but one Eagle that did not report.” At Tink’s words, Master Beng called out again.

“Eagles, roll call!” Master Beng repeated.

The guild members restarted their roll call from the top, starting with Roxanne. This time, Tink gave Mika a look that indicated that it was her turn to say something. When the order of the roll call got to Mika, she followed everyone else’s lead.

“Master, Mika present,” she replied shyly. She realized in that moment that it was awkward to report without a last name. However, Filth did not have last names. Neither did she feel comfortable adopting her royal surname, Fallon.

Master Beng, ignoring the omission, turned to Tink and repeated his question.

“Are all Eagles present?”

Tink responded with a smile. “Master Lawrence Beng, all War Eagles are present!”

Master Beng returned his smile and then shouted, “War Eagles! Eagle flap, caw!”

Mika knew what that meant. It was the Eagle war cry. Every guild had a war cry. Zaya’s howl towards the sky was Howling Moon’s war cry. The Eagles kept their hands at their sides, raised them slightly and then patted their legs as if they were flapping their wings, followed by the furious shriek of an eagle. On the master’s command, all of the Eagles in unison performed the Eagle war cry, which was an exaggerated caw.

As soon as it was over, Master Beng said, “Take seats!” Immediately the members pulled their chairs out, sat down and began passing around the food like a family. All of it looked delicious, and Mika, her days of eating whatever she could forage from the forest still fresh in her mind, was excited to try all of the dishes.

Roxanne politely asked Pudge to switch seats with her, which he did while continuing to eat. Mika was relieved. When Roxanne sat down again, her appearance was of someone Mika’s age. She immediately congratulated Mika with a hug.

“How did you like the first part of the induction ceremony?” Roxanne asked joyfully.

“Wait, that was only the first part?” Mika asked, wondering what could possibly come next.

“You didn’t think you would get off that easy!” Roxanne said with a playful laugh.

“Does that mean I am still being tested?”

“Always!” Roxanne responded with a big smile.

“So what is the next test?”

“Tink is working on it right now, so no need to spoil it quite yet.”

Mika noted that Tink had left his place. However, he returned momentarily, wheeling in a massive barrel on a cart. Master Beng, who was talking with Doc, stopped his conversation and announced, “Finally, let the induction ceremony begin!”

Mika’s confusion quickly dissipated when she saw Tink fill up a tankard with a mysterious liquid from the barrel.

“Drink up. Master’s orders,” he said with a laugh.

Puzzled, Mika looked to Roxanne for an explanation.

“There is a reason why you have to be eighteen to join a guild,” Roxanne said.

“And why’s that?” Mika asked foolishly.

“It’s the legal age to drink alcohol. We are about to find out if you really are Eagle material!” Roxanne laughed.

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