The New World

Chapter 8 – Playing both sides

Demonio walked around the room, his hands behind his back as his thoughts twisted around each other. He knew that his brother Sol would know of everything and would have found a way around what he wanted to do, not that he was surprised by that, that was something that always happened. And that Sol would have gotten help to stop him. Which is why he had The General, the evil inside him was enough to push the demons, but not enough to keep them going.

But he needed that book, for there was more information that he needed. For Sol would have written how to defeat Demonio and that was with Fire. But Demonio knew better than that and it was all in the wording. If he could read between the lines, then he would figure out away to win this war over the other Gods, which is how he figured out that Fire was important.

And he wanted to yell when The General let her out of his sight. He couldn’t understand how valuable she was, so by rights he couldn’t blame him exactly. But when someone said something was important, you would think they would listen.

“Sir?” He turned around and looked at the vampire woman. It was the one The General kept, much like a pet.

“Yes? Mariana is it?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“What can I do for you?” he asked, watching her.

“The General sent me in to talk to you.” The God’s brow crinkled in confusion at that. What would this little thing have to say that could have any interest to him?

“About what, exactly?”

“Fire.” Now that spiked his interest and maybe she wasn’t so useless after all.

“What about her?” he questioned

“I was there the night of the ball.” He fought to roll his eyes at that. How was that to help him?

“I do recall seeing you.”

“Do you remember seeing the man I was with?” Try as he might, he couldn’t remember, though he saw no reason why he should be remembering anyway.

“No, I don’t think so, why?”

“The man I was with was an Alpha of a great pack in the United States.”

“He was a wolf? You brought a wolf to the party?”

“Yes, because I was asked to. There was a plan between Fire and that wolf, whose name is Grayson.”

“Why would they be planning anything? To my knowledge, they had just met that night,” he wondered as he thought over that. That was odd to him, not that vampires and wolves didn’t have an allegiance with the other on occasion, but for that specific reason, that was unusual.

“And on that, you would be wrong. They have known each other for a while. In fact, they are mated to each other.” At that, the God laughed. For as far as he has known, there was never mating between the two breeds, why now? No, he couldn’t believe what this woman was saying.

“My dear girl, never in all my many years have I heard anything so utterly ridiculous. Why would a vampire and a wolf mate? And how would that even be possible? Wolves are meant to pass on their bloodline and vampires simply can’t do that.”

“Whatever you may think you MIGHT know, I’m telling you that you are wrong.” The laughter died on his lips as his gaze turned to her in anger. How dare she call him wrong. With in a blink of an eye he had walked over to this girl and had her by the throat. He could feel his time was almost up for being on this plane and he would have to be leaving soon without any way to get to Fire yet again. At this rate, he would lose everything he had fought for if he didn’t have her.

“P…pl…ease…” she choked out and he dropped her to the ground. For all of his dealings, he was finding vampires to truly be some of the weakest creatures around. He turned his back and walked away from her, not wanting to give it another thought. “I…can…show you.”

“What plan did they hatch?” Mariana rubbed at her throat as she slowly stood up and watched him.

“They needed the journal of Sol.” He paused at those simple words.

“Why?” he barked out.

“I wasn’t quite privy to that. I was told to get Grayson and a few others in to that party and then when all eyes were on Fire, I was told to get the book.”

“They most know something. Why would Fire lower herself to mate with a wolf?”

“I don’t know, but she is.”

“Wolves leave marks and scents on their mates; I neither saw nor picked up on anything.”

“She covered and masked it so that no one would pick up on it,” she told him as she lifted a shoulder like it should have been obvious.

“I still don’t believe you but you said you could show me that what you are saying is true, how?”

“Right now, they aren’t aware I’m not on their side anymore, they think I am still helping them. If I had a party, they would come and you could see for yourself.”

“My time is limited though, so the party would have to be further out.” Mariana shrugged as if it was no big deal. “Fine, I will trust you to show me but if you are lying Mariana, you will suffer my wrath.”

“And if I’m not?” He had to give props to this one; she stood up when others didn’t. And that either made her very brave or very stupid.

“I will consider anything else you would tell me.”

“I would want to know your plans and what you want with Fire.” He laughed at that and walked back to her and stood before her.

“My dear, even The General doesn’t know what I am doing or what I want with her fully, why the hell should I tell you?”

“Because Demonio, I am the only one who can play both side and get everything you need.”

“A black heart indeed. Very well, a party four days after the eclipse.”

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