The Never Ending Tails

Chapter The Fallen One

In the beginning, only Void was present; an ocean of darkness sealed in Silence. There was no such thing as existence. Only nothingness prevailed while time itself was meaningless…

Light started shining through the void and Silence was broken for the very first time. Light blossomed into stars spreading across a newly expending space and sounds rose crafting the melody of time. With the Light matter formed, and with the Melody of Time motion came moving everything and turning the arrow of time. The universe was born but no one ever knew why, it materialized from Chaos in a newly born Order.

In those times when the world was still new, it was said that the Adam Kadmon was first to appear; first sight of life in an empty world. The Adam Kadmon didn’t move for millions of years, forming the spiritual and physical center of the newly formed universe. Many eons later, life spread across space spawn from the very spirit of the Adam Kadmon. The first premise of intelligent life appeared on the third planet of a yellow star in the periphery of the Milky Way. an ancient race of winged humanoids that formed the very first civilization.

This first world had nothing to do with earth as we know it. The Universe is much more complex than we can think; the winged people who called themselves the angels did live on earth, but it was a different version of it more ancient and quite different from ours; in those ancient times, our earth didn’t exist yet…

The angels formed a very peaceful society; their lives were simple at first, but they evolved in a very fast way. In a matter of few centuries, they tamed their world and built magnificent cities all across it. They knew wealth, and were blessed with gifts that permitted them to tame the elements of their world like fire and water and so many others. At least most of them were born with those powers; a minority appeared with no elemental powers for some reason.

The rulers of the Angels’ Kingdom were the Archangels; the highest cast in the angels’ society and the most just ones of their kind. The council was composed of six archangels and all of them were under the orders of the seventh archangel and president of the council: Lucifer.

Lucifer obtained his status by sacrificing himself for his beloved Lilith. Lucifer was an angel of shadows, and Lilith was an angel of the Moon Light; they both lived in the city of Lys in happiness until that tragic day when Lilith got bitten by a scarlet snake while picking apples in the surroundings of the small town. The scarlet snake’s venom was the deadliest thing in the angels’ Earth, and no remedy was known to them. Lilith was doomed everybody said, she only had a week remaining to live.

Lucifer couldn’t bear such faith for the person he loved the most; he took flight and searched for the legendary fountain of Light told to heal any hurt and any poison, but also known to give eternal youth to anybody stepping into it. Against all odds, Lucifer did find the fountain after four days of search. No one knew of his whereabouts or how he managed to do such a thing, but at 27; he became the first to become eternally young. He cut his arm with his shadow blade and went in the fountain. As he stepped in the circular stone formation and was surrounded by the intense light coming out of it; the wound closed and disappeared leaving his hand as it was.

Lucifer came back immediately for his beloved and carried her by airs to the location of the mystic fountain that only him knew. Things weren’t as easy this time; he saw from the air a large beast by the entrance of the cave where the fountain was. He landed at a safe distance, hiding Lilith from any surrounding danger before leaving to face the beast.

The creature guarding the cave was a seven headed hydra that was probably five times bigger than he was; it had four largely clawed feet and heads all different one from the other and lizard like with a different color for each one. The fight was fierce; the beast spitted different kind of elements from each one of its heads: Fire, water, lightning, sand, ice, wind and even shadows. Lucifer killed the beast, but not without harm. His body was more wounded than it wasn’t, and many of his vital organs. With blood dropping all over, Lucifer took flight to seek his beloved instead of going for the fountain; he was too worried for her to even think of himself. After getting her to the fountain, he felt to the ground. It was so close to him, but he couldn’t move anymore.

He felt that the end was coming as he closed his eyes, but instead; he felt a bright light illuminating his eyelids and all his pain going away. As he rose he saw the joy and surprise in the eyes of Lilith. Not only was he alive and well, but he also had two more pairs of raven black wings; he had become the first Archangel in his people’s history.

If Lucifer’s aspirations weren’t too high for the whole of his race, the world of the angels and ours as well would be much calmer and so much pain and suffering would have been avoided; however, the archangel was motivated by his previous achievement to fly even higher and dream even bigger. The discovery of the fountain of Light changed the angels’ society in its very core, and Lucifer believed he can change it even more, making it almost perfect.

After centuries of reign and prosperity, the angels discovered the First Adam through a gateway leading to his place of suspension and carefully studied him. They understood how big his power was and weren’t sure if it was wise to try and use it as they used the fountain. Lucifer wasn’t that unsure and already knew exactly what would be the best to take of the First Adam’s powers in order to improve the angel’s world and finally make it perfect. But the council wasn’t able to make a final decision and for hundreds of years, Lucifer waited and waited.

After the incident of the seeker archangel Mikkel Grey, Gabriel the Light archangels got four other archangels of the council to set up the rule of taboo putting down once and for all the aspirations of Lucifer. Azrael the Moon Light Archangel and Lilith’s brother was the only one to side with the first Archangel in his continuous request to use the power of the First Adam. The other Archangels tired of Lucifer’s insane aspirations banned Lucifer him from his position of head of the council and tried to stop him from acting; the ordeal lead to a terrible conclusion: the death of Lilith by the hands council’s Sephirots. The fountain had given her eternal youth, but she was still mortal, and the blade that pierced through her heart killed her almost instantly.

Insanely mad because of the death of his beloved; Lucifer started an open war against the council, known as the first war of the angels. Many chose to join Lucifer and with his army, they chose to follow their anger denying their angelic nature and became the first fallen angels, the first demons. The war took countless lives and continued for centuries, but the angels under the new council’s guidance ended up winning.

Lucifer lost; his plans failed because of the very nature of the transformation him and his army passed through. By becoming demons, their potential was unleashed; however, only Lucifer, Azrael and some other powerful angels kept their instincts under control. The majority of the demons’ legions were creatures of pure wrath making the task of leading them into battle quite tedious; at the end, it was the discipline and well thought strategies of the angels that brought them victory.

Lucifer was captured by the angels; it was the personal paladin of the archangel Raphael-Cid-that trapped him and took him to the council. Lucifer was quickly judged as a traitor and sent to a new world that was accidentally formed or discovered- no one really knows- through the experiences of the seeker archangel and started to hatch life : the human world.

The Cherubs, the engineers of the angel’s world under the leadership of Mikkel Grey marked Lucifer’s soul with the seal of immortality, in order to keep him from getting back to his world through death in that other world he was meant to roam for eternity. The seal was formed by a strange mix of the last particles of void Mr. Grey kept, and infused with the light of the fountain. It made Lucifer’s body act as if it was always in contact with the fountain. The council killed him thousands of times, and each time his wound healed and he stayed alive. Lucifer once wanted to live forever; but once he got what he always wished, he wished he had never aspired for such a curse.

They also created the angels’door, a gateway protected by an artificial consciousness that was applying specific rules for the transitions between worlds. The door was applying one major protocol; only those who already know where it is can find it in the human’s world. The angels that would be born on Earth and would like to get to the door must pass through a spiritual journey where they were to achieve six tedious tasks to learn the essence of the angels’ nature and prove their worth to the Angels’ Kingdom. Only when their journey is achieved can they finally reach the door of angels; No other exceptions were possible. Lucifer didn’t pass through the door but was pushed in the lake of re-conceptions where his body dissolved and reformed as he was pushed through the newly formed land between: the land of death. His soul was the first one to ever pass through the way of reincarnation where it was sent to his ‘human’ body. Lucifer was then sealed, forced to live eternally in a world where life was in its very first steps…

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