The Nameless Luna – Book One: The Girl With Violet Eyes

The Nameless Luna – Book One: Chapter 16

Mark’s eyes widen, the corner of his lip twitching almost imperceptibly with the trace of a relieved smile as he realizes he’s no longer the boldest one at the table. The inappropriate nature of his own question is instantly forgotten as everyone’s eyes turn toward Tristan.
I swallow hard, setting down the juicy pear I’d been about to sink my teeth into and staring down at my hands.
‘Sophie’s vision revealed that my… mate’ —Tristan says the word with some difficulty— ‘is tied to the future of our pack, and it was in the Rovers’ best interest for me to find her.’
Amara leans forward in her seat, her thick brows furrowing. ‘So this isn’t just about the mating bond?’ she asks.
Lucy scoffs. ‘Of course it isn’t. You know Tristan. Since when does he- ow!’ Before she can finish, Amara kicks her under the table, glancing between Tristan and me in a pointed warning.
What was Lucy about to reveal?
‘But is she even your mate until you’ve marked her?’ Mark asks, and I’m surprised to find that there’s no malice behind his question this time, only genuine confusion and curiosity.
‘It’s not like we’re expecting you to throw some big mating ceremony,’ Nico adds. ‘But are you going to make it official? Is flower girl over here going to be the new Luna of the Rovers or just our guest?’
Luna? Me?
I feel beyond foolish for not having thought of it sooner. Of course, Tristan is the Alpha of his own pack, and if I’m his mate, then that would naturally make me his Luna. Yet, somehow, the notion never even crossed my mind.
This whole thing has been unconventional, to say the least, and even though he’s been kinder to me than I could have expected, he also made it clear that he’s not fond of my uncle and my old pack. Besides, I’m hardly the stuff of leaders. I’ve been a slave my entire life, a freak. Not to mention the fact that I don’t have a wolf. Can I be a proper mate if I’m not even a true shifter?
I certainly can’t be a proper Luna.
‘For now, the girl is my guest. The rest does not concern you,’ Tristan says sharply, to which Nico makes a dissatisfied sort of grimace.
‘Well, according to Sophie’s vision, this concerns the entire pack, so excuse me for wanting a little clarification,’ Nico says, folding his arms over his chest, eyes darting between his Alpha and me.
‘The boy has a point,’ Amara adds softly, and I can almost sense Tristan’s resentment as he glares over at her as if to say, ‘Really? You too?’
‘Come on, boss,’ Mark huffs. ‘You’re saying this girl may or may not be the future of the Rovers, and she may or may not become your Luna. But we don’t actually know anything about her. Who is she? Has she even told us her name?’
I wince at this. Even if I gave Mark the answer, he would not like it. A nameless servant mongrel as a Luna would undoubtedly be unwelcome. I curl into myself with shame, shoulders hunched as I try to make myself small enough to disappear, but as I shrink in my seat, Tristan straightens.
‘Don’t,’ he snarls. ‘Don’t talk about her as if she’s not sitting right here.’ Tristan’s voice is low and husky, so quiet in a barely controlled sort of way. The threat is so plainly written in his eyes as he speaks that, even though he’s perfectly still in his chair, he’s never seemed more dangerous.
The color drains from the Beta’s face, and I get the sense Mark’s just stepped on a landmine.
I don’t speak, I don’t move, I don’t even breathe as two males stare at each other with an intensity I have never seen on Tristan’s handsome features.
‘I think that’s enough questions and games for now, wouldn’t you agree, Lucy?’ Amara says at last, and her words slice through the silence. Her expression is calm and controlled.
‘Indeed, we wouldn’t want King’s little flower to lose her appetite because of our poor table manners,’ she replies lightly, sliding a cheese board over to me with a friendly smile. I nod at her, hoping he can see the gratitude in my eyes as some of the tension thins from the air.
I glance over at Tristan, who’s still glaring at his Beta. Mark, bulky and muscled as he is, dons the expression of a dog with a tail between his legs.
‘Right, then. Let’s hurry and eat so we can head downtown,’ Lucy adds, eager to change the subject, and Nico quickly nods in agreement. ‘There’s a little shop that sells the prettiest sweaters, and we should probably get you some new shoes while we’re there.’
I’m still wearing the same scruffed-up brown flats from the day of Oscar’s mating ceremony. Though I’m in no position to be asking for favors, I really could use a decent pair of boots… especially if I’m going to be working in the gardens and walking around the moss-covered cobbles of the Rovers’ quaint town.
We finish lunch in tentative pleasantness, with everyone falling into a casual sort of meaningless chatter. Amara inquires about the stores Lucy and I are going to visit and makes a few suggestions. Mark asks Nico about his run earlier. The males fall into easy banter, arguing over whether Mark’s brute strength makes him fast enough to outrun Nico’s own speed and agility. The conversation wraps up as we finish our meal, and Lucy points out that Tristan could easily run circles around both of them. The Rogue Alpha merely smiles to himself.
Once we’ve eaten, Lucy happily drags me away from the veranda, and I’m surprised when Amara asks to join us. She presses a kiss to her mate’s forehead before we leave and, though she’s still stern and imposing, I’m starting to find her presence somewhat soothing.
As we head back through the villa to the main exit, I glance over my shoulder and see Nico poking at Mark’s side, and the other laughs and bats his hand away while Tristan smiles to himself.
Even when they argued, there was no actual fighting. No physical show of force, no insults exchanged, nor punishments issued for doubting and offending the Alpha’s word.
I’m beginning to understand just how different Rovers are from the Banes.
My uncle had pack elders and advisors, but they did not challenge or question him. They were his minions more than his council. However, each of the Rovers, mismatched as they may be, seems to have a clear part to play in the pack. Mark is obviously the muscle of the group, strong and stubborn to a fault but loyal down to his bones. Lucy is charming and disarmingly kind. She’s clearly cunning underneath her sweet smile, and I suspect she listens just as much as she talks, which says a lot. Nico is clever and agile in his own way. From what I’ve heard, he’s a sharp scout with a quick foot and a keen sense of curiosity. Then there’s Amara, with her dark eyes full of patience and wisdom. She is the anchor of the pack, steady and certain amid the chaos.
They’re a family, and maybe… maybe I’d like to become a part of it.

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