The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 20

There he stood next to a group of men and women dressed in similar attire to his. As if he felt my eyes, he turned around and faced me with a grin before making his was towards me with long strides.

Deciding to tease him a bit, I took both sides of my olive green dress and stretched them in a curtsy,” Your Majesty.” I greeted before looking up at him from my eyelashes as I straightened up.

His arm hooked itself around my waist before tugging me into his chest,” We are both quite aware that that is most certainly not applicable to you, Darling. I am only Nicholas to you, nothing more, nothing less.” He lightly smirked.

“So I can’t refer to you as Sweetheart or Dear or even Baby, either?” I innocently smiled at him.

“Now those are definitely encouraged, Darling,” He lightly growled making me giggle at his actions,” Now, before another male tries to steal you away from me like last time, may I have this dance?”

I turned around to find couples stepping onto the dance floor, I turned to him and smiled,” Please?”

He guided me by my waist to the dance floor before taking my hand and putting it on his shoulder and the other taking it into his hand as he let his other one remain around my waist.

“I still can’t quite dance, you know?” I reminded with a raised eyebrow and smile.

“Well then, allow your king to teach you.” He replied with a subtle wink as he started moving us, with him obviously leading our moves. We moved with precision and grace but it didn’t quite feel like last time. “Let us resurface some memories, shall we?”

His hand led mine that was clasped in his to his neck before he rested it around my waist alongside his other. He took the one step needed for us to be completely flush against each other. We molded into each other and I felt complete and warm even though I was not cold before. The sparks that ignited from our skins touching left a flame in my body.

We swayed at a slow pace before I found my head laying on his chest, his strong heart beat beating from under my ear.

At this moment I felt content.


“You are good for him,” Queen Jane’s familiar voice spoke from next to me, making my heart uncomfortably skip a beat in shock at her chosen words,” I am aware that I have been anything but kind or welcoming towards you, but I see that you will not be leaving anytime soon so I would like to establish a form of relationship with you. Basically, I ask you to give me another chance. We might not become the closest of friends, but for my son’s sake I would like us to try to be civil with each other at least, especially me.”

To say I was taken aback by her words would be an understatement. I was bewildered. I had no explanation for it. I had accepted that I would have no relationship with Queen Jane either than the hostile one we shared, but that doesn’t mean that I did not wish to have a warmer one with her because I did.

“I would like that.” I smiled with honesty, which she returned with a subtle one that had me almost grinning in excitement.

“I truly do apologise for my behaviour, Emira,” She sighed, her eyes wandering to Nicholas’ figure as he chatted with a duke from elsewhere. You could see that he was happy by the way he had a constant smile brightening up his face.” I will admit I was partially intimidated and dare I say jealous of you.” She mumbled the last part.

“But why? Your Highness, you are on of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen and you seem like a good queen.” I said.

“Well first of all, just Jane will do, Dear. We are family after all. Second of all, my children practically despise me, and I honestly understand why. Third of all, the reason for my jealousy is because I am not Tristan’s actual soulmate. Tristan and I were joined by marriage at the age of 21 when we could not find our soulmates. My parents decided that we could forge an eternal alliance, a form of combining of the two kingdoms through our marriage. My older brother and his wife were married by then and were true soulmates, but they agreed seeing as they would not loose their crowns and so I was wed. I am certain Rosella has explained the procedures of this palace to you such as the one about only the royal family having access to the treasury. I cannot access it due to me not being Tristan’s soulmate for one, whereas you can and you are not from this world. I know that these are all excuses for my ill behaviour, but I truly do apologise for my ill treatment towards you. I do want to have a relationship with my son’s future wife and my future daughter-in-law, I just hope that I am not too late.”

I could see Nick’s eyes carefully but subtly looking in our direction as if he feared that his mother and I would break out into a brawl.

“Jane, I am willing to have a relationship with you, its sort of what I wanted.” I smiled.

“Thank you.” She smiled at me before getting off her seat and heading down to her original one.

I watched Nick as he made his way to me, a look of concern marring his once happy features. He stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze that almost made me squirm at the ticklish sensation.

“Are you alright?” He asked from above me.

“I’m more than alright.” I smiled up at him.

“My apologies, but the sight of you and my mother talking concerned me.” He said.

“Well, we actually had a conversation, I even feel like I’ll sleep better than I have since I first came to Luminary.” I replied with a smile.

“Really? Why is that?” He raised an eyebrow as he sat next to me.

“I’ll tell you later, go enjoy your celebration.” I chuckled in amusement at his worry.

“Fine,” He sighed,” But only if you remain by my side?” He smiled, “May I have another dance?” He offered his hand as he stood up.

“Yes.” I smiled taking his offered hand.

He gave me a toothy smile as he wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me to the dancefloor where a few couples loitered including Jane and Tristan and Rosella and some guy.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his hands on my hips. We gently swayed our hips to the orchestra playing at the corner of the room. Our feet moved to their own rhythm even as we listened to the orchestra. He pulled me flush against his chest before taking my hand in his before pushing me away in a twirl and bringing me back so my back was to his chest, his hand still clasped around mine while his other rested on the corner of my stomach.

“Did I tell you that you looked exquisite tonight?” He whispered against my ear making his warm breath brush against my ear, causing shivers to furiously run up and down my spine.

“Yes.” I shyly smiled, I don’t know why, but every time he compliments me I feel shy again.

“Then why do I feel as if I had not said it enough?” He asked as he gently swayed us before he dipped me and looked down at me with a small smirk. He pulled me up and twirled me again before pulling me so I was against his chest, like I was a cloth and he was controlling my movements. " How I crave those taunting lips." He looked at my lips," May I?"

“In front of all these people?” I shyly asked, digging my face into his warm chest.

He tilted my head up with my chin so my eyes connected with his," What better place? We are engaged to be wed either way." He shrugged, licking his lips as he stared at my lips longingly.

Before I could utter another word, he had his arm firmly hooked around my waist as his breath brushed against my lips at the close proximity. He looked at me for permission which I found myself granting with a subtle nod of my head.

He didn’t need more motivation as his lips caressed against mine before plastering against them with fiery passion that ignited a fire in my stomach. Our kiss was not rushed, more sensual and didn’t fail to communicate our emotions even in those few seconds.

It was as electric as our kiss that night.

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