The Mystical Prince And The Pauper

Chapter 14

“I am exhausted.” Whined Rosella as we walked down the green fields of the school.

“I will repeat, I thought you loved school.” I teased, earning a playful glare in return.

“That only applied to the first week of school, all first weeks of school I love.” She whined as we walked behind the greenhouse.

Its been a week since I went to Luminary and I haven’t seen Nicholas since, excluding our nightly chats that he insists we must have. I won’t complain because I enjoy them even though he never fails to embarrass me during them.

“Rose, it is truly a miracle that my Darling has not lost her hearing from your profuse whining.” Nicholas’ amused voice sounded from behind us, causing to turn at neck breaking speed to face him.

There he stood in all his gorgeous glory wearing a black button up shirt that had all but its two top buttons unbuttoned and his sleeves rolled neatly and classically at his elbows, exposing his naked forearms. He had navy blue skinny jeans that clung snuggly to his muscular legs and white sneakers to complete his outfit. His hair was swept back but looked as if hands had ran through it a few times.

His shirt left very little to the imagine the way it clung to his arms and chest and lined his muscles. He was most certainly not buff but definitely well-built. The way he leaned against the greenhouse wall did not help to hide the muscles his arms had especially since he had them folded securely against his chest making them pop as a small smirk lazily outlined his lips. At this point in time, he looked like a bad boy rather than a prince.

“Will I not be receiving a hug or a kiss?” He pouted, making my knees go weak at the feminine act that looked too adorable and charming on him to be legal. It was knee numbing and brain numbing, actually, he was knee and brain numbing,” Am I required to beg or perhaps take them on my own?” He asked as he let his hands fall to his sides, his broad stature leaving the wall before he slowly stalked towards me in such a way that it felt like I was suffering from deja vu as memories of our first night ran through my head.

“Nicholas,” Rosella seethed as he sent us a smug smile,” Are you trying to kill us?” She exclaimed in irritation.

“Of course not, my Dear sister, you perhaps, but most certainly not my Darling.” He flashed her a mischievous smirk.

“No no no,” Rosella chorused, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples before taking a peak with one eye at me,” You better not kiss her in front of me.” She glared at Nicholas.

“And here I thought that would be fun.” He sighed.

This Nicholas is a great contrast from the Nicholas I met my first day at Luminary with Rosella. That one was cold and professional, he was a true cold prince, this one is a totally different side of him. This Nicholas is more naughty, if that makes sense. He’s mischievous, playful and practically a sort of bad boy, far from what you would expect from a prince.

“Penny for your thoughts, Darling.” A familiar masculine voice whispered near my ear, making a chill run down my spine as a shiver left my body even as his minty breath sneaked teasingly into my nose.

“Well, nothing important.” I shrugged.

“Can we please leave now? I would like to take a nap before I start on my homework.” Rosella complained from the side, sending Nicholas and I a glare.

Nicholas let out a light chuckle, shaking his head in amusement. His sapphire blue eyes connected with mine, his eyes practically smiling at me with pure, genuine joy that I found contagious as my heart danced in the same joy.

Our fingertips grazed each other for a second, making a spark shoot up my fingertips, up my arm and to the rest of my body. The zoo in my stomach felt like a stampede of animals as my heart melted into mush.

“May I?” He asked with a small, gentle smile that touched my heart and made it skip a beat as my it made my brain forget how to function for a second.

“May you what?” I managed to ask, just to feel his hand gently interlock with mine, making warmth erupt from my hand and throughout my body as my heart raced.

“Take your hand.” He smoothly answered before he lifted my hand to his lips, our eyes not disconnecting for a second as he placed a gentle kiss on the back of my hand, making my breath get stuck at the back of my throat at the warmth it created all throughout my body,” Shall we?” He indicated towards Rosella’s retreating form.

I gave a nod in reply seeing as my breath was still stubbornly clogging my throat, not allowing any sound to leave past them.

He smiled at me before guiding me down the path that Rosella had gone down. My attention drifted towards our hands as butterflies erupted from my stomach and my face flushed in the form of a blush. A warm feeling surrounded my heart and peace nestled itself into my mind. Every time my eyes connected to Nicholas and I’s interlaced hands, my heart seemed to skip a beat and I had to force down an uncontrollable smile. I felt so happy that I felt like I was in a dream, like I was living a fairytale.

Nicholas made me feel like I was in a dream I didn’t want to wake up from. It filled my heart with excitement to chat with him every night. He made my nights interesting and worth while and filled my mind with peace and ease. Every time I talk to him, the tension in my body disappears as if he were my medication.

My eyes averted to Nicholas to steal a quick glance, just to find a frown marrying his soft features with his eyebrows tightly knit in deep thought. For someone reason, the need to comfort him drowned me and my mood dropped. I felt like something was bothering him and for some reason that bothered me. The strong urge to take away all his worries so I could see the flirtatious and mischievous Nicholas overwhelmed me and had me nervously biting my lip as my mind drowned in inner turmoil. I felt confusion, uncertainty and slight... fear, but for some reason, I knew that those weren’t my emotions, but rather Nicholas’ and they filled me with concern.

I wanted to comfort him, make him happy again. I wanted to be his shoulder to cry on, someone he can tell anything too, his best friend, his girlfriend, his partner in crime, partner, but most importantly, his greatest supporter.

I don’t know what all these feelings I feel for Nicholas mean, I don’t know whether its the bond at work. What I do know is I enjoy all the emotions Nicholas makes me feel and I enjoy being around him. I have had a couple of crushes in my life, but nothing ever this strong. I don’t know if this is an infatuation because that would make sense, I can’t feel so strongly about a guy I only met a few weeks ago. Maybe its a strong liking or maybe I might be falling for him, I really don’t know. I do know that I enjoy these emotions as strong as they are, even though they scare me and make me happy at the same time. I am going to enjoy them while they last and I am going to go with the flow in our relationship and see where it goes.

If I’m hurt at the end then so be it, I guess it wasn’t meant to be, though the mere thought makes my stomach quizzy and my heart painfully clench.

What I definitely know though is that Nicholas needs me now so I’m gonna be here for him and I will try to calm his fears as he has been doing mine.

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