The Mysterious Wife

Chapter 252

Chapter 252 The New Diamond Ring

After a moment's hesitation, Janet still took off the dazzling blue diamond ring despite Ethan's objection and placed it in his palm. Ethan released her and looked at the diamond ring. * What are you doing ? Jane crossed her fingers against the diamond ring and smiled at him. “Family heirlooms must be of great importance to you. Judging by the expression of the store clerk today, it looks like the ring is more precious than we think, so I can't wear it. “ “I will never get back what I give to others. Ethan's brows furrowed as he looked into her eyes.

However, he was relieved that Janet stopped asking where he got the ring.

Janet bit her lip and looked up at him, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “I'm not giving it back to you. _ _ I just want you to keep it safe for me . I will use it on important occasions. It's ridiculous to _ __wear such a big ring every day knowing it's the real deal. ”

Ethan had no choice but to keep the ring. He decided it would be best for him not to give Janet any valuable rings for the time being. ____ _

" Okay then . I will keep it in a safe place. _ You can wear it whenever you want,” Ethan muttered, caressing the ring. “Let's go to the mall now. __ __ You pick a diamond ring that you would feel comfortable wearing every day, and I'll pay the bill. ”

After a moment's reflection, Janet nodded. “It's too late now. __ Why don’t we go tomorrow after I get off work? _"

Then she turned to return to her room. _ _

Ethan grabbed her elbow and dragged her to his side. “Are you making a fool of yourself? What did I tell you? _" he asked and d, lifting his chin towards the bedroom

"1 do not know what you're talking about. _ _ _ Janet's cheeks turned red. She'd clearly heard what Ethan had said earlier.

Ethan was blocking her way to the bedroom. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked into her eyes. _ “You're not mad at me, so you can go back to my room. __"

Janet looked at him and snorted with disdain. _ _ “Since you lied to me, I'll see how you behave before I make a decision. _ _ _ Get out of my way . _ I have to go to work tomorrow. _" Ethan “s face fell with disappointment. He sighed and walked away, letting Janet go back to her room.

The following afternoon.

After Janet left work, Ethan picked her up, and the two went to the mall together. Janet didn't want expensive rings from luxury brands, so Ethan took her to a small jewelry store in the mall. __ _ After perusing the different rings displayed before her, Janet finally chose a simple ring with a small stone.


“This is the only one. _ Janet took it and smiled. _ __ "I think it's beautiful . ___ “Although the ring looked simple, it was comfortable and gave her a sense of security. _ _ _ She looked at Ethan and asked, “Would you like to get a matching ring too? __ The smile on Janet's face melted her heart. _ _ He nodded and tried to pick out a matching diamond ring for himself.

Finally, Janet chose a pair of affordable and elegant diamond rings for herself . However, Ethan wasn't used to buying cheap jewelry, so he felt a little uncomfortable. ” Place . _ _ Janet took the ring out of the brocade box and slipped it into Ethan's hand. _finger. An ecstatic smile crossed her face as she placed her hand beside his and saw the two matching rings gleaming under the agent.

Ethan couldn't help but smile at how happy she looked.

Just as they were about to leave after paying the bill, a woman walked into the store. She was wearing a hat, a pair of sunglasses and a mask. The woman grabbed the bag in her hand and ran forward.

Janet frowned as the woman passed her. The dress she was wearing looked somehow familiar. Janet stopped and turned to look at her again

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