The Mysterious Girl

Chapter 1


I walk down the hallway of my college with my bag slung behind me, folders in my hand and my phone in another. I was listening to music on my headphones as I walked to my next lecture, Psychology. But first I made a quick stop at the restroom.

I washed my hands, dried it with paper towel and checked my reflection in the mirror. I saw a blue-green eyed girl with medium length dark brown hair girl with an oversized hoodie and some leggings paired with some sneakers. I was a skinny girl who cared nothing about my appearance. I had made no effort to make my hair, except to wash it and comb it down. I had no make-up on too.

Few girls entered the restroom with their friends, giggling. They saw me and looked at me. They gave me a smile but I walked out. I didn’t want to socialise with anyone because what I have learnt in my life is not to trust anyone because once you do, they will walk all over you.

I entered my lecture hall and saw people looked at me. I ignore them and walk to a spot where no one sat and opened my books to take down notes my lecturer was giving. I was doing my major in Psychology.

“Alright class, thank you so much,” he said stopping after 3 hours and we all got up from our spot.

“Ms. Rex,” he called and I turned around. He was one of the teachers I enjoyed listening to.

“I read your article and your project you recently submitted on sexual abuse. It was impressive. Keep up the good work Raven,” he said and I smile walking out the door. I put my heart in it because I enjoyed writing it and I could relate to it.

“Raven, wait,” I heard a guy call out for me but I kept walking. I knew who it was even without turning back. He caught up anyway and came in front of me.

“Raven, hi,” Peter Olsen said. He was an average guy with a 6 foot 2 inches height, brown hair and brown eyes and nicely built body. I found him quiet annoying to be honest since he never listened to me when I asked him to stay away from me.

I don’t say anything and I looked away. I had no interest in talking to anyone but he kept following me around all the time, trying to ask me out.

“Raven, I have tickets for the new movie which released today. Want to go-,” I stop him by shaking my head and I walk away. He held my hand and pulled me back. He pushed my hair behind my ear but I flinched and pushed him away before running to the restroom and locked myself in a stall.

I cried because a guy touching me brought back bad and haunting memories I didn’t want to recall. I have tried suppressing it but I just couldn’t. I saw the time and I realised that I was getting late for my next lecture. I can’t believe I wasted my 45 minutes in the stall.

I run to my next lecture and sit at the back. I sat in a place where no one was there, again. I took down notes, zoned out, went on my phone for a while and saw a guy sit next to me. I didn’t have any interest to see who he was so I ignored him and took notes on my laptop.

“Hey,” he said and I looked at him. He was looking straight at me and I just looked at him confused.

“Would you lend me a pencil?” he asked and I narrowed my eyes. He genuinely meant it so I brought out a pencil and gave it to him and turned to my computer. He kept looking at me, I felt it.

He had pretty blue eyes with brown hair. He looked like he worked out every day and he looked very tall even as he sat down.

“Thanks,” he said giving my pencil back after the lecture and I took it from him and got up, packing my things. My folder fell down and he got down helping me pick it up.

“I’m Chris Davis,” he said as he gave me back my folder and I stared at him. Why was he doing this? I didn’t like it.

“And I have to go,” I say walking off quickly out of my class. I don’t like talking to people like him because well, they were all popular and rich and will get away with anything. I went back to my studio apartment I had brought with my own money and locked it shut.

I made myself some coffee, set up my books and changed my clothes to my waitress uniform. I was 22 years old and I had to work to pay off my rent and college tuition. I ran around my apartment to grab my coat, scarf and my shoes, after which I ran out again.

I had to work from 3 pm to 11 pm everyday and I didn’t mind it. I took my bike to the restaurant and went in 5 minutes early. They paid me pretty well.

“Raven, it’s always good to see you on time,” my manager said and I smiled, taking the apron from my employee cupboard and pulled my hair in a pony. We had a pink and grey short dress and were supposed to wear the shoes they provide which were some boots.

I saw the other waitresses and they all had so much make-up on. I sigh and look away, getting ready for my shift. When it was my turn, I walked out and went to every table to serve food and to take orders with a fake smile plastered on my face.

“Welcome to the Gillis. I am Raven your waitress for tonight. What would you like to have?” I ask walking up to a group of guys sitting in the table I was assigned to serve for. They looked up at me. They all looked like of my age but looked loaded with money.

“Oh, look who’s here. It’s the mysterious girl,” they said and I recognised them from my college. They called me the “mysterious girl” just because I did not want to share my life things with anyone and that pissed me off.

“Caleb, Stop being rude. Let her do her job man,” a guy said and I looked at him. He was the guy I met in my lecture, Chris Davis. I put on a fake smile and take their orders before walking away.

I brought them their food and went back before coming back again asking if they wanted anything. They soon left, paying the bill and I picked it up to see that they had left $100 as a tip for me.

I got to know your name “mysterious girl” and it is beautiful.

CD,” a note left for me said. Chris must have left it.

I ran out of the restaurant and found the bunch of guys in their expensive looking car. They rolled down the window and I went up to Chris. He looked at me smiling but I just stared at him.

“You accidently paid $100,” I say giving it back to him but he pushed it back into my hand.

“No, that is my tip for you for being an amazing waitress,” he said and his friends laughed silently but Chris didn’t. I shake my head, shove it in his hand and walk back in where I had to serve other people.

After a long time, I was let go. I went back to my apartment and showered. I cooked some toast for me and I sat down to study. I studied till 2 am and then went to sleep to wake up at 6 for my 7 am lecture.

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