The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

Chapter 502

Janet crouched to the ground, her face scrunched up in pain, her brow dotted with cold sweat.
Draco had started approaching with the intent to urge her to keep going, but as soon as he saw her pale complexion, he hurried
over and fell to his knees beside her.
Janet was curled into herself with her arms wrapped around her belly. “Are you experiencing menstrual cramps, by any chance?”
Draco asked.
But she was hurting so badly, she was barely able to speak. Instead, Janet responded with a feeble shake of her head. Her
period had just ended a few days ago.
Without further hesitation, Draco picked her up in his arms. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”
Janet was rather surprised to find that the gentle and seemingly feminine man was, in fact, pretty strong.
She struggled to endure the pain throughout the drive. “Mr. Wesley,” Janet said through gritted teeth. “I apologize, but I don’t
think I can go with you to Milan. You can drop me off at the hospital and get someone else to come with you.”
Draco glanced at her indifferently. “I know. Stop talking and just take it easy.”
Janet closed her eyes, her lips curling into a bitter smile. She couldn’t believe she was on her way to the hospital yet again! How
incredibly “lucky” of her.
The pain took over shortly, and before she knew it, she had already fainted.
When Janet opened her eyes again, she was already lying snug on a hospital bed.
An infusion needle was attached to the back of her hand. Thankfully, she felt much better now.
She turned her head to find Draco sitting at her bedside and reading the day’s paper. A slight breeze blew in through the window,
lifting the corner of the newspaper, distracting him for a moment.
He flipped the paper down and saw Janet staring at him. “You’re awake,” Draco said lightly. “How are you feeling?”
Janet blinked at him for a few seconds as she tried to process the situation.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in Milan, Sir?”
“I booked another flight,” Draco replied nonchalantly. “It’s still early, anyway. We still have time. Don’t worry about anything else
besides yourself for now. Are you hungry? I’ve asked my family chef to prepare something and send it over.”
“Oh, that’s too much trouble, Sir. You shouldn’t have bothered.”
A smile lit up Draco’s face, stunning Janet speechless.
She realized then that this man had what some would call an ethereal beauty.
And he had the personality to match, too. Despite his strict side, he was always kind and courteous to everyone. Janet briefly
wondered if anyone would ever be able to peel back his layers and truly know him.
Draco shifted his attention back to the newspaper. When he spoke again, his voice had turned an octave lower, and his words
caught her off-guard. “You should call your husband. He probably has no idea that you’ve been admitted to the hospital.”
“Oh,” Janet exclaimed before scrambling for her phone and sending Ethan a message.
Ethan came over as soon as he received it.
He strode into the ward, only to be greeted by the sight of his wife in deep conversation with Draco.
Janet had a bright smile on her face.
Why was she smiling like that to another man?
Ethan was not happy.
Draco noticed Ethan’s presence, and to his credit, he got up from his seat and nodded politely. “Mr. Larson.”
Ethan returned his nod with a short one of his own, though he had to stop himself from doing a double take.
Draco Wesley was beautiful, and certainly not in a manly way. If anything, he looked like some fancy boy toy. But Ethan chose to
keep his thoughts to himself.
Draco studied him as well.

In his opinion, Ethan seemed to be the kind of man who was desperate to show off his wealth and accomplishments. His face
was very attractive, yes, but that was all there was.
Janet smiled awkwardly as the air thrummed with a subtle tension. She could tell that the men didn’t like each other.
Just when she thought she couldn’t bear the heavy atmosphere any longer, Draco suddenly turned to her with another smile.
“Since your husband is here, I should take my leave.”
Ethan’s narrowed gaze followed the other man to the door. It wasn’t until Draco was gone that he plopped on the chair the man
had vacated. He wasn’t planning to say anything initially, but he couldn’t help himself in the end. “Don’t be fooled by his good
looks,” Ethan grumbled. “He might be batting for the other team. You know how it is in the world of fashion. Most male designers
are gay.”
Janet pressed her fingers to her lips to hide her grin. “What are you on about? If you’re so convinced that he’s gay, then why are
you even jealous of him?”
Ethan’s face darkened. With a growl of warning, he reached out and pinched her cheek. Then his eyes drifted to the infusion
tube strapped to her hand. “What happened? You just got out of the hospital a while ago.”

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