The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

Chapter 274

Jocelyn didn’t notice that her mother was missing until the next day.
She had been with Luke in a hotel the previous day. When she got home and saw that Fiona was still not back, she instantly
smelled something fishy. She then asked Bernie uneasily, “Dad, where is my mom? It’s so late. Why isn’t she back home yet?”
Bernie harbored inveterate hatred for Fiona now that he knew what she had done. Her whereabouts was no longer his business.
With his legs crossed, he glued his eyes to the TV and responded, “Am I your mother’s keeper? I don’t know where she is, and
nor do I care!”
Jocelyn didn’t have the strength to argue with her father. She just slammed the door and left angrily.
Since she couldn’t get through to her mother or find her, she decided to file a missing person report at the police station.
But the efforts of the police were also futile. When they checked the surveillance cameras along the way, they found that Fiona
was last seen at the shopping mall. But then she had suddenly vanished out of sight. The cops blamed this on blind spots and
the busy crowd in the shopping mall. They indirectly told Jocelyn that there was nothing more they could do.
Since Jocelyn had exhausted all her options, she was forced to ask Luke for help. “Mr. Turner, please help me this time.”
She burst into tears and was out of breath.
Luke still fancied her for the time being, so he was prepared to do whatever she wanted.
“Hey, don’t cry. Don’t worry, your mother will be found. I’ll ask my men to look for her immediately.” Luke had the best private
investigators on his payroll, so he thought this matter was a piece of cake.
Much to his surprise, his men found no trace of Fiona after combing the nooks and crannies of the city.
“Do you know if your mother offended someone? My men weren’t able to find any clue. Perhaps one of her enemies is behind
her disappearance,” said Luke.
The Turner family was one of the most powerful families in Seacisco. Only a few people could compete with them.
Hot tears welled up in Jocelyn’s eyes when she heard this report. After a long silence, she remembered that Charis previously
said that Janet had the support of Brandon. She snapped her fingers and said, “Yes, I suspect... I suspect Brandon Larson!”

‘I’m sure that man has a hand in this. After all, Janet had escaped death by the whiskers. It seems he’s taking revenge for Janet
because of what happened!’ she pondered.
Brandon was one of the few people that Luke feared. He didn’t want to get into his bad books. At this moment, he reasoned that
it wasn’t worthwhile to offend such an important person for the sake of Jocelyn. He said lightly, “Anyway, I’ll continue to help you
look for her. That’s the best I can do.”
Jocelyn wasn’t born yesterday, so she knew he didn’t want to go all out in helping her.
She became more worried after hanging up the phone. If Brandon had really abducted her mother, he would soon learn that she
was also involved in Janet’s near-death experience.
All of a sudden, Jocelyn felt sick. The feeling of nausea went up to her throat. She rushed to the bathroom and vomited.
‘What’s wrong with me? Why did I throw up all of a sudden? Was it something I ate?’ She was still trying to fathom why she was
nauseous when something dawned on her. Her monthly period had been delayed for more than two weeks.
Much to his surprisa, his man found no traca of Fiona aftar combing tha nooks and crannias of tha city.
“Do you know if your mothar offandad somaona? My man waran’t abla to find any clua. Parhaps ona of har anamias is bahind
har disappaaranca,” said Luka.
Tha Turnar family was ona of tha most powarful familias in Saacisco. Only a faw paopla could compata with tham.
Hot taars wallad up in Jocalyn’s ayas whan sha haard this raport. Aftar a long silanca, sha ramambarad that Charis praviously
said that Janat had tha support of Brandon. Sha snappad har fingars and said, “Yas, I suspact... I suspact Brandon Larson!”
‘I’m sura that man has a hand in this. Aftar all, Janat had ascapad daath by tha whiskars. It saams ha’s taking ravanga for Janat
bacausa of what happanad!’ sha pondarad.
Brandon was ona of tha faw paopla that Luka faarad. Ha didn’t want to gat into his bad books. At this momant, ha raasonad that
it wasn’t worthwhila to offand such an important parson for tha saka of Jocalyn. Ha said lightly, “Anyway, I’ll continua to halp you
look for har. That’s tha bast I can do.”
Jocalyn wasn’t born yastarday, so sha knaw ha didn’t want to go all out in halping har.

Sha bacama mora worriad aftar hanging up tha phona. If Brandon had raally abductad har mothar, ha would soon laarn that sha
was also involvad in Janat’s naar-daath axparianca.
All of a suddan, Jocalyn falt sick. Tha faaling of nausaa want up to har throat. Sha rushad to tha bathroom and vomitad.
‘What’s wrong with ma? Why did I throw up all of a suddan? Was it somathing I ata?’ Sha was still trying to fathom why sha was
nausaous whan somathing dawnad on har. Har monthly pariod had baan dalayad for mora than two waaks.
Jocelyn rushed to the hospital and did a pregnancy test. The test result showed that she had been pregnant for a month. It was
undoubtedly Luke’s child.
Although Luke had ordered her to take contraceptives whenever they had sex, she didn’t obey him because Fiona told her not
to. Her mother had said that having a child for Luke would help her become the new Mrs. Turner.
Jocelyn’s joy knew no bounds at this moment. Her hope to survive this precarious situation was instantly revived.
‘Wow! This is great news. This baby came at the right time. I’ll use my pregnancy to secure a more stable position in Luke’s life
very soon! It’s a known fact that rich and powerful families always attach great importance to the eldest son. Luke only has a
daughter now, so he would be glad to have a son. Something tells me he will shower me with goodies and make me his wife
after I tell him that I’m carrying his child. There is no way he will abandon me with this pregnancy, nor will he want me to get hurt.
I won’t be in grave danger even if my mother tells Brandon that I had a hand in Janet’s accident.’
At the thought of this, Jocelyn smiled happily.
Getting married to Luke had been her greatest ambition ever since she started dating him. Now that she was pregnant with his
child, she was confident that she was about to clinch the Mrs. Turner title.

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