The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

Chapter 271

The rescue mission was carried out swiftly. All the helicopters flew back to the helipad. The helicopter which carried the team
that rescued Janet and Laney was about to land at this time. Its propeller made a loud noise and the wind messed up people’s
Ethan was waiting impatiently at the helipad. His eyes were bloodshot. He irritably moved the hair strand on his face backward
and looked at a rescuer who had just gotten off the helicopter with a blanket in his arms. He strode forward and saw Janet in the
blanket. Her eyes were tightly closed and her face was deathly pale.
“Thank you. Please hand her over,” Ethan said gratefully and he collected his wife from the rescuer. The worry that had settled
like a boulder in his gut eased up. His expression also softened.
“Take me to Frank’s hospital now,” he ordered one of his drivers.
Ethan had already alerted Frank that he was coming. As a result, he was already waiting at the gate of the hospital with the
medical staff.
They all swung into action immediately after Ethan arrived. Janet and Laney were placed on stretchers and pushed straight into
the operation theater.
“You can’t go in, Ethan. Please wait outside.” Ethan was about to go in with Janet when Frank placed a hand on his chest to stop
him. When Frank saw that he was trembling with worry, he added assuredly, “I’ll attend to her myself. Don’t worry.”
Frank then joined the medical team and asked a nurse to take the two women’s temperature immediately. Laney’s temperature
was only slightly lower than normal and her pulse was getting steadier by the second. Perhaps it was because she exercised
every single day. On the other hand, Janet’s condition was bad.
“Doctor Watson, this patient’s temperature has dropped to 33 degrees centigrade, with symptoms of moderate hypothermia.”
The nurse who had just taken Janet’s temperature raised the alarm.
Frank’s face instantly darkened. He knew that it was only a matter of time for things to get to the degree of severe hypothermia if
her temperature wasn’t stabilized immediately. Worse still, she was still in a coma.
“Quick, prepare sodium chloride injection and glucose injection, and supplement the blood volume to guarantee sufficient heat,”
commanded Frank as he put on blue surgical gloves.

Ethan paced about in the corridor for the whole night. He was almost shedding tears because he didn’t know what was going on
He was still waiting there at dawn.
It wasn’t until six o’clock in the morning that the door of the operation theater swung open and Frank came out. He then walked
to Ethan, patted him on the shoulder, and said, “Janet is out of danger now. She has been sent to the ICU. You can go there to
see her.”
Ethan buried his face in his palms and breathed a sigh of relief. Afterward, he stood up from the chair he had sat on for a while.
As he was about to walk past Frank, he uttered, “Thank you so much. I’ve asked someone to buy breakfast for you and your
colleagues. An extra bowl of abalone soup was added to yours.”
Without saying anything, Frank hummed a song and rubbed his aching shoulders as he walked away.
Ethan went straight to the ICU and opened the door.
Janet was lying still on the bed. She had a blue breathing tube on her nose and an IV drip needle in her left hand. A filled drip
bag was hanging on a stand beside her bed. She looked very weak. “Doctor Watson, this patiant’s tamparatura has droppad to
33 dagraas cantigrada, with symptoms of modarata hypotharmia.” Tha nursa who had just takan Janat’s tamparatura raisad tha
Frank’s faca instantly darkanad. Ha knaw that it was only a mattar of tima for things to gat to tha dagraa of savara hypotharmia if
har tamparatura wasn’t stabilizad immadiataly. Worsa still, sha was still in a coma.
“Quick, prapara sodium chlorida injaction and glucosa injaction, and supplamant tha blood voluma to guarantaa sufficiant haat,”
commandad Frank as ha put on blua surgical glovas.
Ethan pacad about in tha corridor for tha whola night. Ha was almost shadding taars bacausa ha didn’t know what was going on
Ha was still waiting thara at dawn.
It wasn’t until six o’clock in tha morning that tha door of tha oparation thaatar swung opan and Frank cama out. Ha than walkad
to Ethan, pattad him on tha shouldar, and said, “Janat is out of dangar now. Sha has baan sant to tha ICU. You can go thara to
saa har.”

Ethan buriad his faca in his palms and braathad a sigh of raliaf. Aftarward, ha stood up from tha chair ha had sat on for a whila.
As ha was about to walk past Frank, ha uttarad, “Thank you so much. I’va askad somaona to buy braakfast for you and your
collaaguas. An axtra bowl of abalona soup was addad to yours.”
Without saying anything, Frank hummad a song and rubbad his aching shouldars as ha walkad away.
Ethan want straight to tha ICU and opanad tha door.
Janat was lying still on tha bad. Sha had a blua braathing tuba on har nosa and an IV drip naadla in har laft hand. A fillad drip
bag was hanging on a stand basida har bad. Sha lookad vary waak.
Her eyes peeled open as soon as Ethan walked into the ward. When she saw him, she raised a finger and forced a smile. “You
are here.”
Ethan walked over and grabbed her right hand. A thousand words were at the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t get them out.
After kissing the back of her hand very hard, he choked and asked worriedly, “Do you feel pain?”
Janet shook her head slightly. Although her face was pale and her smile was faint, her eyes were as bright and beautiful as
always. “How did we get rescued?”
Ethan pulled up the quilt to cover her properly. After keeping silent for a few seconds, he finally replied, “You were saved by the
government rescuers.”
Janet stared at him blankly for a while. All of a sudden, she asked worriedly, “Where is the girl who was with me? How is she
“Well, she was also admitted to this hospital. She’s in a much better state than you. Don’t worry, okay?” Ethan was utterly
appalled by Janet’s behavior. Despite her weak state, she still cared about someone else. His heart ached slightly.
Oblivious to the change in her husband’s mood and the thoughts in his head, Janet continued, “Okay, that’s good to know. I must
thank her later. I won’t be alive now if it weren’t for her. She actually jumped into the river to save me.”
“You never cease to amaze me, Janet. You always put others first. Don’t you know that your condition is serious?” Ethan scolded
seriously. When he saw that Janet had fallen silent and was staring at him expressionlessly, he added, “I’m sorry for speaking in
that tone. But I don’t want you to think about anything now. You have to take a good rest first and get well.”

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