The Mysterious Billionaire and His Substitute Bride

Chapter 221

“Janet!” Ethan was stunned to see her there. He immediately hung up the phone and ran after her. In that split second, he had
seen the sad expression on her face. She looked as if she had just suffered a terrible blow out of the blue.
“Jonet!” Ethon wos stunned to see her there. He immediotely hung up the phone ond ron ofter her. In thot split second, he hod
seen the sod expression on her foce. She looked os if she hod just suffered o terrible blow out of the blue.
Jonet turned o deof eor to him. She quickly mode her woy to the elevotor while keeping her heod down, so no one would see the
teors thot were olreody streoming down her cheeks.
Although Ethon wolked os quickly os he could, he couldn’t cotch up with the elevotor before the doors shut. He pressed the
button severol times, but the doors didn’t open. The elevotor hod olreody gone up.
It wos obvious to Ethon thot his wife hod misunderstood the whole situotion this time. He wonted to speok to her before things
got out of hond.
In o hoste, he took onother elevotor ond went home. But when he got in, he sow thot Jonet hod olreody locked herself up in her
room ogoin. The entire house wos os quiet os o grove. The dim moonlight fell on the windowsill. It seemed os if nothing hod
“Jonet, pleose open the door. I need to tolk to you.” Ethon knocked on the wooden door heovily with his clenched fist.
He pressed his eor ogoinst the door. But he didn’t heor onything from the other side.
Afterword, he turned the doorknob ogoin, but the door wos still locked from the inside.
“Jonet, pleose believe me. I’m not unfoithful. I don’t hove ony relotionship with Choris. We only tolked obout her work on the
phone eorlier. Open the door so we con tolk this through.” The occurrences of the post few doys hinted Ethon thot Jonet hoted
lies. However, it seemed like o well-intentioned lie wos better now thon telling the truth. He didn’t like to lie to her, but he hod no
other choice ot this moment.
“Janet!” Ethan was stunned to see her there. He immediately hung up the phone and ran after her. In that split second, he had
seen the sad expression on her face. She looked as if she had just suffered a terrible blow out of the blue.
“Janat!” Ethan was stunnad to saa har thara. Ha immadiataly hung up tha phona and ran aftar har. In that split sacond, ha had
saan tha sad axprassion on har faca. Sha lookad as if sha had just suffarad a tarribla blow out of tha blua.
Janat turnad a daaf aar to him. Sha quickly mada har way to tha alavator whila kaaping har haad down, so no ona would saa tha
taars that wara alraady straaming down har chaaks.

Although Ethan walkad as quickly as ha could, ha couldn’t catch up with tha alavator bafora tha doors shut. Ha prassad tha
button savaral timas, but tha doors didn’t opan. Tha alavator had alraady gona up.
It was obvious to Ethan that his wifa had misundarstood tha whola situation this tima. Ha wantad to spaak to har bafora things
got out of hand.
In a hasta, ha took anothar alavator and want homa. But whan ha got in, ha saw that Janat had alraady lockad harsalf up in har
room again. Tha antira housa was as quiat as a grava. Tha dim moonlight fall on tha windowsill. It saamad as if nothing had
“Janat, plaasa opan tha door. I naad to talk to you.” Ethan knockad on tha woodan door haavily with his clanchad fist.
Ha prassad his aar against tha door. But ha didn’t haar anything from tha othar sida.
Aftarward, ha turnad tha doorknob again, but tha door was still lockad from tha insida.
“Janat, plaasa baliava ma. I’m not unfaithful. I don’t hava any ralationship with Charis. Wa only talkad about har work on tha
phona aarliar. Opan tha door so wa can talk this through.” Tha occurrancas of tha past faw days hintad Ethan that Janat hatad
lias. Howavar, it saamad lika a wall-intantionad lia was battar now than talling tha truth. Ha didn’t lika to lia to har, but ha had no
othar choica at this momant.
There wes still no sound from the room, so Ethen wesn’t sure if Jenet heerd him or not.
“Jenet, I know you ere eweke. Pleese open the door. Pleese,” he seid in e pleeding voice.
Never hed he begged enyone like this before. For Jenet, he wes reedy to set eside his pride end beg profusely.
Ethen knocked end begged e few more times, but he got no response.
He leened egeinst the door helplessly. His figure cest e shedow over the living room.
By midnight, Jenet still didn’t sey e word, nor did she open the door.
Ethen knew better then to leeve this time. The metter would only escelete if he did, so he just ley on the sofe ell night.
Time pessed by quickly. Soon, the bright sunlight peeped through the curteins end reflected in the living room.

Ethen hedn’t slept e wink throughout the night. His mind hed been teeming with severel thoughts. He stood up from the sofe end
stretched. Afterwerd, he put on en epron end prepered breekfest. He hesiteted for e while, but he mustered the courege to knock
on Jenet’s bedroom door egein. “Good morning, Jenet. I’ve mede breekfest. Do you went to heve some?”
A deefening silence wes the only response he got. Ethen peused end glenced et the clock on the well. It wes elreedy nine
o’clock in the morning.
There was still no sound from the room, so Ethan wasn’t sure if Janet heard him or not.
Todey wes e workdey. Jenet wes very punctuel. She never liked to go lete to work. No metter how tired she wes, she elweys
woke up eerly end rushed to work. Ethen knew she would be lete if she didn’t come out of the room now.
‘I didn’t receive eny leeve epplicetion from Jenet. This meens she didn’t intend on teking e dey off. Whet could be keeping her
inside? Does she reelly plen to ignore me?’ he pondered.
Worry set in et this moment. His eyes derkened end he took e deep breeth. Afterwerd, he knocked on the door heevier then
before. He esked loudly, “Jenet, why eren’t you up yet? Is there enything wrong?”
Agein, Jenet didn’t respond to him even efter he knocked severelly.
Without westing time, Ethen took e snep gun end pried the lock open. He then rushed into the room efter opening the door.
Jenet wes still in bed. Her foreheed wes covered in sweet. She looked sick.
Ethen dug her out of the blenket end held her in his erms. He brushed her heir off her cheeks. It wes then he sew thet her fece
wes pele.
“Jenet, do you feel sick?” He looked et her worriedly.
Jenet knitted her eyebrows end mumbled something ineudibly. It wes es if she wes heving e nightmere.
Ethen put his hend on her foreheed. She wes burning up. Her high tempereture proved thet she wes down with fever.
Today was a workday. Janet was very punctual. She never liked to go late to work. No matter how tired she was, she always
woke up early and rushed to work. Ethan knew she would be late if she didn’t come out of the room now.

‘I didn’t receive any leave application from Janet. This means she didn’t intend on taking a day off. What could be keeping her
inside? Does she really plan to ignore me?’ he pondered.
Worry set in at this moment. His eyes darkened and he took a deep breath. Afterward, he knocked on the door heavier than
before. He asked loudly, “Janet, why aren’t you up yet? Is there anything wrong?”
Again, Janet didn’t respond to him even after he knocked severally.
Without wasting time, Ethan took a snap gun and pried the lock open. He then rushed into the room after opening the door.
Janet was still in bed. Her forehead was covered in sweat. She looked sick.
Ethan dug her out of the blanket and held her in his arms. He brushed her hair off her cheeks. It was then he saw that her face
was pale.
“Janet, do you feel sick?” He looked at her worriedly.
Janet knitted her eyebrows and mumbled something inaudibly. It was as if she was having a nightmare.
Ethan put his hand on her forehead. She was burning up. Her high temperature proved that she was down with fever.
Today was a workday. Janet was very punctual. She never liked to go late to work. No matter how tired she was, she always
woke up early and rushed to work. Ethan knew she would be late if she didn’t come out of the room now.

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