The Moon Phase Trilogy | Protected

Chapter Thirty-Seven

The girls walked out of the room and Ericka saw Jayden standing in the hallway, speaking with Gaelan. Her heart fluttered and there were slight butterflies in her stomach. Dusk rumbled in her chest at the sight of him too. She smirked at the feeling. She pushed her hair out of her slightly silver burned face and was about to say something when she noticed Gaelan make eye contact with her. “Someone’s here to see you.” He smiled.

Jayden turned in what seemed to be slow motion, almost falling down. Ericka jumped to rescue him, but he caught his balance. “Be careful, Jay.” She squeaked.

“Guess my legs are still a little useless.” He chuckled, running his hand through his blond hair. “Glad to see you’re alright. What happened to your face?” She could hear worry in his voice.

“It’s nothing. I’m fine. Just a small burn...from a muzzle...” Ericka’s voice grew softer as she spoke, hoping to hide the face she was actually muzzled as a human.

Jayden’s eyes went to Shaun, who stood some distance away, “What happened to you, Shaun?”

Shaun’s body stiffened, “Um...well...let’s just say silver burns...” Her eyes darted to Gaelan, “So, what’s the verdict on Grant?” She tried to get the attention off of her.

Gaelan smiled brightly, “He is not back to his old self just yet, but he is doing much better than before. He is in his father’s office speaking to his sister. He said he needed to tell her something.” He raised his brows, “Do you know what that is about?”

Shaun shook her head frantically, but Blu growled in the back of her mind. ‘Shut it, Blu. He needs to tell her some time. Now probably isn’t the best time, but it’s his choice.’ She argued.

‘It’s never the right time to tell a family member they are half wolf when they were a full vampire for one hundred and twenty years before that.’ Blu grumbled.

Shaun quietly argued with her wolf while the others just stared at her. She glared at all of them and strutted down the hall. Ericka raised her brows, but didn’t mention anything of the scene. “Sooooo...shall we get something to eat? I’m starving.” Jayden suggested.

Mr. Bluhm nodded, “I know where the kitchen is. Winston should be there making some food actually.”

“Vampire food?” Gaelan raised his brows.

Mr. Bluhm chuckled, shaking his head, “No, edible food for those who actually eat something more than blood. He’s lived among werewolves for a long time. He knows the King family very well, along with mine.”

Gaelan glared at him, “My Alpha has never mentioned this at all. I don’t believe you.”

“Well believe it, because it’s true.” Mr. Bluhm growled. “Now, follow me if you want some food.”

The others followed hastily. Jayden stayed near Ericka for support, but also for comfort. He could feel Light’s rumbling inside of him. He smiled softly as his hand snuck into hers. Ericka’s heart stopped for a second. The burning sensation she had felt days before when she got the mark on the inside of her wrist was exactly the same. She could feel Dusk tugging at the back of her mind, but she ignored her. She stepped closer to Jayden, oddly feeling safe with him beside her. Was this how an Adapter was supposed to feel with her Protector by their side? Ericka felt a warm breath on her head and lips touched her hair. She felt her face grow warmer than it already was from the heat of the burns. ‘Keep it PG you two.’ It was her father. Her face twisted in confusion.

Jayden noticed, “You okay?”

Ericka smiled softly, “Um, yeah. Just a thought running through my mind is all.”

He didn’t say another word. All he did was inhale Ericka’s scent. She felt a rumble come from his chest. Her brows raised, but remembered he was like her. He was a werewolf. Her mate. She heard him mumble something to his wolf, and she let a light chuckle out. “What are you laughing at?”

“You arguing with your wolf.”

“He’s telling me he loves your scent...” Ericka felt the embarrassment seep from Jayden and she just laughed. “Hey, quit laughing at my awkwardness!”

“I can’t help it. It’s cute.” She bit her lower lip realizing what she had said.

Jayden bent down and kissed her on the cheek, “But you’re cuter.”

Ericka’s bangs fell into her eyes and her face went beat red. She wasn’t expecting him to act flirty towards her. She took a step away from him. “Jayden...” she gave a soft whine. “Can you warn me next time?”

“Warn you about what?” He stopped, tilting his head. He looked at Ericka and it clicked, “Oh...I am so sorry, Ricky. I didn’t mean just kind of came out...”

“It’s fine...just not used to it is all.”

“Well...I’ll give you all the compliments in the world...just so you can get used to it.” Jayden grinned and grabbed Ericka from behind, twirling her around once and setting her down. He kissed her on the cheek again. “We should probably catch up to the others.” He grabbed her hand and they took off down the hall, finding the others at the kitchen already.

Mr. Bluhm eyed them and Ericka lowered her gaze. Dad, we didn’t do anything.

Good. Now come eat. He looked away and Winston cleared his throat, instructing them all to sit down at the large rectangular table in the giant kitchen. “Before Winston and I get to the real reason I wanted you all in here, I want to thank him for hosting us all until things cool down.” Mr. Bluhm smiled as he stood, raising his glass. The others followed and toasted to Winston.

“Now that we are all here and dinner is finished, I would like to speak to you all about the prophecy.” Winston mentioned. There was chatter amongst the teens. “Alright, that’s enough. I will explain it with the help of Kaldon.” He eyed Mr. Bluhm and Ericka’s dad gave a sharp nod.

“This prophecy is dangerous. It’s life threatening.” He began and pulled out two more moon phase necklaces under his shirt and placed them on the table. “These are the last two pendants you need to find the owners to. One is a new moon and the other is a solar eclipse. Shaun and Grant, I want you to take the new moon one. Ericka and Jayden, I...want you to take the solar eclipse one.” Ericka could tell it hurt him to send her off with a boy he barely knew. “These are sacred and need to be kept safe. You may stick together or go on different paths to finding their owners. Just as long as you four stay safe.”

“Daddy! Ericka can’t leave again!” Maxie shouted standing on her chair, clearly upset.

The others looked at Maxie. Jayden took her hand and stared into her green eyes, “Max, she has to do this. It’s a part of the prophecy. We all are.”

“Then Alyx and I are coming with! I’m not letting you leave us again!”

Ericka sighed, “Max, it’s too dangerous. I don’t want you and Alyx in even more danger than you two already have been. Plus, dad missed you. You need to spend time with him too.”

Maxie huffed with a growl, “He left us. Why should we?”

Ericka glared at her little sister, “Maximum Bluhm!” She growled low as her eyes changed shade of blue. She felt a small hand tug on her pant leg and she looked down to see Alyx scared. Her eyes changed back and she looked around. Everyone was staring at her.

“ alright?” Shaun asked cautiously. Ericka didn’t answer and sat down slowly. Maxie sat back in her chair and pouted.

Her dad looked at her and sighed. Ericka, I will have a chat with your sisters after we eat. I will have a chat with you during that conversation. He handed her the solar eclipse necklace and Shaun the new moon one. “Both of you need to keep these safe. The boys will protect you and you will protect them. It’s a partnership and Winston and I trust you four will get the job done.”

They all nodded and Grant stood up. “Can I say something?”

“Of course, son.” Winston encouraged.

“I know our species really never got a long in the past, and I am sorry for how I have acted these past few weeks and months before any of this happened. But this prophecy and bringing down my uncle will bring out species closer together...even if I am a mutt now...” He took in a deep breath and he felt his sister squeeze his hand. She took his news hard, but accepted the fact that he wasn’t able to go back to what he was. He never could. “I just hope we can all get along and do this a team.”

“I second that.” Noelia stood up with a grin. “I am in to help fulfill this crazy prophecy. Four dangers, three species, two pendants, and one winner of this The Prophecy Survivors!” Everyone stared at her with raised brows. “Okay, we’ll work on a better name, but still. We will win this war if we work together.”

Jayden stood up, “I third that!”

Shaun did the same, “I fourth that!”

Everyone then looked to Ericka, who was still embarrassed about her outburst. She stood up slowly, looking down. She glanced over at her dad and siblings. Maxie was still angry, but Alyx and her dad gave her encouraging smiles. She looked up and smiled. “I fifth that.”

“Alright, it’s settled then. We will work together with fulfilling this prophecy. Gaelan, you are welcome to help and when Ruby and Skull get back, they can help too. We are going to need all the help we can get.” Grant grinned. “Now, let’s eat. I’m starving.”

Everyone sat down and those that ate actual food, dug into the meal that Winston prepared. Ericka looked to Maxie and put a hand on her shoulder, “Max, you will understand everything one day. I promise. Dad did what he had to keep us safe.”

“Still, Ricky, I don’t want you to go. I can’t loose you again.” She looked up to her big sister with tears in her eyes.

“Maxie...I will keep in contact with you the whole time. Okay? If you need me, just link me and I will always link you back. I promise. We are sisters. Sisters stick together, no matter how far a part they may be.”

Maxie nodded and took a bite of her potatoes. “Alright, but I still won’t be happy about it.”

“Can you promise me you will take care of Alyx while I’m gone? I need you to look after her.”

“Yeah. I’ll make sure she stays out of trouble and I’m sure Winston and dad will too.”

It was silent between the two Bluhm sisters after that and everyone mingled. Ericka’s hand went to the new pendant she was in charge of and looked at Jayden with a smile. He smiled back as he chatted with Grant and Gaelan. She heard Dusk say something in the back of her mind and it made her giggle softly. She was excited to start this journey with her friends, but she wasn’t sure what was coming next. None of them were.

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