The Moon Phase Trilogy | Protected

Chapter Thirty-Five

Tears filled Ericka’s eyes. Her throat tightened. Her body trembled. She was happy, but she was angry. Her emotions were a tornado and she was starting to lose control over them. Her eyes searched for her siblings, but couldn’t find them. ‘I’m sure they’re fine, Ericka. Just breathe.’

She didn’t respond to Dusk. She wasn’t sure how without bursting into tears. Her dad kept his eyes on her, not watching what he was doing with Grant. “Ricky, I’m sor--” he was cut off by a tight hug. He felt a trembling teenager sobbing into his chest and his body was shocked.

“Daddy...” Ericka sobbed into his chest.

Mr. Bluhm looked to Gaelan, “Go. I can have Shaun help me with the antidote.”

He nodded and guided his daughter to a random room nearby. He shut the door behind them and turned the light on, so they could actually see one another. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry for leaving.”

“Why did you leave in such a rush?” Ericka sniffled.

“To protect you and your sisters from all of this.” He moved his arms as he spoke. “I didn’t want you three, or your mother, to get tied up in all of this. Your mother had seen it once before, I didn’t want her to see it again. And I really didn’t want you girls to see it.” He lowered his head and sighed, “Zandyr is powerful. And it’s not just because he’s a vampire. He has these...generals let’s call them, that help him. The one who comes after werewolves is really dangerous.”

“Dad, we met him already. Alyx, Maxie, and I met him. That’s why my wolf and Maxie’s wolf look like they do.”

Mr. Bluhm sighed, “I’m very sorry you had to meet him. He is such a cruel man. Your cousin was taken by him a long time ago. Around Alyx’s age. Her family still can’t find her.”

“I didn’t know that...”

“That’s because I tried to keep the pack stuff away from home. I wanted us to have a normal family lifestyle. Unfortunately, that couldn’t happen thanks to Zandyr.” His eyes flickered on his daughter’s moon phase necklace that was a full moon. “I’m glad you still have it.”

“Of course, dad. Zandyr may want it, but it’s gonna be harder to get it from me. I’m stronger thanks to the artifact that was found by Jayden and Shaun. And Dusk has armor all the time now.” Ericka paused. “What I don’t understand is with mom. She’s the one who made Dusk come forth. She’s still alive, but I’m not sure where she is. Zandyr keeps saying she is his new queen. But why mom? What does mom have that he wants?”

Mr. Bluhm put his hand to his chin, stroking it as he thought. He heard his wolf in the back of his mind, urging him to tell the truth. He ignored him. Ericka wasn’t ready for the truth. Not yet. He was about to say something when there was a knock at the door. “Um, sir...Gaelan needs your help.”

The platinum blonde witch poked her head in. Ericka got a better view of the girls face and recognized the structure. “Lillypad?”

The girl turned to the name and raised her brows, “Howler?” Ericka nodded. “Oh my gosh! How are you?”

Mr. Bluhm raised his brows, “Doesn’t Gaelan need me, Astoria?”

“Oh, um...yes. Please follow me.” She lowered her head submissively.

Ericka thought it was strange how her camp friend was acting. She was never that quiet or shy. She shrugged it off and followed. “Dr. Bluhm, Grant isn’t taking to the antidote well.” Ericka heard from Gaelan.

Doctor Bluhm? Since when is my dad a medic? She thought. She turned to see Shaun torn to pieces. She watched as her best friend’s heart shattered hearing the words from Gaelan’s mouth.

“Kaldon, good to see you.” A familiar voice spoke calmly.

Mr. Bluhm turned to see a friendly face, “Winston, lovely to see you. I’m sure you heard the news.”

“Indeed. Noelia is right behind me with some other medicine to help my son. Belladonna antidotes work wonderfully on werewolves, as it should. Vampires on the other hand, it’s a poison. A certain ingredient in the antidote causes us to grow ill.” He paused, lowering his head. “If not caught early enough, the vampire will die. It is rare to see one of us die from being poisoned, but this ingredient will do that.” Winston turned to see his daughter with a small vial of bright red liquid. “Good, you found it. Please, give it to your brother.”

“Yes, daddy.” Noelia did as she was told, placing the liquid between Grant’s lips. She poured a drop into his mouth. She waited for him to take a deep breath in. When he finally did, she let out the breath she was holding in.

Shaun did the same. “Oh thank Selene.” She said a little loud.

Noelia raised her brows, “Since when do you care what happens to my twin?” Her eyes narrowed to the werewolf.

Shaun chuckled nervously, scratching the back of her head, “Um...well...” She hesitated. “You see...”

Ericka watched her best friend struggle, “You know what? Does it really matter? Grant will be okay now. That’s all that matters in the long run.”

Noelia huffed, “Not really, but fine. I’ll play your little game. For now. But if this happens again, I’m blaming you both.”

“Now children, let’s not argue. We have something to discuss.” Winston turned the direction of the conversation. “Astoria, you may stay or leave. Completely up to you.”

Astoria lowered her gaze, “I should really get going. I’m sure my parents are worried sick about me. Goodbye everyone, it was lovely meeting you all. Dr. Bluhm, I will see you next week.”

“Certainly. Stay safe.” He told her.

“I will.” And with that, she left.

Gaelan turned to Winston, “Sir, where are we going to place these two? They need to finish healing before we do any speaking.” He informed.

“Ah, yes. Kaldon, please take the boys to the infirmary. You remember where that is, yes?” Winston turned to Mr. Bluhm.

He nodded. “I do. Gaelan, I will show you where it is.” He turned to Ericka. “Sweetheart, your sisters are in the office. Please make sure they aren’t causing havoc.”

“Okay.” She squeaked. Shaun went with her, making sure she really was okay. Ericka opened the door to Winston’s office and saw her sisters coloring on random pieces of paper on the floor.

Alyx looked up, “Sissy!” She beamed.

“What took you so long?” Maxie asked, not looking up from her drawing.

“I was talking with dad.” She answered casually.

Maxie’s head shot up. “Dad’s here? How?”

She realized they were in there so they wouldn’t hear everything else beyond the door. Ericka sat down in a chair, falling apart at the seams. “I knew you were holding yourself together out there.” Shaun commented.

“Yeah...Jayden was pretty much dead. My mom is alive and almost killed me. My dad randomly shows up after months of being gone and tells me this isn’t the first time a whole war has happened. Dusk finally has words to say to me. But I’m freaking out and broken inside. What the hell am I supposed to do with everything around me? I can’t help anyone. I CAN’T EVEN HELP MY SIBLINGS? I needed someone to help me leave Crow’s Nest. I’m not meant to be a werewolf, Shaun. My dad kept us out of this world for our safety, but it turns out...our safety isn’t what really matters to him.”

“Ericka, that’s not true! You of all people should know that. Your dad left because of Crow. That man you met, the one that took you and your sister...he is one of the most dangerous men I have ever met. Your dad fled hoping to protect you from Crow and Zandyr.” Shaun pulled up her left sleeve, revealing a symbol.

“We have those too!” Alyx exclaimed.

Ericka looked closer at it, “This symbol. This reminder. This is from Crow. I see this daily and I am haunted by my past. I can’t get out of it. At least you got out before you got this.” Shaun hissed with tears threatening to fall.

Ericka stared at her best friend. She watched her body tremble and almost collapse to the floor. “Shaun I...” she paused, unsure how to respond. She new Shaun wasn’t mad with her, but it felt that way.

“Look, I’m sorry all of this is happening now. Dusk stayed hidden all these years for your safety. That’s what your dad wanted. Your mom too. They didn’t do anything to you to stop her from coming out at sixteen, but she sensed something was wrong. None of this is anyone’s fault but Zandyr and Crow’s fault. All of us were trying to protect you and your sisters. I’m sorry for all the lies, but it was for your own safety.”

“I understand...”

It was quiet after that. The truth hurt more than she expected. Everyone she knew lied to her. She wasn’t sure who to believe anymore. She finally got up, after several long minutes and left the room. “Ericka?” Winston asked. She turned and Dusk had taken partial control.

“She needs some time.” Was all she said. After that, she left the house. She left to the place where she felt the safest. A place where she went when she was a kid. An old wolf cave that was abandoned. It was near a large school, but whenever she heard kids run along the hidden path, she stayed hidden.

“Raz, are you here?” Ericka whispered.

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