The Moon Phase Trilogy | Protected

Chapter Thirteen

Blu and Light got to the site where Ericka was being kept. Light was about to break down some doors if he didn’t get to see Ericka in one piece and okay. Blu looked at him and growled low, which meant to chill out. Light whined and his ears flattened against his skull. He lowered his gaze and sat down, waiting for a plan to get in.

Shaun shifted back and pulled a dagger she had secretly hidden underneath her right pant leg. Light looked at her and cocked his head. His moon phase necklace grew warm and he made a strange, high pitched barking noise. “She’s there, I can feel it too, Light.”

Light growled and got in a stance to bulldoze a building, even though he wasn’t that large. Shaun smirked and busted down the door. “Where is she!” She shouted, standing her ground with Light standing at her side.

A tall, brown haired man growled and sent some werewolves after them. Light growled and lunged at one while Shaun took care of the rest with just a single dagger. “What are you doing here? How did you find this place?” The man asked.

Shaun grinded her teeth, “With our sense of smell you idiot. Now where is Ericka?!” She growled, her fingers grasped the handle of her dagger tightly as she stood there, blood spattered on her sleeveless red and black plaid shirt, dark jeans and bare arms that was revealed, because she wasn’t wearing her usual black leather jacket.

The guy chuckled and smirked, “You’re going to have to get through me first pups,” he snarled before shifting. He grew double the size of Light and he backed up a little. Shaun gulped and took a step back. She stepped in a pool of blood before bolting off.

“Light, come on!” She shouted and the blond wolf sprinted to her as he was being chased by a large werewolf that he had known to be named a hispos. Shaun looked behind her to see Light close behind but the large wolf getting closer. “Where’s your rider, fatso?!” Shaun spat, trying to get the large wolf to become even more angry so he would go after her and not Light when they split up.

The large, pure black wolf growled and charged after Shaun. Light ran off, knowing Shaun’s logic all too well and went to go find Ericka. Shaun ran as fast as she could, trying to escape or at least find a hiding spot so she could catch her breath for a few minutes. “My rider is tending to the girl!”

Shaun stopped in her tracks, realizing who he was speaking of. She whipped around and her eyes were a deep green, “Where are they?” She growled in a demanding tone.

The hispos laughed, “Like I’d tell you where the girl and my rider are! You’re funny, chick.”

That hit a nerve with Shaun, “Don’t you ever call me “chick”,” she growled and Blu was in her place in a split second. She bared her teeth and stood her ground. Blu was so small compared to the large wolf standing in front of her. Blu lunged at them, aiming for its neck.


Light searched for Ericka. He heard talking at a nearby cell and he recognized the voice. He shifted and Jayden clenched his fists as he walked over to the cell. “What did you do?” He demanded with a growl.

Asher smirked and turned to see Jayden standing angrily next to him, “I took Ericka. Grant and his sister needed her necklace so I brought her here. It was easier that way,” he explained.

Jayden looked in Asher’s eyes and saw through his lie, “That’s a lie, Asher! If they just needed the damn necklace, why didn’t you just give it to them and let her go?!” He growled. He was ready to grab Asher by the throat and strangle him if he didn’t get a straight answer soon.

Asher threw his hands up in defence, “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, Jay. They told me to get Ericka and I told Lukas to bite on his line. Lukas got Ericka and I helped. Jayden come on, you gotta believe me. I wasn’t going to do anything with her!” He defended.

Jayden rolled his eyes and looked in the cell to see Ericka lying in it asleep, “You’re such a liar, Asher. I don’t understand how you can live with yourself. Mom and dad are still pissed at you for leaving, you know. They were fine with your incident, but once you left and betrayed our family...”

“Like I give a shit, Jayden. Why are you telling me this again? To make me feel guilty?”

“Why else would I tell you?!” Jayden growled.

Asher rolled his eyes and didn’t respond. He looked down to drugged up Ericka and smirked, as he walked away. “Good luck getting her back, Jay. She’s pretty drugged up, so she won’t be waking up anytime soon,” he gave a half wave as he shoved his hands in his jeans pockets as he walked.

Jayden gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and shifted instantly, bolting towards Asher.

Asher shifted and he became a large wolf that stood on their hind legs. Jayden knew them as a crispo and they had strange fangs that weren’t wolf fangs. Asher swung his arm, trying to hit Jayden, but Light dodged it easily.

Light jumped at Asher’s neck, trying to bring him down since his balance wasn’t the greatest in this form.

This went on for maybe a half hour and Light was out of breath and limping slightly. Asher growled with a laugh and his eyes were blood red. Light panted and went in for one more blow before he was done. Asher swung one last time and made contact with Light. He flew into Ericka’s cell bars and yelped in pain. He shifted back and Jayden groaned in pain.

Asher shifted back to his human form and laughed evilly. Jayden slowly got up and growled, “I’m going to kill you for this, Asher. For taking Ericka and for hurting Shaun!”

Asher’s accent was subtle but it was there, a German/English accent, just like Jayden’s, “Jay, you’re never going to stop me. At least not by yourself.” He smirked and walked off.

Jayden looked behind him with tears in his eyes, “Ericka, my little Luna...I’m so sorry this happened to you...please forgive me for not protecting you like I should have been...” He whined.

A girl in the cell next to Ericka cleared her throat and spoke softly, “You are very kind to her. Is she your mate?”

Jayden looked over to see a girl, around their age with long brunette hair in a messy side braid, “Yes, but she doesn’t know that yet. My name is Jayden. Who are you? You look very familiar to me.”

The girl smiled softly, “I go to your school, Jayden. My name is Ruby, Ruby King.”

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