The Moon Phase Trilogy | Protected

Chapter Ten

Jayden and Ericka got to school twenty minutes after they left the house and Ericka was amazed at how fast the car went. She slowly got out of the car and her legs felt like jelly, “You alright, Giggles?” Jayden asked as he stood on the opposite side of the car. He rested his arms across the top car, looking at her dreamily. Ericka looked at him and raised a brow.

“I’m alright, but...Jayden, why are you staring at me like that?” Ericka asked, clutching the car to steady her balance.

Jayden looked away, realizing Ericka was looking at him, “No, w--we should get to class,” he stuttered. Ericka was a little shocked at his sudden change in personality and actions.

“Sure,” Ericka said softly and clutched her backpack, nervous to be back at school. Why was she so nervous though, no one noticed her at school anyway. She started to walk and Jayden scurried next to her. He followed her like a puppy and Ericka was weirded out by Jayden’s actions. “Jayden...are you going to follow me like this all day?”

Jayden wrapped his arm around Ericka’s body and pulled her, “I don’t know, Giggles. I don’t want you getting yourself hurt again, so maybe I will be.”

Ericka made an obnoxious sigh and trudged inside the doors of the school. Her legs grew sore the more she walked, but when she actually got into the building and not just in the breeze way where the entrance to the gymnasium was, her schoolmates were glad she was alright. Ericka was shocked and as soon as she saw Lukas Hipkee come running to her, she just about collapsed, “Ericka, I’m so happy you’re alright. I heard you got into a really bad car accident and I got really worried. Shaun told me you were making a great recovery, but I didn’t think I’d see you until next month,” he smiled. He took her hands and Ericka’s hands shook with nerves and excitement. Ericka heard a low rumbling coming from Jayden and she looked up to him questioning it.

He looked down to her and smiled kindly, “Come on, Giggles. We’re going to be late to class if we don’t hurry. Shaun should be waiting for you at your locker.” He guided her to her locker and Ericka looked back to Lukas. The popular swimmer had a hurt expression on his face and her heart ached.

“Why did you have to go and do that, Jayden?” Ericka scolded. She huffed and crossed her arms as they walked.

“He deserved it, Ricky. He was being a total jerk,” Jayden said without batting an eye. His mood changed in a split second , just like before and Ericka was taken aback.

“Really? Because I think he was being really sweet. He was worried about me Jay!” Ericka growled, her eyes changed and the rumbling inside of her grew stronger.

Jayden rolled his eyes and blew Ericka’s anger off like it was nothing, “Ericka, come on. He’s a total jerk. The dark, shaggy haired, blue eyed swimmer only noticed you because you got hurt in a car accident he caused!” Jayden growled right back, showing his teeth, indicating to her to change the subject.

Ericka was taken aback and stopped in her tracks. Did he really cause the car accident? Was my dream real? she thought in fear. Her eyes changed back to her normal blue and her throat closed up. Ericka started to hyperventilate and freak out. She noticed Shaun at her locker, but she didn’t want to make a scene by going up to her and scaring her; so instead she walked back to where Lukas conversed with her, hoping he was still there. Jayden tried to stop her, but she pulled away and painfully walked the opposite direction. She found Lukas and grabbed him by the shoulders, staring into his bright, blue eyes.

“Ericka, what’s wrong darling?” Lukas asked, running his pale hand through his dark, bushy head of hair. His tall stature stood about a foot over Ericka’s and he just looked down to her, with a worried expression on his handsome face.

“I...can’t...b--breath...” Ericka managed to get out and searched for anything to breath in to, to calm herself down a little. Lukas’ eyes grew wide and he grabbed one of his swim buddies extra lunch bags, handing it to her. She snatched it and breathed into it, eventually making her breaths steady again.

“Luke, what are you doing with that nobody?” a teammate shouted as they passed the rest of the team. Lukas laughed and scratched the back of his head nervously. Ericka’s breathing was back to normal and she observed her crush’s actions, watching curiously.

Lukas gave a smirk and snatched the bag from Ericka’s hands before pushing her away, “I was taking her lunch, Asher,” he quickly replied and the sexy looking blond guy laughed.

“Well, if that’s it, then that’s lame. Luke, you know better than to take a girls lunch. That’s rude. You should be giving her your lunch instead of the other way around.”

Ericka watched the interaction between the two teammates and grew even more confused as to why Asher was telling Lukas to be nicer to her. Asher was never the type of guy to be nice to a girl, especially one who no one ever noticed and Ericka knew that. She kept quiet and saw Shaun from the corner of her eye with Jayden close behind her. Ericka noticed Shaun’s stature change and a low growl escaped her throat. “Leave Ericka alone, Asher. Lukas you too.”

Lukas stiffed a laugh and Asher rolled his eyes before walking away, “Shaun, come on. You really think I’m going to harm Ericka?” Lukas smirked. Ericka backed away a few steps before heading to her locker. She made eye contact with Shaun and Jayden followed Ericka, while Shaun told off Lukas. “I am interested in Ericka, Shaun. Do you really think I’d hurt her?”

“I do Luke, because you never actually noticed her until she was gone for two weeks.”

Ericka heard her best friend defend her before she got out of ear shot. Her mind spun with many things and she was starting to freak out again. She wasn’t sure who she could trust anymore and it was only her first day back to school. “What am I going to do...” she whined and Jayden wrapped his strong arms around her frail body frame gently from behind.

“Everything will be alright, Luna. I will protect you, no matter what happens,” her whispered in her ear softly and Ericka froze. Her heart beat quick and the rumbling inside of her grew louder. It sounded happy hearing Jayden’s voice so close to her ear.

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