The Moon Goddess Revenge: Book 1: Alpha Gene Rejects Lisa As His Mate

Chapter 8

As Mark listened to what his uncle Bill was saying he was thinking about everything that has happened in his pack. He was still angry that Alpha Gene had rejected his sister and he had always wanted his mate.

Marks wolf, Tanner was talking to him telling she will come soon. Mark said I have waited for five years and will wait for five more if I have to. Tanner said our mate will be beautiful and strong, she will be a worrier, strong, loving, and give us pups.

Lisa and Ted were calling his name. He said what? Lisa asked if he was thinking about his mate again. Mark looked down grinning and his cheeks turned red. Lisa hugged him and said his mate will be lucky to have him. Lisa said come on let’s go I want to take a nap before training.

Mark laughed putting his arm around her as they all walked to the house. As they entered the house Mark asked if she has talked to her mate. Lisa said she had just gotten off the phone with him and he will be arriving later tonight. As they walked into the house they all noticed the sluts of the pack. Jason came up to talk to them and they noticed Bridget start to walk towards them.

Lisa looked at Bridget and asked what she wanted and why she wasn’t with the rest of the sluts, Christy’s group. Bridget said she never really liked Christy and wanted us to know that she thinks that Christy deserves what she gets. She also stated that Christy has slept with many boys not only from the pack but those we attended school with.

Bridget also said she wanted to warn me to watch out for Christy. She said that Christy and her cousin Lori are out to get me, but she also wants to try and get me to become friends with her since she is her brothers mate. I said thinks but that is not going to happen. I then looked at Mark and Norman and said, I am going to my room to lay down for a while.

As I walked upstairs I heard Jason ask if I was going to be training with them later today. Mark said yes, we are going to be training since we have not trained since I had moved to uncle Bill’s pack. As I entered my room I plugged my phone in and then went and took a shower before laying down. As soon as I hit my bed I was out like a light.

I was dreaming that I was in a field full of flowers and a creek was flowing through the field. I was laying there looking at the clouds when I saw a very beautiful woman walking towards me. On either side of her were two pure white wolfs. As I sat up I asked her who she was. She stated I am the Moon Goddess, I am your aunt. I said my aunt you can’t be aunt none of my aunts have died. She stated that she was my grandmother’s sister.

She stated that she did not have a lot of time but wanted to let me know that she punished my mate Alpha Gene for rejecting me, however, this has been written in a prophecy. She stated she was able to see into the future and after hundreds of years of watching mates rejecting each other, she decided that in the year 2018 the mate who rejected his or her mate would feel the pain that the mate being rejected normally felt but 10x’s more.

She also stated that instead of the mate that was rejected not being able to have pups the one who did the rejecting would not be able to have pups, and the first mates bite over a chosen or second chance mates would no longer override there’s.

I said so since my second chance mate marked me, and if Alpha Gene bites me he cannot remove my second chance or chosen mark. The Moon Goddess said that is correct. I asked if the mate who did the rejecting would be able to mate someone else. She said yes, but he or she will continue to fill pain from the rejection. He or she will also continue to fill when their first mate is sexually active, happy, sad, in pain.

That will be their punishment for rejecting their mates. She said I have to go now but I will continue to watch over all of my children. As I woke up I lay on my bed thinking about what the Moon Goddess said. I decided to go talk to uncle Bill about my dream.

I went to uncle Bill’s office and as I started to knock on the door it opened up and Nathan was coming out. I told Nathan he might want to listen to what I had to talk to uncle Bill about and he turned around and went back inside. Nathan sat on the couch and I sat next to him.

I told uncle Bill about my dream and the Moon Goddess coming to me. I told him she said she was my aunt, grandma’s sister. Uncle Bill looked up and grinned and said, I know your dream was real because many many years ago we found out she was going to be the next moon goddess.

My mouth dropped open and Nathan said how can that be, that can’t be real. Uncle Bill said that we live to be very, very old, and after many centuries there comes a time when the moon goddess may or may not want to give up her reign and when she does she chooses her accessor.

I grinned and said, I hope I am not next in line as I don’t want her position. I stated she was very beautiful and was guarded by two big pure white wolfs. Uncle Bill got a picture out of his desk and showed it to me. I said, yes, yes, that was her. Nathan looked at the picture and said beautiful women run in our family. We all started to laugh.

Uncle Bill stated that during the meeting with the Elders and other Alpha’s he would like for me to meet with them and tell them about my dream and what the Moon Goddess said. I agreed to this he then said, Alpha Gene will be there with his father.

I looked down and he said he will not touch or talk to you and you will have me, your brothers and friends her to make sure of that.

I asked where he would be when they are not meeting? Uncle Bill said he will have warriors around him at all times. Nathan said he better because Mark still wants to kill him and Ted and I will be standing behind him. I then got up and kissed uncle Bill and Nathan and I left.

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