The Moon Goddess Revenge: Book 1: Alpha Gene Rejects Lisa As His Mate

Chapter 36

I was woken up by my brothers. They said they had talked with grandfather and could not believe what he had told them. Nathan said he wished the Moon Goddess was not so angry at everyone. Mark said that no one really knows who the real mates are at this point.

Ted looked at me and said are you ok? I said no. I have been feeling things since I got here I have never felt before. He said what do you mean? I said anger, hate, sadness wanting to cry. I looked behind him saw Adam kissing a slut.

My eyes started tearing up and Ted turned around and saw what I was looking at. He turned back around and said is that Adam the one who is supposed to be your real mate. I looked down nodding my head. He wiped a tear from the corner of my eye.

He said don’t let him get to you. We heard a motorcycle pull up and Adam’s friend Randy asked if I wanted to go for a ride with him. Ted looked at me and then looked over his shoulder at Adam turned around and said go for it. What do you have to lose? At this point, you can choose your own mate.

Randy shut the bike off and I introduced my brothers to him. They all told him he better take care of me and be a gentleman. Randy said I won’t do anything she doesn’t want to do. He then handed me a helmet and I put it on and climbed onto the back of the bike and we took off riding out of the pack grounds.

Dad, Trevor, and Martin walked up and asked where I went. Ted said for a ride with Randy. Ted was giving Adam a smirk. Martin said you know she is supposed to be Adam’s mate? Mark said leaning against a tree with his arms crossed apparently Adam doesn’t want her.

Martin and Trevor saw Adam walk up. They said is it true? You don’t want Lisa as your mate? Adam shrugged his shoulders and said I have enough sluts running after me. Nathan punched Adam in the face and said don’t ever call my sister a slut again. You know she isn’t one.

Alpha Dakota said Adam you know you’re the 3 male who has rejected her. She can now choose her own mate. Adam said I didn’t reject her, I said I don’t want her, big difference. Mark looked at the ground and drew his fist back just as grandfather walked up.

Grandfather looked at Adam and said if you don’t settle your differences with Lisa the moon goddess is really going to be angry. He said this time I don’t know what she will do regarding mates. He then said if you don’t find a way to get to know her I will handcuff you both together and take you to the cabin in the woods and lock you in. He then turned and walked away.

Randy rode his bike into town and drove to the small restaurant where they all hung out. As he pulled up and parked several girls walked out of the restaurant and started walking over until they saw that a girl was taking off the helmet. They turned around and walked back in and to their table.

They said Randy has never let a girl ride on his bike before. I wonder who she is? As they walked in Randy was holding Lisa’s hand and he walked to the table that he always sits at. As they sat down and the waitress came over she looked at Randy and then Lisa.

She hit him with a menu and said, just when were you going to tell me you had a girlfriend. Lisa’s face turned red, and Randy said mom, stop hitting me. He said I just asked Lisa out we are just friends. They ordered double cheeseburgers, fries, and coke. While waiting for the food Randy asked her if she was having fun.

Lisa smiled and said this is the most fun she has had Randy then asked Lisa if she wanted to ride over to the lake and walk along the beach after they ate maybe lay down talk and watch the stars. Lisa smiled said, “I would like that”. Randy smiled and said he was glad she decided to come with him.

Randy also said that he was sorry about the way Adam was treating her. I said Adam is a dick head and all he wants to do is argue or tell me to stay away from him. I said last night was the worst because he called me a slut. I’m not a slut and I am about to give up on men altogether.

I said in sad voice men are all the same. They want to use you and then dump you. The food came and we ate talking about our past. Randy said he heard what happened to me and he was there when Alpha Gene demanded we turn his mate over to him. And he heard about the phone call I received from Alpha Dawin.

Randy said you don’t deserve all that. Randy then told me about how his mate had been killed by a drunk driver three years ago. He said you’re the first girl I wanted to be around and it pissed me off how Adam is treating you. So I asked you out after he told me he didn’t care.

Randy said I think we should play his game back what do you think? I grinned and said let’s do it. He said you realized we have to hold hands, smile at each other and act like we are falling for each other. I said no problem. I am a good actor, I can hide my true feelings easily.

No one knows how close I have come to cutting my wrists lately. Randy stopped eating and said you have been thinking about suicide? I said yes, I am tired of the rejections. We finished eating and Randy paid for our meal.

As we were walking out towards the door one of the girls walked up and put her hand on Randy’s arm. He looked down and said can I help you? She said Randy is this your girlfriend? Putting his arm around my waist he said yes, this is Lisa.

The girls said really? I said yes we are dating and as you can see we were just leaving and walked about the door. For good measure since the girls were watching Randy put the helmet on me and leaned in and kissed my lips. I was stunned. My wolf said I liked that can we do it again?

He turned around got on started the bike and we drove to the beach. As we walked along the beach talking and holding hands Randy said by now half the pack house knows I am with you and that I kissed you does that bother you? I said not in the least.

I turned around and said I think we should practice putting my arms around his neck and leaning up and putting my lips on his. As she leaned in my wolf said I like her scent she smells so good. He put his arms around her drawing her closer to him. She pushed her breast against his chest.

He gently coaxed her lips to part for him. She couldn’t think because his lips firmed and her mouth opened for him. His taste was addicting and she lost herself in his mouth in his taste. She felt as if she was on fire. She had never felt like this with Alpha Dawin.

He slowly rubbed circles on her waist and slowly moved his hand up under her shirt moving towards her breast. She moaned and tugged on his hair. He started rubbing her nipple and wanted so bad to suck and nibble on it but he slowly brought his hand out from under her shirt and slowly removed his lips from hers. His eyes filled with lust.

Lisa said no one has ever kissed me like that or made me feel like that before. How can I have these feelings for you when I am supposed to be Adam’s mate according to the prophecy? Randy said he didn’t know. He said all I know is that I have been drawn to you since you got here but couldn’t say anything or even get near you.

I said I think I am really going to enjoy acting your girlfriend accept I don’t want either one of us to get hurt. Randy said I am a big boy. So let’s go back to the pack house and the party shall we? I said yes, we shall. As we arrived back at the pack house we walked in holding hands.

Randy and I saw Adam on the couch making out with the slut. I tightened up but Randy calmed me down. We walked in laughing and holding hands and Randy said so we are going horseback riding and a picnic tomorrow than. I said yep you can pick me up at noon.

We walked past the couch ignoring Adam and his slut. As we walked by Adam saw us holding hands and we heard a growl Randy turned around and said remember you said you didn’t want your mate and for me to go for it so I took the chance and we find we like each other so don’t growl you had your chance.

She can now choose her mate and we turned and walked outside to talk to my brothers. As we stood there holding hands and talking I found myself flying away from Randy and slamming into a tree. Randy looked over and saw me and growled at Adam. Adam turned into his wolf circling Randy.

Randy looked at me and saw I wasn’t moving so he turned into his wolf and started fighting Adam. Adam clawed Randy on his side and tried to put his canines into his throat. Randy jerked his head back and took his front paws clawing and digging at Adam drawing blood.

Mark and Nathan ran over to me picking me up seeing the blood running down my back and in my face. My head had an open wound. They ran with me to the pack hospital. As they could barely hear my heart beating. Alpha Dakota using his Alpha voice yelled at them to stop.

He ordered them to turn back into human form. He looked at Adam and Randy and said go see the doctor and report to my office in the morning. I asked where Lisa was and Alpha Dakota said her brothers took her to the pack hospital as she had a head injury and back injury.

I turned towards Adam growling and said, and you are supposed to be her mate but you treat her like trash, fuck sluts, make out with them in front of her, call her a slut, fight and argue with her, tell her to stay away from you and you don’t want her. Hell, you gave me permission to ask her out and then you attack her.

You don’t deserve to be her mate. I turned and walked to the hospital. Pack members gasped whispering among them self as they know about the prophecy and I said I did it all and meant it, I don’t want her as a mate and then he walked away.

Some of the pack members said that Adam deserves to be punished for hurting his mate like that. Alpha Dakota looked at his mate and said we will discuss it but I want to see how our daughter is doing. Grandfather mine linked me and said let’s review the prophecy again tomorrow.

As we arrived at that pack hospital we were informed that Lisa has a concussion and she is now in a coma. Randy was sitting by her bed holding her hand. If you didn’t know any better you would think he really was in love with Lisa.

Nathan said he was going to get some coffee. He asked Alpha Dokata what his plans were concerning Adam and his hurting his sister. Alpha Dakota said they would discuss it in the morning. In the meantime all we can do is wait and see if Lisa comes out of the coma.

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