The Moon Goddess Revenge: Book 1: Alpha Gene Rejects Lisa As His Mate

Chapter 24

I jerked up out of my sleep hearing the alarms going off. I jumped out of bed pulling on a pair of shorts. As we headed downstairs and out into the yard I heard my uncle ask why are you rouges in my territory? As I stood next to my uncle I heard the rouges say, you have something on your territory that belongs to me and I want her back.

Everyone started growling and my uncle said explain yourself? My mate hid behind me shaking badly. The rouge pointed toward me and said “that little girl standing behind her mate belongs to me and I want her back. I shoved my mate towards my brother and walked towards him and said. She is my mate and you can’t have her.

He said I will give you two days to decide, if I don’t get her in those two days I will destroy this pack. He looked at my mate who was hugging my brother with tears running down her face. I looked at the rouge and said I will kill you first. He laughed and called his men and ran into the woods.

I looked at uncle Bill and said, don’t you know the King of Rouges? He said yes, I do. I will give him a call and find out if he knows anything about this. He walked away and to his office. I grabbed my mate holding her assuring her we will keep her safe and won’t let him take her away.

My brothers, parents, and Lisa agreed. I said we need to call Alpha Darwin and let him know what happened. Lisa said she would call him and tell him. Mom looked at dad and said, I will not let anyone take that sweet child from us. He agreed we would fight to the death. We walked into the house and met my uncle coming down the stairs. My uncle said let’s go have a cup of coffee.

As we sat he said, I did talk to the king of rogues and he said that this rouge has been a problem for him. Uncle Bill said that this rouge thinks he should be king. He also said the king of rouges agreed to come and fight with us. He said since his children were born he has changed and is trying to change his pack to be more respectful. He said the King of rouges will be here tomorrow night.

I finished my coffee and thanked uncle Bill. I then took my mates hand and we walked to our room. When we got to the bedroom Tara looked at me and said, you really aren’t going to give me to him. I jerked my head up and said over my dead body. You are my mate, mine the person I will love, spoil and have pups with.

she curled up and lay her head on my chest. I put my arm around her and kissed her forehead. I whispered sleep. I watched her eyes closed and watched her sleep for a while. My wolf said we will kill anyone who tries to take our mate from us. I agreed. Then I fell asleep. I woke up hearing screaming. I jumped out of bed looking around the room.

I noticed my mate curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. I walked over to her shaking her calling her name. She looked at me pushing herself further into the wall. My mother, father, brothers, and sister came running into the room. I looked up and said I don’t know what is wrong, I can’t wake her.

Mom grabbed my shoulders moving me aside. She started calling Tara’s name softly, rubbing her hands up and down her arms. Tara was screaming no, please don’t do that it hurts. She then grabbed her legs saying no get off of me, don’t do that, my mate will be angry please stop.

Mom finally shook Tara, Tara looked at mom, mom said your safe, you’re safe, I won’t let them hurt you. Tara seemed to snap out of it putting her head on mom's shoulder crying and sobbing as if her heart is broken. Mom told us to leave the room for a while.

Tara looked at her and said ” I remember, he forced himself on me, he took my virginity, and he burned my face”. My mate won’t want me now because I am ugly and not a virgin. Mom whispered you know he wants you. He doesn’t care if your not a virgin and to him you still are because you didn’t willingly give your virginity away.

I was clinging my fists, I said I am going to kill that rouge. He damaged my mate, my mate not his. He raped her and burned her face and god knows what else he did to her. My dad and brothers all agreed we should catch this rouge and kill him slowly. Lisa said that she will help us and we should slowly skin him alive, and cut his dick off and shove it up his ass.

My dad looked at her grinning and said, dam you can be vindictive. Mom came out of the room and said she gave Tara something that will help her relax and sleep. She told me to be gentle with her. I told her I am always gentle with Tara.

I thanked mom for helping calm her down and went into my room closing the door softly and climbed into bed pulling my mate close to me. I stayed awake for awhile making plans on how to catch this rouge alive.

My wolf said she has been through a lot. We need to reassure her that we love her and to us, she is still a virgin because she was raped and forced to have sex. My wolf then said we better catch that rouge alive and cause him so much pain before we kill him. I agreed with my wolf. I continued to watch my mate for a while before I closed my eyes and fell back to sleep.

I felt like I had just fallen asleep when I felt myself being shaken awake. I heard my dad calling my name as quiet as possible. I opened my eyes and looked at my dad. He said I didn’t want to wake Tara after she had a rough night. He then said the King of the rouges is downstairs.

I said let me shower and I will come down. I looked at Tara and gently removed her head from my chest, I put my pillow under her head and noticed her sniff it and hold it tight. I got up and walked into the bathroom showered and got dressed. I looked at Tara before quietly closing the door and walking down the hall to the stairs and into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

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