The Moon Goddess Revenge: Book 1: Alpha Gene Rejects Lisa As His Mate

Chapter 19

My eyes flew open. It felt like something was wrong. I looked at my mate, Lisa was sound asleep. I looked around our bedroom. Something felt off like someone had been in the room. I sniffed the air, my fists tightened, I smelled this scent but I couldn’t place it. I reached for my phone when I felt a piece of paper. I read the note, it was from Lori.

The note stated I needed to be more aware of when someone entered my bedroom, I also need to make sure to protect my little mate better, that knife could have ended in her heart. I turned to look at Lisa to make sure she was fine when I noticed a knife buried in the headboard.

I grabbed the knife and slowly got out of bed making sure not to wake Lori up. I took a shower got dressed and went to talk to Norman, Lisa’s brother. I knocked on Norman’s bedroom door, he said to come in. I looked at him and said I need to talk to you. I told him everything, he growled, I said Lisa knows but she doesn’t know about this and handed him the note and knife.

I said Christy is Lori’s cousin and I think Lori got her to do this. I asked if he was willing to travel to mypack house with me next week. He said yes, why? I said I want you to start a visit to become familiar with the pack house and members especially Lori. I asked why do you want me to become familiar with this Lori?

Alpha Dawin stated because I want someone with eyes on her at all times and I don’t want anyone knowing she is being watched from my pack house. He said ok, I don’t have a problem with that. I talked about my family and stated that he will have a room on the Alpha floor and he will be next to my baby sisters. I explained her name is Tara.

He said I didn’t know you had a sister. He said yes, I do and she has been through a lot. I explained she at times as nightmares as she was kidnapped by rogues at the age of 16 and she is terrified of men and she doesn’t come out of her room unless she is near someone she can trust. I discussed that the rouges abused her and burned one side of her face.

I asked Alpha Dawin when he plans on leaving. He stated tonight. I got up to take a shower and pack my bags. I then when and said good-bye to Lisa, my brothers and parents. I took my bag and put it in the trunk of Alpha Dawin’s car and got into the passenger seat. I waited as Alpha Dawin said goodbye to Lisa. As Alpha Dawin got in he said it will take about three hours to get there.

As he drove we talked about his pack members. I said I can’t wait to see your warriors fight. Alpha Dawin laughed and said we do have different fighting styles. I then asked how old his sister is now. He said she is 19 years old. I said so she has not found her mate yet. I said I am 25 and have not found mine either. It became quiet in the car and my thoughts drifted to what my mate would be like and when I find her I will never let her go and I will give her the world.

The closer we got to Alpha Dawin’s territory the more anxious I was becoming. I couldn’t understand why I was feeling this way. My wolf said just wait you will find out. As we arrived at the pack house and entered the door I sniffed the air. I said what smells so good? It smells like coffee, vanilla, and lemons. I followed the sent upstairs, I noticed some sluts around a small girl.

They were bullying her, saying your so ugly when you find your mate he will reject you. They hit her in the face and my wolf started to growl. One said you won’t tell your brother because we will beat you worse. They started to walk away but not before one hit her in the stomach.

My wolf growled along with Alpha Dawin’s and the house shook. I jerked the girls away from the small girl and said mate, you will not hit my mate, I will punish you for this. I turned to look at my mate and said look at me. My mate shook her head, I said please look at me. She looked up and I saw the most beautiful brown eyes.

I reached out and put a strand of hair behind her ear. I turned hearing Alpha Dawin tell the four girls to meet him in his office. They turned and walked away. He walked up to my mate and as he reached for her I growled. He said this is my sister Tara. I grinned and said wow, you are my sister’s mate and I am your sister’s mate.

She looked up and said, I understand if you want to reject me. I said never. I looked at Alpha Darwin and said she doesn’t know what would happen if I did reject her, which I don’t and won’t. I looked at her and said I have waited so long for my mate, I can’t wait to spoil you. My sister and mom are going to be over the moon when they meet you.

Alpha Dawin then said let us go to my office and deal with these girls who think they can bully my sister. As we got closer to the office door I felt my mate shaking. I put my arm around her and said she is safe I won’t let anyone harm her. She nodded her head and looked at the ground as we entered the office.

Tara and I sat on the couch while the four girls stood in front of Alpha Dawin’s desk. He looked at the girls not saying a word. They started shaking. He reminded them of the law for putting their hands on an Alpha female. Especially his sister. He tapped his chin with his finger. He looked at me, saying what punishment do you think they deserve?

I said remember Lisa’s punishment she gave out. He shook his head laughing. Sure I do, and these four are sluts who think they can do what they want in my pack. So Warrior Norman would you like to tell them the punishment and who will give it out? I said yes, I stood up flexing my arms and said, your Luna handed down punishment at Alpha Bill’s to a slut. You will receive the same minus the branding.

One of the girls swallowed and said branding, I said yes branding. Since you did not touch another mates cock you won't get branded with slut. You will each receive 10 lashes with a whip dipped in silver. One yelled that is not fair our wolf can’t heal our back if you do that. Exactly I said. This should remind you to never put your hands on my mate or bully anyone again.

I then said your punishment will be tomorrow after breakfast. I also will be talking to all of your parents. Alpha Dawin said, you will remain in your rooms with guards outside your doors and your breakfast will be brought to your rooms as will dinner. When the time comes for your punishment you will be escorted outside by the guards.

Understand? They nodded their heads. I mine linked for 8 guards to come to my office and escort the girls to their rooms. Alpha Dawin then mind linked for each girl’s parents to come to his office. As their parents entered he had them set down. He then explained what would be taking place after breakfast. Each girls mothers begged the Alpha not to whip them with silver.

He turned to me, I looked at their mothers and said, you should have stopped them hitting and bullying my mate who is your Alpha female. They hung their heads down. It is disrespectful when pack members bully others and think they can get away with it. I said no more. The punishment sticks. Alpha Dawin then excused them reminding them the punishment is mandatory for all pack members to attend.

As they left Alpha Dawin mine linked the pack members. There will be a punishment out in the backyard after breakfast and it is mandatory for all members to attend. He heard yes, Alpha Dawin he closed the mine link. I looked at Alpha Dawin and said I would like to take my mate to her room and get to know her.

He shook his head and said he had some paperwork to do and we will meet at 6:00 for supper then come back to my office afterward. I took my mates hand and walked to her room. As we got to her room I told her she will love my sister and mother. I noticed my mate’s hair touched the ground. I talked about how long mom’s hair was and she grinned. She continued to look at the ground instead of at me.

As I sat on her bed, I reached out and touched the burned side of her face. I said look at me, I never want you to hide your face. These are scares you earned. You survived a horrible time in your life and they are not ugly to me. I explained I was a warrior and took my shirt off showing her my back and chest.

She reached out slowly to touch my chest and whispered do they hurt? I said not anymore. I looked at her and saw tears running down her face. I told her not to cry and she dried her tears. I looked at the clock and pulled her to the bed. I brought her down next to me pulling her close laying her head on my chest.

I said we have three hours before supper. Let's take a nap. I watched her close her eyes and heard her soft snores. I smiled and heard my wolf say, our mate is beautiful. We will protect her and spoil her. If anyone says she is ugly, says bad things to her or tries to bully her we will tear them apart. I agreed closed my eyes and fail asleep.

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