The Misfits

Chapter 34 - Elias


Elias woke up in bed, surprisingly alone. He looked around, saw Allyson in her bed, still sleeping.

Smelling food, he looked at the table and saw trays sitting there, along with Joss. She saw he was awake and walked over to the bed, sitting down beside him.

Reaching out, she brushed some hair out of his face and asked, “How are you feeling?”

“Sore,” he replied. “At least my headache is mostly gone.”

“Peg said she wanted me to watch over the two of you today. I’m guessing since Halley isn’t here, they didn’t want her healing you. Or maybe she knew Halley did already.”

Elias shook his head carefully. “No one knows she can do what she did but me… and now you. I’d be more of a test subject if the doctors knew.”

“Well, you should get up and eat. It’s probably cold by now however.”

“How’s Ally?” he asked.

“She stirred a little while ago but didn’t get up. I let you both sleep.”

“How long have you been here?”

“A few hours,” she said.

Elias pulled her down next to him, putting an arm around her, pulling her close. He was careful of his left hip. “I’m not sure what hurts worse, getting shot twice with their horse tranq, or the pain from Ally,” he told her.

“I’m sorry there’s nothing I can do about it.”

He ran a hand over her arm. “It’s okay. It was my own fault. This whole thing I planned better work, for all of our sakes.”

“This place sucks. But at least something good came out of it.”

He looked over at her and asked, “What’s that?”

“I met you. And you helped me want to live again. I’d given up hope. Being sent here was about the last thing my, well, being, could handle. Physical and mental abuse, neglect, forced drug use, then being sold to be a lab rat. I got to the point where I was considering suicide. And for me, that would be easy. Put my hand in my chest and take my own heart in my hand and unphase. Boom.”

“Then I’m glad I was taken. I’m a hero,” he said, and she laughed.

“My hero,” she said, kissing his cheek.

“And I’m taking you with me when I leave this place.”

“Food?” croaked a still sleepy Allyson.

Joss got up and helped Ally to the table to eat.

Elias limped over to join them.

Joss was right, the food was cold, but that didn’t seem to stop Ally from eating it all. After Ally was done eating, Joss told her it was shower time.

Ally complained she hurt and was still tired.

“Fine,” Joss told her. “I’ll go with you to help. We’ll make sure your hip is healing okay, then you can sleep all you want after.”

The girl still complained, but finally agreed. Joss gathered clothes for Ally and some of Elias’s scrubs for herself, along with towels and wash cloths, and herded Ally to the shower.

The shower went on, and after a minimal fussing, Joss got both of them showered. Ally came out dressed, and went straight to her bed and laid down, pulling the sheet over her head.

“Your turn,” Jocelyn said, stepping out of the shower in scrubs.

Elias picked up the clothes he had got out and went to the shower. He turned the water on and got undressed, discarding his old clothes, then moved to stand under the water.

The shower door opened, and Elias turned his head to look back. Joss stepped into the shower, putting a finger to her lips. She pulled off her top, revealing she had on nothing under it.

Her pants were next, and she placed them over the shower wall, then she moved towards him.

“Ally –”

“Is out like a light,” Joss said softly. “And I’m, just going to help you. Your back needs tending,” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

She did what she said, checking and cleaning the wounds on his back, as well as inspecting his hip. That spot was bruised and tinder, but there was no open wound.

She told him that Halley had healed Ally so that she too had no open wound.

Elias tried not to look at her as she moved around him, but it wasn’t working. After she was done, she stood in front of him, hands at her sides.

She saw the slight frown on his face. “Disappointed?” she asked.

He shook his head, not trusting himself to speak.

“Elias, I’m not expecting anything. This is me. All of me. The good and the bad. This is the girl who loves you, and the girl who’s screwed up inside. Two months ago, I would have freaked out in a situation like this. Now, not only am I in this situation, but it’s one I want to be in. By choice. You don’t have to do anything at all. Just accepting me is enough,” she told him.

He opened his arms, and she went to him, each wrapping their arms around the other. They stood under the water just holding each other.

Elias finally ran his hand up her back and neck, into her hair. “I accept you for what’s inside. The outside is a bonus, but it wouldn’t change a thing,” he told her.

She kissed him.

With Ally out there sleeping in the room, Jocelyn didn’t trust herself to stay quiet, so she didn’t push things as far as she wanted.

They kissed and both of their hands did some wandering, but they stopped short of anything too heavy.

Joss broke a kiss, smiling at him, and said, “Why Mr. Stewart, I do believe you’re poking me.”

“Ms. Briggs, if Ally wasn’t out there, I just might have indeed.”

She stepped away some and smacked him on the arm. “Time to finish, or I might not care about waking her. I’ll be waiting out there. You get a handle on things in here,” she said as her fingers slid down his chest, giving him a little squeeze before turning to dry off and get dressed. She put her scrubs back on and left, leaving him alone in the shower.

Elias finished in the shower and got out, leaving his top off. He went to the bed where Joss sat.

She dabbed at the two wounds that still bled a little, until they stopped, then he put his top on. Still feeling the effects of the drugs in his system, he laid back down with Joss by his side.

She laid on her side against him and rubbed his chest under his top, while he wrapped an arm around her, rubbing her neck, before both drifted off to sleep.

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