The Minx

Chapter 39

"Cami! Cami! Wake up! Nabi is missing," Kieran shook me awake. I sat up quickly and jumped out of the bed confused. It took a while for my brain to catch up with where I was and what was going on. We were still at Aspen's house on the Silver Bullet's land. How could Nabi be missing? I ran out of the room and went to Avery's room. She was pacing, looking distraught. She looked at me guiltily when I walked in.

"Cami, I'm so sorry. When I woke up she wasn't in the bed with me anymore. Someone took her," Avery apologized. A moment later, Yelang burst into the room out of breath.

"I know where Nabi is," Yelang panted. We followed her out to the woods near a clearing with a lake. Aspen was sitting on the ground holding Nabi with Caitlyn laying completely still nearby. We all froze, watching the scene. Aspen didn't even move.

"Aspen, give my daughter back," I said slowly as I took a careful step forward. Aspen didn't look up as his free hand moved a strand of hair out of Caitlyn's face.

"Caitlyn is dead," he said quietly. My eyes went to my twin sister's still body. Now that he mentioned it, she wasn't moving at all. Her body was stiff. Not even the rise and fall of her chest breathing was visible. I took another step forward.

"I'm sorry about my sister, Aspen, but what what does that have to do with my daughter?" I asked as I slowly got closer and closer. Everyone else stayed back.

"This all started with you, Camilla. After Caitlyn went missing and you appeared, you promised to take her place as my mate. I saved your life that day. Nabi is supposed to be my daughter. This isn't supposed to be how my life was supposed to go. I wish you never told me Caitlyn was alive. I didn't want to experience her dying all over again," he rambled. I could see that he was losing his mind. The loss of his mate was taking a toll on him. Trying to snap him out of it right now would only harm Nabi. The best thing to do would be to play along. I knelt in front of him and hesitantly placed a hand on his arm. Aspen finally looked at me. His face was puffy and wet and his eyes were red from crying.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I was supposed to stay. This was supposed to be our family. Nabi is still sleeping, so I'll go lay her down in a bed and then we'll talk, okay?" I tried to coax him. Slowly, I pried Nabi out of Aspen's arms and cradled her against my chest. I stood and took a hesitant step back. I backed up slowly before handing Nabi to Kieran with a sigh of relief.

"Take her somewhere safe," I said lowly.

"What about you?" Kieran asked worried. I knew he wanted to take me with him, but I had to put an end to this, or Aspen would never stop.

"Why are you giving the baby to him?" Aspen yelled as he stood suddenly.

"I have to take care of this. Go," I said quickly. Kieran disappeared with Nabi. Aspen charged at me but Avery stood in front of me angrily.

"Aspen, enough! You've gone insane. You can't keep Cami prisoner here. You've taken this too far. Caitlyn is not Cami's fault. She did her best to do right by you. Let her go," Avery pleaded for me. Aspen shoved her aside before grabbing me by the arm.

"You are supposed to be mine. I'm not letting you go that easily," Aspen said with resolution. I gathered my fox flame in my hand and held it up for him to see.

"I've done more than enough for you. Get your hands off, or Silver Bullet Pack will be looking for a new Alpha," I warned him. Avery tried to step forward but Yelang held her back. By now, Marco and Ben were also in the clearing.

"I guess we'll die together then," Aspen replied. I could tell he was desperate, but so was I. I wanted my freedom. I wanted my life with Kieran and Nabi so badly that I was willing to do anything.

"Alpha... Camilla. Why don't we take a step back, hm?" Marco tried to mediate. I kept my glare on Aspen.

"Your Alpha wants to die together. I'd rather do that than give up my life and freedom to be a slave for mistakes I didn't make," I said to Marco, watching Aspen's every twitch. Aspen swiped his claws at me. I moved out of the way just in time and shot my fox flame at him. He tried to dodge but it still made contact with his shoulder. He took a step back and held his shoulder before smirking at me.

"You finally can't stand it anymore," he chuckled before standing up a bit straighter. He was heavily injured and it was easy to tell but he tried to ignore it as he came after me. I tried to dodge his attack but his claws got my thigh. I hissed in a breath and released another ball of fox flame to get some distance between us.

"If you keep this up, both of you will be dead!" Marco lashed out at us.

"No one threatens my family," I warned Aspen. Marco stepped in between us and grabbed Aspen by the shoulders.

"Stop! The Silver Bullet Pack need you to be their Alpha. The world... and that little girl, need Camilla. Camilla and Nabi are the only hybrids in existence. Even if you could keep them here with us, could you take care of them? Could you keep them alive? Forcing Camilla and Nabi to stay with a pack of werewolves would be forcing them to their deaths. We don't have the means to care for them. That fox can. He did, and he has been. He's the only one who can. Keeping her here would be asking her to go lay next to her sister. Let her go," Marco tried to reason with Aspen. Aspen hesitated before glancing to where my sister still laid lifelessly.

The wound on my leg was bleeding relentlessly, but so was Aspen's shoulder. Aspen crumbled. He dropped to his knees with tears in his eyes. Marco sighed and knelt beside him, placing a hand on his back gently. Everyone else seemed to relax a bit, but I was still on my guard.

"Go," Aspen said defeated. It was so quiet that I barely heard him.

"From now on... we'll have nothing to do with each other. I won't come looking for you," he promised. My leg was throbbing in pain. The day had barely started and it had already been too long. All I wanted was to find Kieran and take a long nap.

Suddenly I wasn't standing in the field anymore, I was standing in the living room of Kieran's house in New York. I wanted to sigh in relief but a pain started inside of my body. I clutched my chest and doubled over as a metallic taste began filling my mouth. When I couldn't hold it anymore, blood spilled out of my mouth and onto the rug.

"Cami!" Kieran called before he helped me sit on the couch. "How did you get here?" He asked.

"I think… I teleported," I admitted tiredly. I felt like I was about to pass out. My energy levels felt chaotic. Between teleporting for the first time, the fight I had with Aspen, and the wound on my leg, I felt like I'd just been through the ringer.

"I didn't know you could. I just put Nabi down in her room," Kieran assured me as he tried to wipe the blood from the corner my mouth.

"Aspen won't bother us again," I said tiredly as my eyes closed on their own. My body slumped against Kieran as I finally let go of my grip on consciousness. I knew I was back and safe. I knew that whatever was wrong with me now, Kieran would protect me. He always did. I could sleep easy knowing that the worst was over now. We could finally live in peace and raise Nabi with our only worry being how to deal with being hybrids. After everything we'd been through throughout my lifetime, we deserved some peace and quiet.

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