The Minx

Chapter 37

The next day, we left word with Amanda after packing a bag for Nabi. We didn't know how long we would be gone, so we packed as much would fit in a suitcase. It was almost comical watching all of us hold on to Kieran so he could teleport us all to the boarder of Silver Bullet's territory. Once at the forest line, Kieran held Nabi before kissing her head. He reached forward and kissed mine as well.

"Call me when it's my turn to show up. I won't be far," he said a tad anxiously. I nodded and tried to convey a confident smile, but inside, I was actually a little nervous about what the pack would say after seeing me again after so long. It's been over a year since I left. I was sure to be scolded by at least one of them and my money was on Avery. Kieran handed Nabi to me as Aspen handled the suitcase.

"Let's go," Aspen said simply. We walked the distance back through the pack territory before making it to the familiar house. It had been so long. Before we could even make it to the door, it swung open to reveal a teary-eyed Avery. She rushed forward and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"I thought that stupid fox was going to hold you captive forever," she blubbered. I chuckled as I tried to be careful where Avery was squeezing.

"Watch the baby," I warned her. She let go quickly like I burned her as her eyes widened. She stared at Nabi.

"Cami, what the hell happened?" She asked, confused.

"I'll explain to everyone in the living room. They're already waiting," Aspen jumped in. Avery simply nodded before we all went inside. Sure enough, Marco, Ben, Yelang, and even my stepbrother, Leo, we're waiting patiently in the living room for us. There was chatter and hugs and questions as soon as everyone saw me. Aspen quickly tried to put a stop to it.

"I need everyone to take a seat. I'll explain everything. Nabi is Camilla's daughter," Aspen confirmed. Aspen went on to explain how I was a hybrid fox, how Kieran was my fox mate, how my twin sister Caitlyn was his fated mate, and our plan to rescue her. Aspen explained everything he knew as everyone sat and listened without interrupting. I think they were all just too shocked to interrupt.

"So Cami... is a fox-wolf hybrid, and the Red Devil was just making a ruckus because he was trying to get her attention because she was about to die. Now she has a child by him, but it's okay because she was a fill-in mate you chose when you mistakenly thought your fated mate, Cami's twin sister, died. And now you want to leave Cami's daughter, who is also a hybrid, in the care of the pack while you go save your fated mate from the scientists who bred them?" Avery summed it all up for everyone. Aspen nodded in response as he hung his head.

"If Cami was a chosen mate for you, why did you let us all believe differently? You were so adamant about pretending she was your fated mate," Avery questioned her brother.

"I was embarrassed that I couldn't even protect my fated mate, and Cami looked just like her. I figured... no one would know," Aspen said lamely.

"No wonder the fox went on a rampage. You stole his mate and almost got her killed," Avery scoffed.

"He's actually here, too," I admitted finally. Everyone's eyes went to me expectantly.

"He's not a bad guy. He was... a bit extreme in the past because he was desperate, and I'll apologize on his behalf, but in order to save Caitlyn, we're going to have to work together. I need you all to promise me you won't start anything with him," I warned them. They all eventually nodded hesitantly. I took a breath before calling his name quietly. He appeared next to me in a flash. He stared at them before smiling gently at me. Nabi reached out and transferred herself to his arms. Kieran held her gently.

"Nice to officially meet you all," he introduced himself. I could tell that the room full of wolves didn't quite know how to feel about him yet. They were natural enemies, but I was now the bridge between the two.

"So when do you leave to save your sister?" Avery asked, saving us all from the awkward silence.

"We'll get Nabi settled, and then we'll head out," I answered.

"Why does he look so normal?" Marco muttered under his breath.

"I'm more normal than you'd expect. I probably mingle with humans more than wolves do as well. A simple existence is never too much to ask for," Kieran answered him anyway.

"The fox will stay here tonight. Consider it a type of... peace treaty for now, until we return with Caitlyn," Aspen said to the others. They had no choice but to agree with his orders. After Aspen dismissed everyone, Avery came closer to me and pulled me into another hug unexpectedly.

"I don't care what you are. You had me worried, being gone for so long. You realize it's almost been a year," Avery said before she finally pulled away to look at me. I smiled softly before touching her arm gently.

"After getting to Kieran's, I started learning things about myself and my past that I never thought was possible. Kieran had been watching over me for a long time so he was able to fill in and answer a lot of the questions I had," I explained.

"We should get Nabi settled. She'll be going to bed soon," Kieran cut in.

"Are you at least happy?" Avery asked me. I smiled slightly as I nodded without hesitation.

"Kieran is my mate. He takes care of me and has helped me live a, somewhat, normal life. I've been blending in with humans and living a balanced life. Nabi was definitely... unexpected, but I love her and I want to keep her safe. So the sooner we can get this done, the better. I want to bring Caitlyn back and finally start living a life that belongs to me," I answered. Avery nodded thoughtfully.

"I'll make sure Nabi stays safe while you're gone, so you stay safe too," Avery said. I nodded before we followed her up the stairs to settle in a room for the night.

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