The Minx

Chapter 30

Luckily, it didn't take me long to learn under Amanda. Kieran looked for me whenever he could, and he always got nervous when I left the building, but he bit his tongue for the most part. We fell into a comfortable routine for the next week. Luckily, things had calmed down, but I never fully relaxed. I also didn't contact Aspen again yet. I felt too guilty. If there was a chance that Caitlyn was out there, and alive, I made it my plan to find her and bring her back to Aspen first, then ask for forgiveness later. I wanted to stay with Kieran. I wanted to continue living life like a normal person with him, but I still felt like I had to repay my debt towards Aspen first to do so guilt-free.

I prepared the coffee for the next meeting Amanda and I were having with a regular writer. It would be my first time meeting a writer with Amanda. I set the coffee in the conference room before taking a seat next to Amanda. She smiled before patting my shoulder gently.

"Don't be nervous. Taylor is a bit of a brat, but she's all bark and no bite. The second you call her out on her bluff, she'll back down, but I'll take point on this so don't worry too much," she advised me. Amanda left before coming back with the girl. She was honestly beautiful. With long brown hair, blue eyes, long legs, and a great figure clothed in couture. I stood and smiled politely at her.

"Taylor McKinney. Hi, how are you today? I'm Camilla. I'll be assisting Amanda today," I introduced myself as I held out my hand. Taylor eyed my hand before she ignored it and took a seat. I dropped my hand with an awkward smile and sat back down on the couch across from her.

"Your contract needs to be renewed," Amanda said getting straight to the point as she pulled out the contract.

"Where's Kieran? Wouldn't he handle this? He's the one who signed me," Taylor asked as she crossed her arms.

"Amanda is more than capable to renew your contract. None of the terms are changing, your works aren't finished, and I doubt that a contract renewal needs the CEO's attention," I chimed in as professionally as possible. It wasn't hard to tell what she really wanted. Kieran was an attractive guy. Taylor wanted to see Kieran.

"I'm not renewing the contract until I talk to Kieran," Taylor said resolutely. I smiled politely before pulling out my phone.

"Okay then," I replied. I sent a text to Kieran that simply said 'SOS conference room'. I knew he would overreact, and I wanted him to do it in front of Taylor. Maybe then, she would humble herself.

"Aren't you going to go get him?" Taylor asked after a moment of silence. Before I could answer, the door swung open before Kieran's eyes darted around. When they landed on me, he rushed over. He kneeled in front of me and looked me over as he held my cheeks in his hands.

"What happened, Cam? Are you hurt anywhere? What's wrong?" Kieran asked. I smiled lightly and shook my head gently as I took his hand in mine.

"I'm fine. We're just having a problem with the contract renewal," I said, calming him down. He took a breath before dropping his head slightly.

"Scared me to death," he breathed.

"Kieran... you know Amanda's assistant?" Taylor asked, confused by our interaction.

"Amanda's...?" Kieran took another breath, trying to calm down more before he stood and turned to face Taylor. Taylor also stood.

"Camilla isn't Amanda's assistant, she's my wife," Kieran corrected her. Taylor went pale.

"She's you're wife? Since when did you get married?" Taylor asked. She still looked ghastly.

"We've been married for two years, but I've known her since childhood, but I don't see what that has to do with you. Sign the contract, or don't. I don't care," Kieran said to her. He took my hand and stood me up before turning to Amanda.

"Wrap this up," Kieran said to Amanda before he pulled me out of the room. He dragged me to his office before closing the door behind us. He sighed and sat me down on the couch next to him.

"Can you not scare me with an SOS message for something so trivial? I just about lost my shit," he asked. I felt a little bad for making him worry. I sighed and put my hand in his cheek gently.

"I didn't mean to worry you. I only meant to use you as a weapon against Taylor," I admitted with a shy smile. Kieran sighed before putting his head in my lap. He relaxed before closing his eyes briefly.

"Taylor McKinney. A spoiled brat from a rich family who writes in her free time. She's been after me since she signed with us," he admitted. I was surprised he already knew.

"You got jealous?" He asked as he opened his eyes to look at me. I smirked before moving a strand of hair out of his face.

"No, I just got tired of her condescending attitude. She refused to sign unless she saw you. I could see that Amanda was getting frustrated, so I figured that the fastest way to get her to shut up was to get you into the conference room... in a panic," I explained. He smirked before closing his eyes again.

"Well, you weren't wrong," he said sleepily.

"Are you tired?" I asked. He sighed before sitting up.

"I don't know if you've realized this but you've been draining the crap out of me recently," he chuckled. I caught myself blushing as I stared at my lap.

"I didn't mean to," I muttered. Kieran smirked and pet my head gently.

"I don't mind. It just means I need to take more energy from around me or I'll be more tired. If you start feeling tired, you need to do the same," he excused me.

"We should get back to work," he said with a sigh before he stood. I gathered myself and plastered a smile on my face before following him out of his office.

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