The Minx

Chapter 22

The next day was weird for me. I felt normal, but I still felt supernatural. I also had no further reason to question Kieran about my heritage. I thought about it all night and up until now, I could assume everything he told me was the truth, which meant it was also possible that he never touched me when I was a child. And thinking about it again, he was right. He was practically immortal, why would he be so impatient to take a little girl.

I was having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that I was a hybrid. It didn't make sense, and other than saying that he rescued me from some scientists as a baby, Kieran wouldn't give me any more details right now. It was odd living in the house of someone I once viewed as my worst nightmare so comfortably. I tried to stay in my room the whole day to avoid him only because I was embarrassed. I was supposed to be here to fix my fertility, but things did not go the way I planned at all. Knowing what I knew now, I had no idea what I was going to do moving forward.

I finally emerged from my room when I got too hungry to stay still anymore. I tried to move quietly as I made my way down to the kitchen, but Kieran was sitting in the living room like he was waiting for me. I was immediately caught. I blushed as I tried not to look at him. I still caught the movement of him crossing his arms as he stared at me.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked outright. My eyes widened and went to his on reflex. Seeing him sitting there, I felt caught for real. He gathered all that and waited here the whole time?

"No," I lied on reflex. He smirked before tilting his head slightly. I only just now noticed how properly stunning he looked even in the simple solid colored shirt and sweatpants he was currently wearing. His dark hair was pushed back almost effortlessly as his silver eyes watched my every move.

"You do realize that I can hear your heart racing right now," he informed me. My hand covered the left side of my chest as I tried to hide it lamely.

"Are you still afraid of me?" He asked without moving. I knew the answer from the calmness in my body.

"It's not that. It's just... I don't know how to act around you anymore. I really am a hybrid. Which means some, if not all, of what you said was true. Meaning I villianized you unfairly all these years when you were just trying to keep me alive apparently. I don't know if I should apologize or thank you. Both still seem like they would feel awkward to do after everything, and I just... I don't know what to do anymore," I admitted with a sigh.

"Both are unnecessary. I already told you, no matter what you do, your life and wellbeing is my priority. In my eyes, you can do no wrong. Plus, that incident was long ago for you, but not for me. You were only a child, it's only fair for you to be scared and confused," he said before he stood.

"For now, there's still more to do before your life is no longer in danger. We reset your system, but being raised as a wolf for so long, there's bound to be habits that will pull you in the wrong direction. You'll need my venom every day consistently for the next month or so as well while you recover from the serum to give the dormant fox genes a chance to wake up," he explained.

"There is one question you never answered," I said as he started to walk past me. He stopped before facing me at the closer distance he was now standing.

"My fertility. If you never touched me, why was I told that there was too much damage to have children?" I asked. He smirked easily before bringing his hand near my stomach. I watched as a faint red glow started to come from my stomach.

"It's not that you're damaged. It's that your biological makeup isn't that of a normal human's or wolf's or fox's. You're so unstable right now that it's a wonder your organs are still working, let's not even talk about trying to have children," he tried to explain.

"So the red glow?" I asked confused as my hands covered my stomach.

"Your fox bead. When you're stable, the glow will be blue. Then you should be able to have children no problem," he answered before sighing. He actually looked a little disappointed but he tried to hide it as he walked away from me and into the kitchen. I followed, only to be handed a plate of food.

"I thought you might be hungry. After you're done eating, we'll talk and then I'll give you some more venom. Is your neck okay?" He asked. I found myself touching my neck instinctively before nodding.

"It's fine," I answered softly before eating the food. Kieran was actually a great cook. The meals he made for me so far could honestly be courses at a five star restaurant. After I finished putting my dishes in the sink, I went to sit in the living room as I waited. Kieran switched the television off before looking to me.

"It's not my intention to keep you cooped up in here. Neither is it my intention to watch over you 24/7. I have to go back to work tomorrow, and I think it'll benefit you to get out of the house too. So when I come back after work tomorrow, I'll take you out around town," he explained. I didn't know which was more shocking, the fact that he had a job, or the fact that he was willing to take me out of the house.

"You work?" I asked in surprise. He only chuckled.

"Surely you didn't think I fit into society for almost a thousand years and gathered all this wealth just sitting here? I'm the CEO of Rom Deck Publishing," he answered. That was both shocking and not really surprising. Kieran seemed like the CEO type, but the working thing still caught me off guard. I settled for nodding dumbly. He moved closer to me before slowly moving my hair over my shoulder to expose my neck. I knew what he was going to do next by the hesitant look in his eyes. I extended my neck for him and waited as he inches closer. I let out a sigh as I felt his incisors prick my skin again. I couldn't help it as my hands went to his neck and hair. The feeling of his venom flowing through me was calming. Before my eyes closed fully, I saw multiple fur-covered white tails swaying lazily behind Kieran.

It was the first time I saw any part of his fox form.

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