The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 31

Chapter 31
Lucy paused, her countenance momentarily suspended, before her smile intensified, radiating an even greater brilliance.
Leaning closer to Grace, she feigned a discreet conversation, her voice barely audible. “Those three directors hold significant
sway within our company, known figures in their own right. The fate of our artists rests in their hands. Ms. Salen, I implore you
not to antagonize them.”
Grace nodded expressionlessly.
Once their private conversation concluded, they pivoted gracefully
The three directors fixed their gaze upon Grace, their eyes gleaming with avarice, an unsettling sight that stirred a wave of
nausea within her.
“Director Salen, I must say, you more than live up to your reputation. I mean, not only are you drop-dead gorgeous, but your
figure is on point too.”
One of the directors, Mr. Wesley, spoke up.
Grace responded with a gracious smile, I’m truly flattered. You all are the ones who truly stand out.”
Lucy extended a welcoming gesture, inviting everyone to have a seat.
Lifting her glass, she took the initiative to toast Grace. “Here’s to you, Ms. Salen, for engaging in our first face-to-face business
discussion since assuming your role. I raise my glass in a toast, wishing you every success.”
She insisted, pressing the glass of red wine into Grace’s hand.
Grace elegantly swirled the wine glass and brought it to her nose, savoring the aroma. “The 1982 Lafite, truly a splendid choice.”
With a gentle smile, she delicately clinked glasses with Lucy before raising her head and swiftly downing the contents in one
Another director chimed in, offering a flattering remark. “I must admit, Director Salen, I’m pleasantly surprised by your knowledge
of red wine. Your expertise in drinking is awe-inspiring, and your charm is undeniable. Please allow me to raise a toast in your
Grace inquired, “Wasn’t today’s agenda meant to cover the casting decisions for Epicent Films script? Why was there no
mention of it?”
The directors displayed a nonchalant demeanor. “Certainly, we will address it, but it’s customary to enjoy a drink before diving
into business matters at the table. Director Salen, you know the rules, don’t you?”
The three directors smiled and raised their glasses, toasting her one after another.
Grace didn’t refuse. She drank one glass after another.
In the president’s office of the Grammer Group.
A knock echoed through the door as Tim entered. Carrying himself with respect, he handed over a piece of information regarding

“Mr. Fallen, we have verified this information three times. This is the result. Please take a look”
13 27
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Edgar accepted the document and studied its contents intently, his brow slightly furrowed, reviewing it repeatedly.
On the surface, her experience appeared flawless, and her life seemed ordinary.
However, there was only a single sentence mentioning her experience before age 15, with no specific details provided. The
circumstances surrounding her time in the orphanage remained a mystery as well.
Was there truly someone in the world that even elite hackers couldn’t uncover?
Seeing through Edgar’s doubts, Tim asked, “Would you like them to persist in their investigation?” “No need,”
Edgar closed the document, placing it atop the stack of papers. “She intentionally obstructed our efforts to uncover her past. It
would be futile to persist in the investigation. However, her family background must be far from ordinary.”
He walked purposefully towards the panoramic window, lighting a cigarette, his gaze growing somber.
Tim powered on the iPad and inquired, “Mr. Fallen, you had a dinner engagement scheduled a week ago. Are you still interested
in attending?”
At the dinner party of Epicent Films.
The four of them took turns encouraging Grace to drink, raising their glasses in toast three times. Despite the repeated offers,
Grace graciously accepted each one without refusal.
They had consumed six bottles of red wine.
Nevertheless, her cheeks had only taken on a faint rosiness, and she appeared even more captivating beneath the illumination.
Yet, her eyes shone with unusual brilliance.
Lucy shook her head, a hint of melancholy clouding her.
She hadn’t anticipated Grace’s exceptional tolerance for alcohol. How could Grace remain unfazed while she and the three
directors started feeling drunk?
They were practically at their limit.
Grace poured herself another glass of red wine and downed it, although no one asked her to drink
this time.
Then, with those clear and radiant eyes, Grace fixed her gaze on each of them in turn. Her smiles, while beautiful, carried a hint
of subtle sarcasm.
They were all impressed!
They were completely in awe!
If they hadn’t witnessed it firsthand, they would never have believed that this woman could remain unaffected by alcohol.

“Directors, Ms. Gordan, why have you stopped drinking? Shouldn’t we proceed with our business. matters if we truly won’t be
drinking any further?”
The Millionaire and the Billionate to wile
Chapter 31
Grace took the initiative.
She proposed a toast to them.
The three directors cast swift, sharp glances at Lucy, conveying their expectation for her to do something.
They had reached their limits. Any further drinking would likely result in them collapsing to the ground.
Lucy clenched her teeth, fully aware that she couldn’t let things continue this way.
Luckily, before she arrived, Sarah had given her a bag of some secret stuff that was completely undetectable in color and taste. It
was meant to ensure that nothing would go wrong.
She shared a knowing glance with Director Moore, who understood her intention, and he responded with a smile.
“Director Salen, have you had a chance to review the script plan for our new male lead?” Director Moore inquired.
As he asked, Director Moore retrieved a document and extended it to Grace. “Here’s the latest version. Director Salen, why don’t
you take a look and let me know your preferences?”
Grace stood up to retrieve the document.
Suddenly, a snapping sound echoed through the room.
It turned out that next to her, Lucy dropped her wine glass by accident.
“Excuse me, Ms. Salen! It was unintentional. Perhaps I’ve had a bit too much to drink tonight. Let me get you a new glass and
pour you another drink.”
Grace cast a meaningful glance at Lucy but did not intervene.
After a brief moment, Lucy returned with a fresh wine glass, filled to the brim with red wine, and obediently handed it to Grace.
Mr. Jameson and Lucy continued to exchange glances, their anticipation evident. They couldn’t wait to raise their glasses once
more and offer a toast to Grace.
Grace declined, not accepting the offered glass. “There’s no need to rush. Let’s consider this glass of wine as the end of the
evening,” she remarked.
Mr. Jameson, not comprehending her intentions, echoed in agreement, “Alright, alright, whatever the beauty says.”
“I’ve carefully examined the character list, and something seems off here...” Grace commented, her voice tinged with a hint of
intrigue. As she spoke, she subtly shifted her glass.
Grace stood up, clutching the document, and slightly leaned her body as she handed it over to Mr. Jameson.

Mesmerized by her alluring physique, the three directors were left momentarily stunned.
Lacking proper support, Grace placed the documents on two nearby goblets and proceeded to highlight and discuss their
The directors’ attention wasn’t focused on the documents at that moment. Their primary desire was to expedite and conclude the
discussion as quickly as possible.
The Millionaire and His Billionaire Ex-wife
Chapter 31
Regardless of Grace’s methods and suggestions, they were all well-received by the directors.
Mr. Jameson eagerly lifted his glass once more. “Director Salen, now that the business matters have been resolved, why don’t
we raise our glasses to toast to our future collaboration?”
Grace didn’t decline the invitation. She picked up her glass and lightly clinked it with the others but didn’t take a sip immediately.
The four of them drank quickly and looked at Grace with expectation and excitement.
The dark red wine smelled intoxicating.
Grace brought the wine to her lips, hesitated for a moment, and drank it up.
In just a few seconds, her eyes became blurred. She shook her head in a daze and finally fell on the table, unable to resist.
The four of them looked at the remaining goblets and smiled triumphantly.
Halfway through the meal, Edgar came out of the private room and went to the bathroom.
On the way back, he passed the emergency passage and accidentally saw a familiar woman talking to a plump man in the
He took a closer look and found the woman who flaunted her BMW to Grace earlier in the garage.
Edgar was not interested in gossip. He turned his head and was about to leave when he keenly heard their conversation.
“Mr. Jameson, remember to remind the other two directors to record Grace and send it to me after it’s over. Also, remember to
contact me for Mr. Wesley and Mr. Lewis’ business in the future.”
“Don’t worry. Of course, we won’t forget about you.”
After saying that, Mr. Jameson rubbed his hands and hurried to the private room to enjoy the night with Grace.
However, as soon as he turned his head, his collar was suddenly grabbed.

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