The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 79

Betrayal took me by the hand and led me to Chief Carter. It whispered all the words I spoke, as I followed it with adoration and infatuation. It was my guiding light during the downfall of my reality. Betrayal took the last bit of humanity right from me.

Betrayal left me as a shell of my former self: the girl who allowed herself to be carefree and loving.

The police car pulled to a stop, signaling that we had arrived at our destination. I peered around the garage we were in, instantly recognizing it to be the garage of a police station.

I nearly barked out a laugh at the though of the Kings gang cooped up in a cell, helplessly waiting for a savoir to swoop down and break them out of there.

I followed Chief Carter and Sampson silently as we made our way through the barren halls of the station. I couldn't help but smirk at the horrified looks that were being thrown my way as I walked by.

I let my face become stoic as Carter stopped in front of a closed door, glancing at Sampson as she did so.

I rolled my eyes at her actions, impatiently waiting for her to open the door so that I could tear down Kings once and for all.

Betrayal did this to me.

Betrayal made me desire revenge more than anything; and revenge was exactly what I was going to get.


Everything had been expertly planned out. They say that Mason is the brains of Kings, but I beg to differ.

Every meeting, every moment had been designed to lead me further and further into his trap, and Sebastian barely had to lift a finger.

It disgusted me to know that I had fallen for him, yet it seemed only natural that the one guy I would truly develop feelings for would be the most manipulative, cunning man I've ever met.

I felt my breath catch as Carter opened the door, allowing me to see the boys for the first time since I was kidnapped and he was arrested. I felt the tension bubble under my skin and I quickly took a few calming breaths. Physically walking into the room was a lot harder than expected. Anger and adrenaline had powered me before, but now it felt as though my tank was empty, and I was left lifeless.

The feeling of uncertainty hung over me like a dark cloud, as I gulped anxiously in front of the door. Without giving it another thought, I felt my hand shoot out and latch onto the cold metal knob. With one last breath, I opened the door swiftly and marched inside of the room, my confidence faltering as I stared through the glass before me.

Chief Carter and the boys handcuffed and seated in what looked to be an interrogation room. I could see the weariness in there expressions, as they awaited their much-deserved punishment.

My lips curled in distaste as I stared at the boys before me. My eyes scanned the thin glass that separated me from the people who had taken my life into their hands and turned it inside out.

I found my expression turning sour as I stared at Sebastian, to be specific. My heart stopped as his eyes rose to stare at the glass, exactly where I was standing. I felt as though I couldn't breathe as his brows furrowed, as though he was confused by something.

As if he were confused as to why I was there, standing behind the mirror and plotting my revenge.

<< Because you betrayed me, »> I whispered softly. I felt my stomach twist uncomfortably.

<< He can't see me, right? » I nearly shrieked as his eyes refused to look away from me.

I flinched as a hand rested on my shoulder, and I found myself staring into Sampson's dull eyes.

<< No, of course not. They can't see you or hear you. >> It was as if he was trying to reassure me.

I wanted to scream as I realized what Sampson was doing. He was trying to make sure I knew I was safe, for the time being that is. He actually thought I was scared right now, and that thought made me sick.

I was done being scared.

I was done being dependent.

Because in the end, the only you can trust is yourself.

<< I want to go in, »> I finally said, after waiting for what seemed to be hours. Sebastian had finally looked away, and I had watched as his shoulders slumped down a bit, indicated that he was relaxing. I think it's time I give him a bit of a scare.

<< Wait, >> I felt myself flinch again as Chief Carter's hand was placed onto my arm. I didn't hold myself back from throwing her a nasty glare, one that made her cringe awkwardly.

Good, I thought to myself, feel my fucking wrath.

Needless to say, I was furious with this woman. I get her thirst for revenge, trust me, I really get it, but endangering numerous amounts of people in order to get it isn't something a police chief should be doing.

In all honestly, I was fucking pissed that she had me tortured and beaten all the while she had some deal going on with Sampson. We could have skipped all the abuse, but apparently that wasn't an option in this psychopath's plan. << What? >> I asked bitterly, watching with satisfaction as her hand dropped from my arm.

She straightened herself out, a pathetic attempt to look powerful and strong.

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<< We need to discuss what will happen after you give up the information on Kings, »> she stated, eyeing me cautiously as if I were about to go back on my word.

There wasn't a chance in hell that I wasn't giving up information. If the Kings were going to be taken down, I plan to do everything that I can to help.

<< Yes, I understand. >> I muttered, << But why don't we just let them know they are fucked? Huh? » I felt a smirk grace my face as I thought of their reactions when I walked through the door.

She frowned at my word choice before a smirk of her own appeared on her face.

<< You're just as corrupted as they say. » She gave me a look mixed with adoration and disgust, a look that I was very familiar with. I allowed my smirk to deepen, although at this point I could feel something stirring within me.

<< Why don't we discuss my plans for you first, and then we can get to the fun part? >> She offered, yet her tone told me otherwise. It was her game to play, and I was going to have to play by the rules.

<< Why not? >> I questioned, my tone sickly sweet.

She lead me out of the room, not noticing the look I threw back to the boys, my eyes fluttering over each one.

Sampson did though, as he leaned in and whispered, << You better not be having any second thoughts about this. >>

I rolled my eyes at him before sarcastically punching his shoulder. << Of course not, Sampsy, you have my word. >>

I wanted to laugh as he rubbed his shoulder, wincing as his hand came in contact with the bruise that I was sure to be forming. I heard him growl angrily under his breath, as he continued to stare at me as we walked.

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