The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 68

There was no way I could just run outside in this hospital gown.

Once again, I was drenched in a wave of confusion, and I stared down at the flimsy robe I was wearing.

Why the hell was I wearing this?

I frowned slightly, but a sound caught my attention outside of the door. My hands immediately began to work on the latch of the door, which just so happened to be effectively jammed. My fingers ached painfully as I tried to unlock the latch. My heart began to race at a dangerous speed, making my chest throb as I tried to unlock the window that seemed to be impossible to unlock.

With one last final tug, I ripped the lock open and shoved the window open. A gust of cold air flooded over me, and I glanced down wearily at the ground. I was on the third story, but there was an overhang over at the second floor. Shaking my head slightly, I pulled my body up so that my feet were teetering at on the window ledge. Sucking in a large breath I began to lean my body out the window, and let myself fall.

Thinking about it now, it was reckless and idiotic. I should have just knocked out the nurse and stolen her outfit, or maybe just risk it all and run out into the hallway, but no, I launched my body out of a window without a second thought of what I was doing.

Needless to say, I nearly slid straight off the overhang, yet I was barely lucky for it to not split underneath my weight.

I peeked down at the ground from where I laid sprawled out on the tarp. I let out a small shriek when the tarp tore suddenly, leaving my body to fall without warning towards the ground.

I squeezed my eyes tightly and tensed, bracing for impact. A loud groan left my lips, as I crashed onto the hard ground that was peppered with soft grass here and there, unfortunately not enough was under me.

The amount of pain that drilled into my head made a scream catch in my throat, making me cringe and writhe in pain.

The sounds of people yelling above caught my attention, making me shoot into action and get to my feet despite the incredible pain that I was suffering in.

I ignored the warning shouts from above and began to start hobbling towards the road. Cars swerved around me as I limped and dragged myself through the open road.

The second I arrived at the other side, I waved down a cab just in time. I grimaced as the cab driver looked at me cautiously, making my stomach jerk with nerves.

<< Please, >> I nearly begged, << you have to help me. >> I looked at him through the open window of the cab, silently begging him to let me in.

The second he glanced at the hospital at the side of the road, I knew I had no other choice. My hand shot through the open window of his cab and gripped the hair on his head as tightly as possibly and yanked his head against his steering wheel.

The man cried out in pain, which I ignored as I flung open the door of his cab and yanked him from it, leaving him on the sidewalk as I sped away quickly, cutting off a large black van behind me.

I glanced around in the car as I continued to drive searching for a gps or even a map. I had no idea where I was or where I was going, but I knew that I only had a short period of time to get back to the house and tell Mason and Callum about Sebastian.


My stomach twisted at the thought of him being cuffed helplessly against the cop car.

They will know what to do, I thought to myself.

My head grew heavy as I continued to drive aimlessly around the busy streets until I found myself on an empty road.

The sky was growing dark, a clear sign that nightfall was soon approaching, something that did not offer me any solace. I felt my hands slip from the wheel as my eyes began to close slowly.

Fatigue swept through my body and I began to panic as I started to lose control of myself.

I was exhausted, in pain, and confused as hell.

I felt myself become overwhelmed by nausea, and felt the car come to a complete stop as my body stopped functioning all together. My breathing slowed as I found myself being barely able to move. Without warning the door flew open, but I found myself only being able to let out a small gasp, as my energy seemed to be at all time low.

<< How are you, darling ? » A man asked out to me with a thick foreign accent that I was unable to identify.

With lidded eyes, I attempted to look up at the man now couched over and leaning into the car. My lips parted as I tried to call out for help, but my attempt was futile.

<< Oh, no, no, »> he said mockingly, << wouldn't want you to waste all your energy. >>

Incoherent words tumbled from my lips as I tried to push him away, but with absolutely no strength left in my body, I wouldn't even be able to push away a bug.

His hand cupped the side of my face lightly, in a torturous manner. << Oh sweetie, I didn't think the drugs would be this strong. >> He tsked softly, feigning worry as he looked down at me.

<< Thankfully that tracking device, » he pushed the dress up my body, revealing the white patch on my side, just above my hip, << helped us find you just in time ! >>

The IV and the hospital gown explained in ways much worse than I had imagined.

<< Come now darling, let's have some fun. >>

I remained limp as he lifted me from the car and into his strong arms. Just before my eyes rolled back, my eyes caught onto his wrist, and the black gun that had been designed onto it. << No, >> I groaned out weakly, causing a chuckle to emit from him.

<< Oh yes, he taunted. << We're back and this time, we're going to have some fun. >>

And on that note, he placed me into the back of the black van just as I lost consciousness.

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