The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 55

Eric grinned at my irritation. He shifted his body so that he could sit up straighter, despite the obvious amount of pain it brought him to do so. As the echo of his chain finally came to an end, I raised my eyes to meet his once again. << Little Evie Summers has a crush on Eric Hook. >>

To be honest, I was unsure of what emotions washed over me as I listened to his statement.

At first it was relief. With Eric, I was never sure of what to expect from him. Shortly after relief came confusion. As usual, what he had said had thrown my off guard. Like I said, he was unpredictable with his words. Finally, the aching frustration and anger that had pained me for ages overcame the flurry of emotions I felt.

<< You've got be kidding me. >> Mocking laughter bubbled through my throat and echoed throughout the room. << You've got to be fucking kidding me. >>

My fists clenched while I watched Eric grin and shrug. For a moment there, if Eric wasn't beaten and chained to the wall, and I wasn't brewing with rage, we would have looked like friends. But his grin was a decoy, and I had to remind myself of who I was and who he was.

<< Fine then, if that's not it, then why have you decided to grace me with your presence once again? >>

I couldn't find it in myself to reply immediately. Instead, I remained motionless, and allowed my eyes to settle on his. My mind was elsewhere, working hard to form one thought, or even a statement, that would answer his question. Deep down I was well aware of what I wanted to say to him, but the nerves were holding me back.

Eric rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed puff of air. << For the love of-<<

<< What you said, >> I blurted out suddenly. My heart took off in my chest the second I said those words. Nerves exploded within my stomach and I felt my face heat up. << Yesterday. >>

For fuck's sake.

I closed my eyes briefly and took a deep breath.

<< When you said all that shit about me being a 'tortured soul,' and all that crap, >> I took another deep breath and blink rapidly. I must have looked like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown, that or a cardiac arrest. << Go on, » Eric said, a smirk ghosting across his lips.

Digging my fingernails into the palms of my hands, I forced myself to focus on my brewing anger and frustration that I directed towards Eric.

And it worked.

<< When you were going on about why you saved me, and all that, »> I gestured widely, << Yeah well, I know. >>

There was a flicker of confusion that across Eric's face before I instantly began to speak again, knowing that what I said had made absolutely no sense at all.

<< I know that I'm a 'tortured soul' as you said, and that maybe- yes, you know what, at times it seems that death would almost be too merciful for a heartless girl like me. And I know that. >>

Eric was now studying me. His previous smirk and look of contempt had vanished, and now the look he was giving me was indescribable.

It was safe to say that I felt pretty damn uncomfortable.

<< My question, >> I paused to make sure we were holding eye contact, which we were, << is how, how on earth did you know all that about me? Huh? >>

He remained silent, which only fueled to my fire of raging curiosity.

No one, not even my own brother, could see how destroyed I was. How over the years, my entire life has been demolished and shattered.



They say when something is broken; there is still a chance it can be fixed. But you never hear about what happens to something that's been shattered.

I'll tell you what happens.

Hypothetically speaking, this thing that has been shattered is a person. Hypothetically speaking. Well this person is forced to grow up much sooner than the rest. She lacks self-worth and feeds on the misery of others in attempt to soothe her own. She grows up in a torturous and twisted world, always knowing that there is no bright side, and things won't get better.

But she adjusts.

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Some of her shattered pieces are left behind, forgotten, and unimportant to her. Because these pieces have no value to a girl who can't be fixed.

Unfortunately, there is a time and place where these pieces run out, and then there is nothing.

That's what happens to something, or in this case, someone, that shatters.

They become nothing.

They are left behind.

They are forgotten.


<< You're a smart girl. >>

<< I know that. >>

I watched as a smirk spread across his lips. Amusement danced in his eyes as he watched me closely.

My heart was still racing within my chest, but my signature cold exterior was intact and unbreakable at the moment. I wasn't going to torture myself this much unless I got answers.

<< I must admit I had expected you to put two and two together earlier. >>

I narrowed my eyes at Eric's words, millions of thoughts flooding my brain at once. This was a game to him.

This was all a fucking game.

I opened my mouth, but was quickly cut off.

<< I can't tell you exactly how I know everything about you- your dark secrets for that matter. >>

I stared at him blankly, numb to his words. Then the frustration settled in along with the urge to strangle Eric.

<< You son of a-«< I spewed out while marching towards him. I yanked him up rather roughly, ignoring the way he groaned and hissed in pain.

It almost brought me joy to know that he was hurt.

<< Now, now, you know what they say, >> he wheezed out.

I spat out a bitter chuckle, the venom burning my tongue. << What are you talking about? >>

Eric managed a weak smile before taking a deep breath. << Don't shoot the messenger. >>

Without thinking, I wrapped my hands around his neck, the fury taking over me. << Oh yeah, well what about choking the messenger? Is that okay? I sure hope-<<

My jaw lowered, and a slight gasp of surprise left my lips. My chest was heaving rapidly from my deep breaths and I was well aware of the crazed look that my eyes held. << Messenger ? >>

My hands dropped to my sides, and Eric quickly gasped for air, his body crumbling to the ground as he did so.

<< You're a smart girl, Evelyn, come on. >>

My eyes shut instinctively, and I analyzed everything that he had ever said to me, every bit of information that I knew about him, and then it hit me.

<< It was all a decoy. >>

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