The Million Dollar Man

Chapter 08

<< Of course I mind it when- when it's someone as- as-<< I spluttered, waving my arms around.

<< Sexy? Tempting? Irresistible? Powerful ? » He rattled off from the top of his head.

Glaring at him with as much hatred that I could muster, I cut him off. << Depraved. When it's someone as depraved as you, then yes, I fucking do mind. >>

<< You know, >> Sebastian said, moving back to stand in front of me. << We're going to have to do something about that mouth of yours. I really don't appreciate you constantly trying to curse me out. >>

<< Oh yeah ? Well fu-<< I wasn't able to finish my retort, for Sebastian acted quickly and slapped his hand over my mouth, effectively shutting me up. With his free arm, he spun me around and yanked me into his rock hard body, my back against his chest.

<< Don't you dare challenge me, Evie. I won't hesitate to put you in your place. » His hand moved from my mouth and cupped my neck gently. The action made my breathing falter and my blood to run cold. I could practically see him smirking at my reaction, and eagerly broke away from him when I felt his arms slacken around me.

<< What do you want from me? >> I asked as I backed away, my eyes locked on his.

« Getting down to business, I like that. >> Sebastian said, a serious expression forming on his face. << For the protection of your gang, you are going to work for me. >>

<< And if I don't want to ? » I snapped, crossing my arms defiantly.

He let out a grim laugh and narrowed his eyes at me. << Then I will personally kill every single one of you. I will have my men take out your lower ranks, and kill even their families. I will make it my mission to wipe out your entire gang. >>

I stared at him with a blank expression, refusing to let him see how truly scared I was. I knew that I didn't have a choice in the matter. Even though my brother had basically sacrificed me for the gang, I would have done it anyways. When I became a member of this gang I took a pledge- these people were my family. Despite my pleas to Danny for this to not happen, it was inevitable. I was going to work for the Kings.

<< I thought Kings was the number one gang in London... » I said slowly, waiting for his reaction.

<< Of course we are, >> Sebastian snapped. << We rule over London, and right now, we've never been stronger. >>

That was exactly the response I was looking for.

<< So why do you need me ? » My voice was light, and I held a victorious smirk on my face. I watched as Sebastian faltered, then glare at me in pure annoyance.

<< I've heard that you're an incredible baiter. You have never failed a job, and when things become chaotic, you always manage to gain control of it all. >> He spoke truthfully, as he leaned back against my brother's desk. << Kings is made up of the best of the best. You're the best in London when it comes to baiting, so naturally, I will do whatever I have to, to get you to join my gang. Willingly or not. >>

<< I believe you. >> My voice came off as a distant whisper, and I felt my shoulders slump forward in exhaustion. It must have been four a. m. by now, and I could feel my body begginning to give out.

Sebastian stared at me, silent for a sew seconds. << You're brother's gang-<<

My old gang, I thought bitterly.

<< Will be re-locating as of tomorrow. Although they will be under my protection, they aren't safe if they stay here any longer. After I'm able to take out these bothersome, little gangs, you're brother will be able to return. »

My eyes lit up and I felt a bit of hope spark within me. << Then I will be able to go back to my gang, right? Because-<<

<< No. » He crushed that bit of hope like a bug. Looking away, I hoped he wouldn't notice my crestfallen expression. I heard footsteps approaching me, and a large hand rested on my shoulder.

<< Hey, >> his voice was soft. << It won't be all that bad, being a part of the Kings. >> I looked up at him, inwardly cringing when I saw his eyes flicker to my neck. I had still yet to see the damage, and wasn't looking forward to it anytime soon. << I didn't know Sebastian King comforted people, »> I muttered, eyeing him warily.

He simply shrugged, and dropped his hand from my shoulder. << I don't. >> He admitted.

<< Wait, >> I blurted out suddenly. << If my brother and the rest of London's Eyes are re-locating tomorrow, then- then what about me? >>

<< You, my sweet Evie, will be coming with me to your new home tomorrow. >>

A mixture of emotions washed over me, and I felt my fists clench in the midst of my rage. << Are we done here? >> I snapped, my cold tone surprising Sebastian.

<< Yes, although we could-<<

<< Good. >> I cut him off. Spinning around, I violently pushed open the doors, and nearly power walked into the living room. Everyone stood up upon my entrance, but my eyes only focused on one other. I found myself walking straight up to my brother, and without hesitating; I threw my fist straight into his face.

He stumbled back in surprised, holding onto his cheek in a mix of shock and pain. Shaking out my hand, I gave him the deadliest glare I could produce.

<< I would have done this anyways, » I spoke, my voice clear and firm. << You should have known that, and not gone behind my back. You dick. »

Turning away from him, I made sure to glare at everyone else in the room, ignoring Mason and Callum's amused expressions. I stormed upstairs, very dramatically if I may add, and slammed my door with immense force. Once inside my room, I slowly walked into my bathroom, and stood in front of my large mirror.

I couldn't help but flinch at my appearance. My makeup was smeared and my hair resembled a rat's nest. There was a dark bruise on my neck, and if you looked close enough, you could make out a handprint. Needless to say, I was a complete mess. Fatigue took over me as I yanked off my clothes, pulling on a large t-shirt. Not caring that my makeup would soon smother my pillow and bed sheets, I climbed into my bed, and curled into a fetal position.

In less than twenty-four hours, my whole life got turned upside down. I was no longer part of the gang that I had grown up in, but instead, I was a part of the most dreaded gang known to anyone in England. I had already almost gotten myself killed, so my chances for survival were slim to none. Everything I've ever known has been changed, and never in my life have I felt so lost.

And who is to blame? None other than Sebastian King.

I remembered what I heard a man once say about Sebastian. His eyes were wide and full of fear when he warned me that Sebastian was a cold-hearted monster who could break and destroy any person he wanted, without a second thought. After meeting him for the first time, I didn't doubt that at all.

Closing my eyes shut, I let out a large breath of air. It was at that moment that I made my mind up about something. I made myself a promise, one that I would keep until the day I die. Sebastian King will not break me. He will not destroy me. I won't give him the satisfaction of doing so.

I didn't know what was happening to me. It was almost as if my body had shut down, and I could no longer function.

I was going through withdrawal.

<< Evelyn ? » The sound of my door creaking open caused me to sit up abruptly. A dull ache spread over my neck and I let out a low groan of pain.

<< Ev, please talk to me. » A small smirk appeared when I noticed the bruise that had formed on Danny's cheek. I pressed my lips into a tight line and folded my arms in front of my chest.

<< Why? Shouldn't you be packing right now? >> I sneered, gibing him a nasty glare. Danny winced and moved towards my bed, sitting at the end of it. I ignored him, as he looked over my disheveled form, not at all caring that I looked like a complete mess.

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