The Mighty Dragon Warrior

Chapter 16

Jacob stepped on the emergency brake when he noticed a car parked horizontally, blocking his way. He answered the phone call
calmly, “What’s the matter?” “Boss.” Jerry’s voice sounded on the phone. “I just received news that Paramount Police Bureau’s
Ministry of Defense is targeting you. Please wait a moment.” A few seconds later, Jerry continued, “Boss, has someone from the
Ministry of Defense come to see you?” Jacob looked at ‘Ministry of Defense’ written on the car before him and nodded. “Yes.”
Then, he glanced into the rearview mirror and saw a black and white car blocking his path of retreat. “Do you want me to deal
with them?” Jerry asked. “No.” Jacob arched an eyebrow and ended the call. A burly man stepped out of the Ministry of
Defense’s car fully armed. He looked alert as he came to Jacob’s car and shouted, “Put your hands where I can see!” Jacob
sensed at least three guns aimed in his direction and had no choice but to place his hands on the steering wheel. The burly man
looked into Jacob’s car and saw nothing unusual. Then, he ordered, “Get out of the car!” Jacob arched his eyebrow slightly and
glanced out of the window before opening the car door. The burly man gripped his gun tightly and pointed it at Jacob’s temple.
“Put your hands on your head and kneel!” “Shut up!” Jacob mumbled as his eyes flashed with a cold gleam. His figure suddenly
flickered and reappeared in front of the burly man before snatching the gun from his hand and shaking it. Soon, the gun broke
apart and fell to the ground. There were also a few yellow-colored bullets littered among the gun parts. Suddenly, a sniper fired a
shot from a distance, sending a bullet silently toward Jacob. Jacob squinted his eyes and moved to dodge it. A loud bang
ensued, and a crater the size of a ping pong ball appeared on the ground. Then, the burly man began attacking Jacob again. He
pulled out a dagger from his belt and slashed it toward Jacob. Jacob sneered as he grabbed the wrist of the man’s dagger-
wielding hand. At the same time, he slapped the burly man with his free hand. A muffled slap sounded. The burly man widened
his eyes as his body shot up into the air and turned a wide circle with Jacob’s grip on his wrist acting as a fulcrum. Pop! Pop! The
burly man groaned, and two bullets dropped from his body onto the ground. Meanwhile, an armored car with the word ‘Ministry of
Defense’ parked in a nearby alley. A middle-aged man with vigor in his eyes, gray-streaked hair, and dressed in a gray special
combat suit sighed. “As expected of the leader of a large-scale organization whose power spans multiple domains. He can face
an army alone and is unbelievably strong!” Jacob stood in the middle of the road and threw the burly man about eight meters
away. Then, he stepped aside to dodge a sniper bullet before shaping his hand like a sword and waving it. Swoosh! The air tore
apart with a boom, forming a white wave which grew in size as it rushed toward the car blocking the middle of the road and
sliced through it like a blade. In the blink of an eye, a loud crack sounded, and the car broke into two in the middle. Jacob heard
the panicked voices in the car and commanded, “Send me someone who has decision-making power.” A short silence ensued
before a small team of Special Forces soldiers rushed out, fully armed from both ends of the road. Jacob narrowed his eyes as
fighting spirit and energy surged within his body, filling the air with his intimidating aura. However, the soldiers were only ordinary
people armed with thermal weapons. Jacob believed he could destroy them easily. However, before a confrontation could break
out, an electronic message swept across the scene. In the next moment, the group of Special Forces soldiers had no choice but
to retreat with expressions of resentment and unwillingness. Soon, the middle-aged man in the armored car stepped out. He was
a squadron leader of the Special Operations Brigade under the Ministry of Defense. He gestured to his men to carry away the

burly men who attacked Jacob before tilting his head slightly and said, “Since I am here, what do you wish to say?” Jacob had an
indifferent expression as he said, “I don’t bother anyone if no one bothers me. However, if you try to harm me, I will not hesitate
to kill.” The middle-aged man seemed impressed. “But this is Avalon’s capital, Paramount, and not the war torn Four Outer
Districts!” Jacob replied, “They are all the same to me.” The middle-aged man arched an eyebrow, “I have the power to arrest
you for the crime of threatening national security!” “You can try.” Jacob sneered. “If you wish to oppose me, be ready to face
destruction.” Jacob seemed intimidating as he glanced at his surroundings. “Keep in mind that I do not mind subjecting the whole
of Paramount to my wrath.” Suddenly, the strong wind howled and sent dust into the air. Then, the air within a hundred-meter
radius of Jacob instantly froze and became still as ice. The middle-aged man took a deep breath and gradually felt his limbs turn
stiff. His pupils constricted as he felt fear to the depth of his heart. It seems the intelligence department has way underestimated
the leader of the Scarlet Dragons. He can affect the physical state of his surrounding with his willpower alone. Even the
legendary few... The middle-aged man let out a breath and raised his clenched right fist before forcing it back down. In the span
of a few breaths, his men finished clearing the road. Even the car that was slashed in half was pushed into a neighboring alley.
“Alright, Mr. Lynch. Let me introduce myself again. I am from Paramount Police Bureau and Ministry of Defense’s Special
Operations...” “I am not interested in who you are.” Jacob interrupted the middle-aged man. “Furthermore, I do not want to waste
my time with you. Remember what I said. I won’t bother anyone if no one bothers me. However, if anyone tries to harm me, I will
kill without hesitation.” Then, he paused before continuing, “You can treat this as a warning.” After that, Jacob got into his car and
sped away. “Hmph! What an arrogant fellow! Team Fernando, I request permission to use Thor-001 sniper bullet!” Hearing the
angry voice of Number One Sniper from the headset, Fernando clenched his right fist and gave a thumbs up before swinging it
left and right three times to stop all operations. Twenty seconds later, one of the three top leaders of the Ministry of Defense
called on his phone. “Why did you cease the arrest operation?” Fernando looked at the thin line that stretched nearly ten meters
on the hard road and responded solemnly, “The target is not someone ordinary weapons can deal with. I request permission to
increase the defense level. In addition, I suggest dispatching the Elite Forces...” “You want to seek help from the Elite Forces?
Fernando, stop finding excuses for your failure. I need you to return immediately. You are no longer in charge of this arrest
operation!” The caller hung up immediately. Fernando’s expression turned gloomy and a little worried. What are those
bureaucratic heads up to this time? As everyone in the Ministry of Defense puzzled over how to proceed, Jacob had driven his
blue car into an alley. Suddenly, a three-meter-tall street lamp crashed down and pierced the bonnet of his car. Jacob narrowed
his eyes as a murderous aura burst out from him! Half an hour later, on a secluded road with gradually decreasing traffic, a
three-meter-tall street lamp suddenly fell and pierced through the front of a blue car.

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